Just Viewed / Most Viewed
Just Viewed
- 523 New Hammer/Chaos Tank Questions
- 419 Various ideas about some signets and abilities changes
- 541 pistol/shotty
- 2k+ Retuning player looking for an updated Tokyo Build idea.
- 613 Buzzing Anniversary celebrations with bags, bonuses and event!
- 422 Glyphing: Pen only on talismans?
- 736 The PVP challenge seems to be Fusang side missions every day
- 424 What is wrong with Hit rating in PvP?
- 487 Maintenance des serveurs 01 décembre
- 3k+ Elemental/Hammer Strike build In works. Feedback please.
- 395 How much Pen is enough/too much?
- 1k+ Help for Solo Ele deck
- 468 How to gear from 10.0.0 to 10.9.5
- 301 Future of Fusang?
- 571 Loading screen freeze leaving Fusang
- 3k+ Coney Island Band
- 450 Glyph for consumer weapon
- 528 Noob question on gear
- 431 TSWDB PvP Event | September 14th
- 413 Shambala Fantastic Fun Farm (SUNDAY) - PRIZES REVAMP
- 323 Why Can't Aegis Be Used to Give New Life to PVP?
- 373 Server Update March 2, 2017
- 440 Attention pvp people
- 547 Blade/? Build Help
- 329 A great night
- 462 How is the PvP population?
- 492 Am I going the right way on this dungeon build?
- 545 Bring Fun-sang back
- 430 Mid game Fist/AR survival build please
- 459 Box's MFA NM* Boss 1&2 Heal-Tank Video Guide
- 540 The Current DPS meta for PvE Stats and Glyping???
- 446 solo blade/blood build help
- 421 Having trouble holding aggro!
- 413 Fist/Chaos DPS build - what penetration should I have?
- 381 Elemental cooldown
- 448 But I Didn't Desert: The Game Crashed!
- 2k+ I think I finally understand Leeching Frenzy
- 391 Need somome help with a leveling build
- 458 PvP in SWL - What do you think, hope and fear?
- 338 Waitasec - is Quantum actually good?
- 3k+ Need help with a build for solo leveling
- 529 Possible to get all three? Penetration, no glancing, and Crit?
- 511 Fight Club event
- 520 Uniforms in Fight Clubs?
- 420 Do I benefit from Hammer skills when using blade torrent?
- 567 Some small changes please.
- 631 Buzzing The ultimate edition is here!
- 490 A Theory, Performance related.
- 547 Help for a newbie :(
- 315 Thanks everyone for all the fun
- 571 Signet of Perpetual Motion
- 845 Secret World Legends : PvP Battlefields.
- 533 Seeking comments/advice on potential builds
- 384 PvE Ele Bld Crit Build!?!?
- 501 Procrastination Time!
- 323 State of the Pistol Consumers?
- 478 Distinctions of the Council to be converted to bullion
- 273 So guys, its 2015. Are we ready to stop with the payphones?
- 295 Seven Days of Stonehenge - A note
- 388 Injuries
- 463 Where do I put this Laceration?
- 447 passives for focus based pistol/else dungeon build
- 414 Elite Dungeon Sword/Blood
- 359 List of stuff that stops boss abilities on elite dungeons and above
- 392 Good solo dps builds?
- 509 Leeching: "Experience" or "Seal the Deal"
- 394 Multis of the same afflict?
- 408 Noob need help !!!
- 500 Does this mean I'm doing it right?
- 523 PVP Performance (the client, not you)
- 427 Help for a pistol/blade dungeon build
- 376 Is Deck swapping a thing in this game?
- 429 Open buildings in Fusang
- 443 Resolving the Fusang UD camping problem
- 850 New Player Starter Build Advice: Blade/Shotgun for Solo/Tank
- 408 Gearing up!
- 327 PVP Request
- 385 Magnetic Wipe
- 486 fix ED pls
- 581 Build critique
- 609 What benefit of our Skills going to 11?
- 373 PvP, Devs or players ?
- 434 Coming back after three years
- 401 Hot or not + build question
- 382 End of the Line ... Social Police claims I'm part of the problem here...
