The Secret World

A Secret World Fan Site

PvP event TSW 25/02

11:32 pm, February 20, 2018 Hi everyone, Sunday, 25 February, 20h to midnight Paris (utc+1) a mini PvP event will take place in Fusang + Stonehenge. Only one restriction will be applied: no nightmare raid item allowed. Every p [..] View

Anyone Alive?

12:32 pm, January 18, 2018 Hi. I was just wondering if there are anyone who is still interested of having some funtime in Fusang, or in any other PvP minigames? It seems that SWL PvP is no-go, or it will be horrible and I kin [..] View

Dungeon build needed

12:32 am, September 19, 2017 Can anyone recommend a build for dungeons based on the gear I have? Preferably DPS and preferably AR. I suspect I'll have to get a new purple 10.0 weapon though and switch one of my weapons. Wont be a [..] View

New Healer

12:32 am, September 15, 2017 I'm experienced healer, I been a healer since old Kunark days if anyone knows what that is lmao, but anyways I am AR/Fist right now should I continue with this before I get to much further or should I [..] View

Newbie on tanking need some help, keep loosing aggro in dungeons

1:32 pm, August 25, 2017 Hi, I've only played dps back on TSW a couple of years ago and now I thought I'd try out a tanking role so I chose the trickster archetype. Now my tank is lvl 26 and in hell raised I keep loosing ag [..] View

A great night

12:32 am, August 10, 2017 Thanks to all guys who were here tonight in Fusang. Still a pleasure to fight old lumies salts and find some red baby seals despite global warming. A little thought to those who have migrated to SWL [..] View

Elemental cooldown

1:32 pm, August 3, 2017 Hi all, i would like to know which passive either for Blade/Elemental or any glyph or anything really that i can use that helps with the cooldown time when using Mjolner hammer, elemental? Three pops [..] View

Shotgun/Assault rifle build request please.

12:32 am, August 3, 2017 Hello, I'm compleetly new to this game and I'm loving it so far but I realy need help making a shotgun(primary), assault rifle(secondary) build. I looked around and the once I come across are from 2 [..] View

Hi and bye, I guess

1:32 pm, July 31, 2017 It was a real pleasure fighting at your side and against you, during all these years. All of you. Including those who think I hated them, just because we argued or trolled each other. Come on, you sho [..] View

Solo PvE heal build for bosses?

12:32 am, June 26, 2017 So I have a DPS build that when I solo PvE does really well, I can output between 20-40k damage in a massive alpha that usually does the trick. I say usually, because I have found a *few* bosses that [..] View

Why Can't Aegis Be Used to Give New Life to PVP?

12:32 am, May 29, 2017 Anyone here anything solid on Aegis? Just watched an old video from earlier this month. They said there will be Aegis, but reworked. Others said no Aegis. It does seem weird to have it at all. The who [..] View

Looking for adviced, Solo/Duo Hammer/Shotgun (or Hammer/x)

1:32 pm, May 21, 2017 Started days ago playing again the game with a friend doing the history of TSW. But I never had enough grasp of the Tree Skill and how much have changed the skills in these years... and how updated a [..] View

PvP in SWL - What do you think, hope and fear?

1:32 pm, May 10, 2017 By what I have seen and read... I Think: It will be fat-free-no-sugar-diet-version of TSW PvP. Simplified Decks without "artistic" variations. AR/Blood Cookie cutters all the way, or simil [..] View

Ele/Blood Slot 7? Looking for heavy hitter like Molten Earth

12:32 am, April 16, 2017 So I am finding that when I am mobbed, using my chain builder is more than enough to take out large groups, I don't need Electrical Storm. What I *could* use would be another heavy hitting solo attack [..] View

Possible to get all three? Penetration, no glancing, and Crit?

12:32 am, April 13, 2017 So I've assembled (and tweaked) what seems to me to be a decent deck, which I have mentioned on other posts and will link to below for ease of access: [..] View

Is Deck swapping a thing in this game?

12:32 am, April 11, 2017 An obvious thought occurs to me: I fight two kinds of enemies: solo big tough guys and swarms of minor enemies. That's why I put together a deck that includes both kinds of attacks:http://www.tsw-buil [..] View

Waitasec - is Quantum actually good?