- 464 Please remember to report players who break Funcom Rules of Conduct
- 344 Fusang concerns/suggestions
- 461 Are we all still using the same builds?
- 528 Safety Off does not play well with Thunderstruck
- 402 What I Know About El Dorado and Stonehenge So Far
- 429 Most Honorable Players
- 423 Chronicle Troubles
- 393 What is the highest defensive stat requierment for a tank?
- 409 See Red
- 339 NYR items - "The duration of this effect is not refreshed when reapplied."
- 383 Weakened Not stack?
- 327 Question for Premades in SH
- 457 Did i just ruin my character for pvp?
- 390 Box’s 1-size-fits-all tank build
- 2k+ Something Strange-ish Happened In Fusang This Morning
- 378 Need advice on my Elemental/Hammer "Thane" build
- 482 12/11/2016 PVP Tournament! Hosted on TL!!
- 294 Hi and bye, I guess
- 466 Box's DABS Rotation / Stat Spread
- 334 Newbie on tanking need some help, keep loosing aggro in dungeons
- 417 Signet of *****'s Note
- 585 Recruiting new players
- 2k+ Solo Pistol/Blade - looking for minmaxing advice
- 455 0-Hit Rating Parse Example Videos
- 2k+ Buzzing Celebrate valentine’s day with gifts!
- 485 Impair Immunity Sometimes Not Working
- 1k+ One gear to tank them all
- 1k+ Any Fist Healing Gear TSWCALC/Talisman-Glyph Breakdown?
- 358 After very long absence, returning player needs deck building help, solo PvE Ele[..]
- 451 Tank Setup
- 653 Next deck - chaos/blade tank or something else
- 312 Speak now or forever hold your codpiece and QQ
- 278 Anyone Alive?
- 3k+ High end Elemental/pistol nuke build for dungeons
- 562 Ele/Blood Slot 7? Looking for heavy hitter like Molten Earth
- 478 Uniform (wear) from store in PvP Fusang Projects battlefield
- 483 Savage Coast Chaos build
- 336 PvP in Legends.
- 434 I don't understand how solo builds without major spike-heals are supposed to wor[..]
- 604 Please disable kicking players from matches for 10 seconds after they are ******[..]
- 1k+ Shambala Signet List
- 348 TSW PvP Stream
- 441 Blade/AR Build help
- 369 Few Tips and Tricks for better Gaming Performance.
- 2k+ Blood/Fist Easy Solo Build
- 4k+ Top Scenario Ranged DPS Builds
- 320 New Healer
- 413 Scenario Glyph selection with/without woodcutter:
- 343 Starting Tank set-up
- 425 Server Update November 22, 2016
- 502 NM Raid Talismans PVP Analysis Especially In Regard to ED
- 463 Gearing for pvp - My character after 2 months of play.
- 2k+ Need Solo build AR/blood or Shotgun/Blood
- 510 New to TSW tanking
- 553 Solo build, how to improve?
- 344 Dungeon build needed
- 461 Should I discard this character?
- 570 Returning player- Pistol/Blood builds?
- 395 The 4th Suit
- 497 Looking for adviced, Solo/Duo Hammer/Shotgun (or Hammer/x)
- 492 When is it ok to attack a player?
- 2k+ Elemental/Blood solo build help
- 484 I bid you all a good bye, and wish you better still!
- 471 Old Noob - Help with Glyph Slotting and Gear Swap-Out Please
- 838 Shambala Blue Sig drop rate nerf?
- 292 Shotgun/Assault rifle build request please.
- 480 Returning need advice please
- 555 Next PvP Event hosted by SUPER MEGA ***** TEAM (POLL)
- 483 Mid game Fist/AR survival build advice please
- 524 Solo PvE heal build for bosses?
- 357 Working on a Woodcutter's tank build
- 2k+ A few question about fatal flourish (and a build)
- 409 asking advice on fine-tuning builds for pvp & scanerios
- 837 QL10 and above
- 413 AEGIS leeching
- 538 Abuse or Aggression or Breaching for weapons?
- 1k+ Pistol/Blood Solo
- 348 AP piling up, getting worried
- 413 Need pointers for Shambala healing
- 382 Duo/Solo Hammer Block Build
- 565 Help a Noobie with A Pistol/Chaos Build
- 2k+ Solo Build for Leveling Healer (Fist/Pistol)
- 406 Funcom Goes 540 on P2W for PVP
- 247 Too many different guides...