1:32 pm, April 10, 2017 So I am looking at tsw-builder and it says that Blaze does 182 magical damage and that Molten Earth does 345. Then I look at Quantum Collider-Collapse, and it says: Quote: Collider: [..] View

AP piling up, getting worried

12:32 am, April 6, 2017 So as you can see from my other post, I'm a returning player from so long ago I may as well be considered a newbie. I only solo PvE. I play Ele/Blood, heavy on the Ele. I am focused on leveling my we [..] View

Server Downtime April 05, 2017 - Name Reservations

12:32 am, April 5, 2017 The servers will come down for maintenance on April 05, at 14:00 GMT/ 10:00 AM EDT/ 7:00 AM PDT. (check this link to see when this is in your timezone). The downtime is estimated to take 2 hours. Name [..] View

End of the World PvP Event (MAXIMUM PARTICIPATION)

12:32 am, April 4, 2017 Hey all - Myndr here, We need to come together now for what is possibly the final TSW PvP event - the End of the World Event! The end is nigh so lets have a party! Everyone is going to **** each oth [..] View

After very long absence, returning player needs deck building help, solo PvE EleBlood

12:32 am, April 2, 2017 Hi, I got TSW when it first came out, bought a Lifetime sub, but then (for reasons I can't recall) drifted away from the game around Blue Mountain. I half remember things about this game, but mostly f [..] View

Secret World Legends : PvP Battlefields.

1:32 pm, March 31, 2017 On the live stream, they have stated that the introduction and even design of Fusang, Stone Henge and Eld Dorado will be based on feedback received from players of SWL. It is also not guaranteed that [..] View

PvP in Legends.

12:32 am, March 31, 2017 We need information about the future development of PvP in Legends. That will save time to a lot of people that wonna play together IF there is a Fanction System again or you will stick only with FAI [..] View

Speak now or forever hold your codpiece and QQ

1:32 pm, March 30, 2017 LoneMonkey - Templar Bom-bay - Illuminati The choice is a difficult one, only one out of these two will cross the rainbow bridge into the New New NSFTSW game, i care for both toons and their respec [..] View

Thanks everyone for all the fun

1:32 pm, March 29, 2017 Thanks all for the years of fun and community. No idea if I'll stay in old TSW or go to new TSW or just quit completely as Funcom managed to do the one thing we all didn't want them to do and not allo [..] View

Starting Tank set-up

1:32 pm, March 28, 2017 Hi, here is my Hammer/Chaos, Weaken/Block build. I am wondering if I am not too much weakens. The idea is to: Trucker engage, Molten Steel Escalation x4, Grip Whip, Reality Fracture, Mo [..] View

Please disable kicking players from matches for 10 seconds after they are ******.

11:32 pm, March 25, 2017 Approximately a week ago, I participated in a Stonehenge match on the Arcadia dimension, and was somehow voted to be kicked from the match approximately 4 seconds after being ******. I was just tryin [..] View

Next PvP Event hosted by SUPER MEGA ***** TEAM (POLL)

12:32 pm, March 24, 2017 Hello everyone, Myndr here! Please take a moment to vote on the next PvP event hosted by the SUPER MEGA ***** TEAM cabal! Any feedback, suggestions, and/or donations to the priz [..] View

Tank Setup

11:32 pm, March 11, 2017 Evening, I am looking for a setup with the tanking woodcutter to run NM Polaris for BB farm for my other gear and was wondering if I can get a setup or advice on gearing it this way. If it becomes to [..] View

How to gear from 10.0.0 to 10.9.5

11:32 pm, March 10, 2017 The goal of this thread is to provide a short guide on how to gear for PVE in the beginning of endgame, before getting to aegis content, without using too many Mark of the Pantheon, Black Bullions and [..] View

Server Restart March 8, 2017

11:32 pm, March 7, 2017 The servers will come down for a restart on March 8, at 14:00 GMT/ 9:00 AM EST/ 6:00 AM PST. (check this link to see when this is in your timezone). The downtime is estimated to take 1 hour. This will [..] View

Duo/Solo Hammer Block Build

12:32 pm, March 6, 2017 Hello I am looking for a good Hammer/something build that I can use to survive PvE stuff. I don't play alone, I normally play with my partner who uses a DPS Blood Magic build and I tank using a Bloc [..] View