- 444 Suggested Changes to Abilities for PvP (Domino Effect, Anima Shot)
- 502 Comprehensive PvP and Metagame Guide (Feb 26 2017)
- 459 Hammer / Chaos - solo deck built around blocking >> does that work ?
- 254 PvP event TSW 25/02
- 422 Minor DPS signets, +3 or 4.5%
- 529 Def or Block for Tanking?
- 408 Server Restart March 8, 2017
- 463 Better to use Blues or Purples (questions for auxilery weapon)
- 2k+ Rare PVP outfit sighting....where did these come from?
- 409 Shambala Fantastic Fun Farm (SUNDAY)
- 479 Suggestions on changes on my Blade/AR solo build
- 1k+ Mid Range Hammer/Pistol Help
- 530 Survivor healing build
- 516 Newbie shotgun/blood build
- 440 Move Underdog mission
- 885 pvp first impressions
- 3k+ AR/Blood NM DPS Build
- 301 End of the World PvP Event (MAXIMUM PARTICIPATION)
- 2k+ Solo group elite scenario guide-thingy video
- 5k+ [Library] PvP Builds
- 400 Server Downtime April 05, 2017 - Name Reservations
- 480 Rate noob build
- 461 First build - ELM/Blade
- 369 Yet another dumb suggestion from yours truly.
- 334 New player needs help with a healer deck.
- 316 Time to rework ED
- 385 Fresh Meat
- 525 NM Solo Scenario build help please
- 423 Noob question about AP
- 323 Suggestion- let's make PVE more like PVP :P
- 496 Enjoy the first time buyer’s pack!
Most Viewed
- 5k+ [Library] PvP Builds
- 4k+ Top Scenario Ranged DPS Builds
- 3k+ AR/Blood NM DPS Build
- 3k+ High end Elemental/pistol nuke build for dungeons
- 3k+ Elemental/Hammer Strike build In works. Feedback please.
- 3k+ Need help with a build for solo leveling
- 3k+ Coney Island Band
- 2k+ Solo Build for Leveling Healer (Fist/Pistol)
- 2k+ Need Solo build AR/blood or Shotgun/Blood
- 2k+ Buzzing Celebrate valentine’s day with gifts!
- 2k+ I think I finally understand Leeching Frenzy
- 2k+ Elemental/Blood solo build help
- 2k+ A few question about fatal flourish (and a build)
- 2k+ Solo group elite scenario guide-thingy video
- 2k+ Blood/Ele Bloodshot Spam Proc Build
- 2k+ Solo Pistol/Blade - looking for minmaxing advice
- 2k+ Rare PVP outfit sighting....where did these come from?
- 2k+ Blood/Fist Easy Solo Build
- 2k+ Something Strange-ish Happened In Fusang This Morning
- 2k+ Retuning player looking for an updated Tokyo Build idea.
- 2k+ best passive healing, Clotting/Donor?
- 1k+ Pistol/Blood Solo
- 1k+ Heh. I need help... (blade/chaos)
- 1k+ One gear to tank them all
- 1k+ Shambala Signet List
- 1k+ The Cleaner v2 [Scenario Deck Tank + Solo]
- 1k+ Looking for an Assault Rifle DPS build
- 1k+ Scenario build variation, blade/shotgun
- 1k+ Woodcutter Builds
- 1k+ How I Beat the Gatekeeper (DPS) w/Elemental Blade
- 1k+ Elemental/Shotgun Solo/Duo Build Help
- 1k+ How To: Woodcutter DPS Glyphs
- 1k+ Ar viable pvp builds
- 1k+ Issue 11 - Ultimate Ability (SPOILERS)
- 1k+ Seeking advice for Blades/Fist build
- 1k+ PVP El Dorado Tank Build
- 1k+ Blade/AR End Game Solo Build
- 1k+ Hammer/Blade DPS "Guide"
- 1k+ Any Fist Healing Gear TSWCALC/Talisman-Glyph Breakdown?
- 1k+ Blood / Fist healing still a thing?