Box's DABS Rotation / Stat Spread

12:32 pm, March 6, 2017 ================================================== ================================================== THE BOX METHOD: Pistol/Shotgun Guide Ide [..] View

Box’s 1-size-fits-all tank build

12:32 pm, March 6, 2017 BOX’S 1-SIZE-FITS-ALL TANK BUILD Hey Guys it’s Box again! Ever wanted to learn the role of the most sought after role but [..] View

0-Hit Rating Parse Example Videos

12:32 pm, March 6, 2017 Hey guys. I know a lot of people doubt that 0-Hit rating is absurd, and doesn't work out because you might glance a lot, so I thought I'd share some videos showing parses in different environments. [..] View

Box's MFA NM* Boss 1&2 Heal-Tank Video Guide

12:32 pm, March 6, 2017 Hey guys! The following link is a video showing how to Heal-Tank MFA NM* Boss 1 & 2 for kit-farming. It shows how to do the following: - Solo impair - Solo Heal & Tank (Of course!) [..] View

Server Update March 2, 2017

11:32 pm, March 1, 2017 The servers will come down for a Hotfix on March 2, at 15:00 GMT/ 10:00 AM EST/ 7:00 AM PST. (check this link to see when this is in your timezone). The downtime is estimated to take 2 hours. This wil [..] View

Comprehensive PvP and Metagame Guide (Feb 26 2017)

12:32 pm, February 27, 2017 PvP Strategy Guide~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Intention/introIt goes without saying that within TSW's co [..] View

Minor DPS signets, +3 or 4.5%

12:32 pm, February 25, 2017 There are two series of DPS signets for minor talismans, they both increase damage but they have different percentage values. Examples (all purples): Assassination increases Strike damage by 4.5% (Ham [..] View

Fist/Chaos DPS build - what penetration should I have?

12:32 pm, February 24, 2017 What penetration for DPS should I shoot for in addition to having Woodcutters? Right now it's 726, and that's with having pen in both weapons. I've been told by a few people it doesn't need to be that [..] View

Various ideas about some signets and abilities changes

11:32 pm, February 17, 2017 Good morning/evening, Me and my friends are doing a lot of PvP and PvE and we always try new changes and stuff regarding Abilities and Signets, i would like to make the following suggestions regardin [..] View

Do I benefit from Hammer skills when using blade torrent?

11:32 pm, February 16, 2017 I noticed that the Hammer Thick Skin skill reduces damage if I block, but I'm not sure if this works while I am using blade torrent. I know active abilities use the current weapon as the baseline for [..] View

Help a Noobie with A Pistol/Chaos Build

11:32 pm, February 15, 2017 Hi New to the game and starting with pistols and chaos. I know they don't have much synchronicity except weakening, but it's what I got to start. It seems to be working pretty well through the Bl [..] View

solo blade/blood build help

11:32 pm, February 13, 2017 Could someone please help me with my deck. I am in Blue Mountain and did so far quite well. But I have no chance to **** Beaumont. I studied a some posts around this but I am too much a Newbie to deci [..] View

What is wrong with Hit rating in PvP?

12:32 pm, February 13, 2017 Almost everybody say that Hit rating is a bad investment in PvP, and I can see for myself that it is little used, both for DPS and tanks. What is the reason for this? You don't want to glance, isn't [..] View

Mid game Fist/AR survival build please

12:32 pm, February 12, 2017 I've been searching around for build advice and have noticed that there is plenty of Beginning builds and Endgame builds out there, but precious little advice on what to do mid game. Which seems odd b [..] View

Mid game Fist/AR survival build advice please

12:32 pm, February 12, 2017 I've been searching around for build advice and have noticed that there is plenty of Beginning builds and Endgame builds out there, but precious little advice on what to do mid game. Which seems odd b [..] View

Blade/AR Build help

11:32 pm, February 8, 2017 I've been playing Secret World for a while now on and off. I recently go back into it and progressed all the way to Tokyo from Savage Coast with little difficulty with my AR/Blade build so I've always [..] View

Hammer / Chaos - solo deck built around blocking >> does that work ?

12:32 pm, February 3, 2017 Hey guys, First try at building a deck by myself from scratch. The idea is to - use blocking (hammer baby) - use the fact that I have a lot of health ( several abilities give a result proportional [..] View

Need pointers for Shambala healing

11:32 pm, January 23, 2017 I don't PvP a lot, I'll admit. But I have a lot of fun when I do PvP, and I tend to go heals unless my group is top-heavy with healers. I spend more time in Fusang than anywhere else, and in there I [..] View

Open buildings in Fusang

11:32 pm, January 18, 2017 Most of the time, PvP takes place in large open spaces, giving a competitive advantage for range weapons. I would like to reverse this situation and bring at the same time a new tactical dimension to [..] View

Uniforms in Fight Clubs?

12:32 pm, January 15, 2017 Is there any way to get the role uniforms that boosts your stats in the fight clubs? A friend and I are new to the game and wanted to duel while we waited for the queues to pop and ended up just one s [..] View

Shambala Fantastic Fun Farm (SUNDAY) - PRIZES REVAMP

11:32 pm, January 13, 2017 Hello everyone - Myndr here! Here is the updated Prize list - prizes will be drawn today for each, and though we had much higher participation than anticipated, I hope everyone enjoyed the event and [..] View

Having trouble holding aggro!

11:32 pm, January 13, 2017 Here's my Tank build: My Gear so far:,3,0,4,0,1,41 Even when using Stoicism i'm sometimes losing aggro. [..] View

How is the PvP population?

12:32 pm, January 12, 2017 Hello. New player here. Just wanted to know what the PvP population is like in this game. I tried playing some and everything seemed dead, but it's also 4AM on a weekday. Do people play shambala, ston [..] View

Some small changes please.

11:32 pm, January 11, 2017 **** Shoot - Increase the chances to 35% of each effect [purge can be at 25-30%) Advantage Me - Purge can happen every ~10-15 seconds. Invasive Measures increase the chance to build resources - if y [..] View

Gearing for pvp - My character after 2 months of play.

11:32 pm, January 9, 2017 Playing AR Blood sniper type character. I can put out decent damage, especially 1v1 can usually **** him before he kills me, however have problems getting **** if hes getting heals (seems like burs [..] View

New to TSW tanking

11:32 pm, January 8, 2017 I used to mainly play a healer, but that was a LONG time ago. so I am trying out tanking. I also love Synergy meaning things that easily flow into each other, and or work well with tis each other [..] View

Shambala Fantastic Fun Farm (SUNDAY)

12:32 pm, January 6, 2017 Hello everyone, Myndr here! In honor of Russian Christmas (Saturday, the 7th) and in the spirit of filthy American Capitalism we have an event for you all today! This coming SUNDAY (the 8th) we are in [..] View

Need some praise or criticism on build please.

12:32 pm, January 5, 2017 I'm a new player been in the game almost 2 months. Been messing around with builds and come up with this one. Its an AOE\DOT build using blade and blood. I've always been a fan of dot's and wanted [..] View

New payer .. need some advice with some builds

12:32 pm, January 4, 2017 Hi , first post on the forums. I'm a fairly new player in the secret world, I'm almost past the Transylvanian ark of the game and would like to ask some help with some end game builds. I've looked ov [..] View

Scenario Glyph selection with/without woodcutter:

12:32 pm, December 30, 2016 Recently, I have learned hit is not as essential in scenarios (idiot me). That made me doubt all my stats selection. I wonder if you could give me some advice. I use this chaos/blood build (and vari [..] View

Solo build, how to improve?

11:32 pm, December 29, 2016 I'm a returning player after about 1,5 years break from the game. Back then I just manage to get to the Savage Coast, now I am far more advanced. I got a pretty solid grip on stuff by now, thanks to g [..] View

Blade/? Build Help

12:32 pm, December 29, 2016 Good morning, I have purchased the game last night and had enjoyed playing around with the system, trying builds out and weapon types and so far i am enjoying the game a lot. I have decided to roll a [..] View

Returning player- Pistol/Blood builds?