- 1k+ AR/Pistol Or Shotgun/Pistol?
- 1k+ Blade/Fist Solo Content
- 1k+ Need some help with blade/elemental build. is affliction really worth it?
- 1k+ Katarina1: The Ultimate End-Game DPS Guide [Ultra Performance]
- 1k+ The Signet of Benediction No Longer Bugged?
- 1k+ rotting teeth?
- 1k+ AR/blade build... basic rotation and synergy help
- 1k+ Leech Double Build ( Support/ DPS)
- 1k+ NYR - help with AR/Ele build
- 1k+ PVP Lag fix?
- 1k+ List of all new gadgets introduced with 1.13.2
- 1k+ Tanking question (specifically about self-healing)
- 1k+ Mid Range Hammer/Pistol Help
- 1k+ ***** to the Franken Chopper
- 1k+ Help for Solo Ele deck
- 1k+ Katarina1: End-game DPS guide [High Performance]
- 1k+ Shotgun/Hammer?
- 1k+ Chaos Fist Solo Burst?
- 1k+ Chaos/Shotgun Tanking?
- 1k+ AR/SG Solo leech build.
- 1k+ Gearing Up
- 1k+ A Little help with my build for Tokyo?
- 1k+ Hammer/Assault Rifle Beginner Build
- 1k+ Elemental/Blood Solo Deck Looking For Thoughts
- 1k+ ArtificialMind's Ultimate Theorycrafted DPS Guide
- 1k+ what "Egon Pendant" actualy does?
- 1k+ Dark Potency vs Iron Maiden
- 996 Hammer/Shotgun DPS & Solo Build
- 995 Power Line-Voltaic Detonation EF count
- 994 Dominant Faction Alt Use in Fusang
- 983 Tokyo build(s)
- 966 THE REAPER 2016 (questions about optimal leech build/gear/signets)
- 963 Elemental/Fist Build Advice?
- 959 Chaos/Hammer soloing, and possibly tanking
- 957 Gross Anatomy question
- 940 Dryadria's Blade/Chaos Duo Scenario Build
- 925 (Discussion) PvP Progression to 10.5
- 924 Getting the most ouf of Equal Footing - Gearing for PvP
- 923 ChainSaw skill: Diamond Girt w/ passive?
- 921 TSW PvP: What it Could Be
- 920 Blood shot VS exsanguinate
- 916 Theme Build #3: Dread Hunter
- 907 Any viable Pistol/AR | AR/Pistol Builds?
- 900 AR/Blood solo build?
- 885 pvp first impressions
- 864 Hammer/Fist or Fist/Hammer Build/Guide?
- 861 Blood/Shotgun AoE Build
- 854 Close Encounters - Shotgun solo build?
- 850 New Player Starter Build Advice: Blade/Shotgun for Solo/Tank
- 845 PvP Fusang in TSW what is the point?
- 845 Secret World Legends : PvP Battlefields.
- 843 which server/faction to choose for PVP ?
- 841 Focus attack+Debilitated effect+EF passive = work?
- 838 Shambala Blue Sig drop rate nerf?
- 837 QL10 and above
- 822 Fusang BGA and BGB - differences, experiences and history
- 814 [Blade/Chaos] Tank prototype, I **** at building
- 813 Sidestories: The Last Pagan
- 802 Advice on woodcutter dps builds
- 782 Update Notes Issue #14: Call of the Nameless - Game Update 1.14
- 761 Signet of Echoes
- 761 Elemental Force: How does it work in a rotation, exactly?
- 759 Kaidan 1970 health all dps challenge
- 752 [Leechtank] High Efficiency Dungeon Leechtanking
- 752 Scenario builds.
- 749 Prize list winners - Seven Days of Stonehenge
- 748 Glance vs Block ?
- 743 Why Sudden Return instead of Incision?
- 740 Subway Token redundancy calculation
- 736 The PVP challenge seems to be Fusang side missions every day
- 727 Important Revoked Steam Keys
- 723 Quantum Brace?
- 718 Starting Solo Sword/Pistol build
- 718 Returning player's some help :)
- 717 Looking for a capable Hammer/Blood Build and I'm kinda stuck right now.
- 705 Coup de Grace - how does it work?