11:32 pm, December 28, 2016 Hey, thinking about returning to the game. Left shortly before Tokyo's release. When I left, there didn't really seem to be any viable Pistol/Blood builds for DPS or Solo'ing, at least not that I coul [..] View

NM Raid Talismans PVP Analysis Especially In Regard to ED

11:32 pm, December 19, 2016 El Dorado in it's current state is not working at all as intended. Literally if a team has 2 semi decent tanks and manages to get 2 relics while others have 1 each or non so that they get a point lead [..] View

Uniform (wear) from store in PvP Fusang Projects battlefield

11:32 pm, December 9, 2016 Hello, when I was in Fusang Projects battlefield, there was player in our team, whose clothe be from tsw store/clothing/uniform/shinobi. Player told, that his wear before 'sign up' to Fusang Projects [..] View

Abuse or Aggression or Breaching for weapons?

11:32 pm, December 7, 2016 This is for my solo deck, I use Blood/Blade. I'm about to make myself a long term goal, and in the long term, expenses are not a problem. In another, old dead thread, it is explained that Abuse is bes [..] View

Did i just ruin my character for pvp?

12:32 pm, December 6, 2016 i just raised my talisam skills to 11 because i had the extra points. i had assumed the "understanding equal footing" thread was oudated, having the cap of resists before other stats were [..] View

Noob question on gear

12:32 pm, December 6, 2016 been playing about 1 month so starting to upgrade my gear, planning for end game content. so much information out there, much of it old. my question is ive read that attack rating is soft capped at [..] View

Am I going the right way on this dungeon build?

11:32 pm, December 4, 2016 So this is the build that I'm working on for dungeon running and this is what I've come up with so far in TSW Calc. I dunno if I had to pick and choose between certain stats or if it was possible for [..] View


11:32 pm, December 3, 2016 Ive been using this build for solo play and its doing well so far just looking for anyone who can recommend some improvements from the outer wheel. View

Resolving the Fusang UD camping problem

12:32 pm, December 3, 2016 Camping at rival's Underdog mission is not honorable, and it happens too often. Make it more difficult for campers to prevent players from picking up the Underdog mission. Currently, you can not star [..] View

Attention pvp people

11:32 pm, December 2, 2016 I know that public naming is forbidden or whatever, but a lumie using my name (Sygmaelle) apparently is having his / her fun and giving my gaming memories with the community quite the bad rep. There' [..] View

But I Didn't Desert: The Game Crashed!

11:32 pm, December 2, 2016 I know that there's an older thread about this, but the problem seems to still be in effect. I queued for Sham for a while, finally got in, the screen went black, nothing I could do so I had to hit t [..] View

Signet of Perpetual Motion

11:32 pm, December 2, 2016 These seem great. flat up time of 12 percent damage increase, all the time, seems better than even the most expensive signets. is there something broken with these or something? yes, you do have to [..] View

AEGIS leeching

11:32 pm, December 2, 2016 I know that FC changed it so that leeching works with AEGIS now, but how does an AEGIS build differ from a standard leech one for NM group content? Do you need to use different options like Shot of An [..] View

12/11/2016 PVP Tournament! Hosted on TL!!

12:32 pm, December 2, 2016 So I will start out by saying I am fully aware that hosting a PVP tournament on Test-Live limits who can participate. However, I believe it will be the best way to handle balancing. Now on to the deta [..] View

Rate noob build

11:32 pm, December 1, 2016 Hi, I am completely new to the game and would like some advises on builds. I am in the 2nd zone (Savage Island) at the moment and having quite hard time taking on mobs. Two normal type mobs at the sa [..] View

Maintenance des serveurs 01 décembre

11:32 pm, November 30, 2016 Le 01 décembre, les serveurs seront hors ligne à partir de 15h00 (Paris)/ 9h00(Quebec) afin de procéder a redémarrage. Durée de la maintenance es [..] View

Newbie shotgun/blood build

12:32 pm, November 28, 2016 Hello good folks, newb to the game here been playing a couple of days. So far got a build like this: with the exception that i'm still working tow [..] View

Glyph for consumer weapon

11:32 pm, November 27, 2016 I started the game a few weeks ago, and have to admit its a bit hard to figure our optimal decks since the elite skill changes. most of my builds had use of elemental force in them, so favored crit p [..] View

Server Downtime November 23, 2016

11:32 pm, November 22, 2016 The servers will come down for Maintenance on November 23, at 15:00 GMT/ 10:00 AM EST/ 7:00 AM PST. (check this link to see when this is in your timezone). The downtime is estimated to take 2 hours. [..] View

Better to use Blues or Purples (questions for auxilery weapon)

12:32 pm, November 22, 2016 So im not a huge fan of the equal footing, but such is the game so not going to argue it. my concern is, i just got my green auxilery weapon, and also have a blue upgrade kit, but if i start using my [..] View

Fight Club event

12:32 pm, November 21, 2016 Hello my name is Ciar Lonan and I'm indecisive as ****. So I had a discussion on Sanctuary (yes yes I did) and I'm thinking of hosting a Fight Club event !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well more or less idk w/e [..] View

Server Update November 22, 2016

11:32 pm, November 18, 2016 The servers will come down for some small fixes on November 22, at 14:00 GMT/ 9:00 AM EST/ 6:00 AM PST. (check this link to see when this is in your timezone). The downtime is estimated to take 2 hour [..] View

Recruiting new players

11:32 pm, November 18, 2016 Hello all, For those who weren't online last american night, we had a... discussion about getting new players into PvP. Now I won't get into the argument of premades or not, because I want to address [..] View

Def or Block for Tanking?

12:32 pm, November 18, 2016 I've been searching these forums for about an hour trying to find a definitive answer on which stat is best for tanking end game, but most info is from 2012/13 and feels outdated. I'm really enjoying [..] View

Loading screen freeze leaving Fusang

11:32 pm, November 16, 2016 Recently i am experiencing a freeze when i leave Fusang. It hangs and doesn't port me out. I cntrl, alt, del and it says that the program has stopped responding, so i end it. Anyone else have or ha [..] View

The Current DPS meta for PvE Stats and Glyping???

11:32 pm, November 10, 2016 Hello so I am a somewhat new player to the game and for the most part unclear as to what the current meta is for DPS in terms of stats. I believe the old meta is 900+ pen 650+ hit 500+ Crit Power a cr [..] View

A Theory, Performance related.

12:32 pm, November 10, 2016 Well... there has been this theory around, and I have to say, that I am a believer of this theory now a days. When I play with Sunray, everything runs smoothly and fast. But, when I play with Sawo, e [..] View

Help for a newbie :(

11:32 pm, November 9, 2016 Good evening lads. I started playing 2 days ago and I'm really loving the game - the best one I've ever played so far as a Multiplayer MMO. Here's the thing: I'm reading around and watching the skill [..] View

Next deck - chaos/blade tank or something else

11:32 pm, November 7, 2016 Hi guys, I'm very satisfied with my current build for solo (except the quantum brace, but tbh it's the only Aux I have right now so it'll do). No [..] View

Impair Immunity Sometimes Not Working

12:32 pm, November 6, 2016 Impair Immunity is a big thing for me and my build, with very high Immunity uptime, but sometimes just isn't working. I'm trying to narrow down the specifics of when it doesn't work - the only genera [..] View

+ 20% Chance to Evade question

11:32 pm, November 4, 2016 Hi there. Quick question, which could apply to any type of +20% of x stat. If I have a signet that says "when it goes off, you get +20% evade for x seconds", does that mean that you get: [..] View

How much Pen is enough/too much?

11:32 pm, November 4, 2016 Quick question: For those who solo, or those who do NM dungeons (as dps) how much Pen is considered "enough" before you should then start to fill up on crit? I've seen anywhere between 700 [..] View

New Player Starter Build Advice: Blade/Shotgun for Solo/Tank

11:32 pm, November 4, 2016 Hello, how's it going? I just got the Secret World last week, and I've been thoroughly enjoying the game thus far. The missions themselves are well done (especially investigation missions) and the set [..] View

Glyphing: Pen only on talismans?

12:32 pm, November 4, 2016 Is it better to have penetration on the talismans and not on the weapons? It seems more popular to have all the penetration on talismans and to use crit or crit/crit power on weapons. This could have [..] View

New Hammer/Chaos Tank Questions

11:32 pm, November 3, 2016 Hello there! I just recently started the game less than a week ago. I've been looking through the various tank guides on this website as well as others and have a general idea how I want to go about [..] View

Old Noob - Help with Glyph Slotting and Gear Swap-Out Please

11:32 pm, November 3, 2016 So - every time I come back to the game after a few months break I think "i have some black bullion from the seasonal events, I really must sort myself out some custom gear". And then I spe [..] View

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