- 691 AR / Blood DPS deck?
- 682 Need help with Beaumont
- 681 Fightclub Suggestions
- 681 Mid game solo build help? QL 5-8
- 678 New player Blade+(Fist/Chaos) PVP build advice
- 672 The Templar Zerg
- 671 Fusang and sprint upgrades: V and VI
- 668 decent DPS without elemental force? possible?
- 666 Bombardment is a proc that does or doesn't work in NYR?
- 665 Feedback on Equal Footing
- 664 The Penthouse NM builds
- 659 Iron Maiden questions
- 657 Buzzing The franken chopper is here!
- 656 The Parasite Configuration
- 653 Next deck - chaos/blade tank or something else
- 647 Auto-penetration tank?
- 646 Remove the deserter buff from Shambala
- 637 "Post-Op" Passive ability
- 634 Update Notes Issue #13: Trail of Shadows - Game Update 1.13
- 633 Blood-Ele DPS Build. Returning player needs help.
- 631 Buzzing The ultimate edition is here!
- 630 Primary Weapon Stats
- 627 New Player looking for good solo PvE build
- 626 Right glyphs for DPS?
- 622 healer/dps hybrid build?
- 616 Stacking questions
- 613 Buzzing Anniversary celebrations with bags, bonuses and event!
- 611 Broadway Charm question
- 610 New to the game...Ele/Blood build?
- 609 What benefit of our Skills going to 11?
- 608 Best Dps Stats for end game gear ?
- 607 Recommended Stat Values
- 605 TSWDB PvP Event | February 22, 2015
- 605 Stacking signet effects
- 605 So, current status on the woodcutters?
- 604 Please disable kicking players from matches for 10 seconds after they are ******[..]
- 602 Signet of Unceasing
- 602 Yobo’s Efficient Guide to NM DPS Gearing
- 597 Shotgun+Elementalist Build/Deck to beat Beaumont
- 597 PvP Tips and Tricks (For New PvPers)
- 596 Buzzing A dance fever has hit the secret world!
- 594 Shambala ranged / melee comparison
- 593 Purge Priorities
- 590 Penthouse 10.3 Weapons
- 590 Extra Life 2015- Play games, Heal kids!
- 588 Server Update - September 11, 2014
- 588 Buzzing The fall of tokyo – the ultimate tokyo story pack
- 586 Solo Impair Build - Advice/Critique
- 586 The sad state of Fisting for DPS
- 585 Recruiting new players
- 584 Equal Footing needs some adjustments
- 584 n00b Shotgun/blood build
- 583 Seeking opinion: Blade/Blood self-healing tank
- 582 Help with Transy Nightmare Missions please
- 581 Dark Potency and Mad Skills Cancel Each Other?
- 581 Build critique
- 580 Blade/Chaos do-able for endgame DPS?
- 578 Request to change PvP uniforms in SH matches
- 576 Blade / Pistol DPS Build
- 576 Rambo build (AR Shotgun AOE Frenzy)
- 575 Barriers
- 574 Anima Vessel question
- 571 Signet of Perpetual Motion
- 571 Loading screen freeze leaving Fusang
- 570 Returning player- Pistol/Blood builds?
- 568 Assault Rifle / Chaos Tank build
- 567 Fusang Krampus....
- 567 Pistol/Ele (3 builds)
- 567 Some small changes please.
- 565 Help a Noobie with A Pistol/Chaos Build
- 565 PvP Healer question(s)
- 563 how leeching frenzy works with signet of thirst?
- 562 Gross anatomy and chain reaction
- 562 Ele/Blood Slot 7? Looking for heavy hitter like Molten Earth
- 561 Looking for a good blade/chaos build
- 560 Faster leveling for new characters
- 559 New player looking for advice on Blood/Blade Penetration build.
- 557 new player build help BM next
- 556 Story-viable (and possibly after) Ele/Something AOE focused build help
- 556 Want to try AR/Ele, Solo build needed
- 555 Next PvP Event hosted by SUPER MEGA ***** TEAM (POLL)
- 555 Extra-Life 2014!
- 554 10.5.5 Tank Set Up
- 554 NEW!! Enjoy the Hoverboard!