The Secret World

A Secret World Fan Site




Why Can't Aegis Be Used to Give New Life to PVP?

12:32 am, May 29, 2017 Anyone here anything solid on Aegis? Just watched an old video from earlier this month. They said there will be Aegis, but reworked. Others said no Aegis. It does seem weird to have it at all. The who [..] View

Please disable kicking players from matches for 10 seconds after they are ******.

11:32 pm, March 25, 2017 Approximately a week ago, I participated in a Stonehenge match on the Arcadia dimension, and was somehow voted to be kicked from the match approximately 4 seconds after being ******. I was just tryin [..] View

How to gear from 10.0.0 to 10.9.5

11:32 pm, March 10, 2017 The goal of this thread is to provide a short guide on how to gear for PVE in the beginning of endgame, before getting to aegis content, without using too many Mark of the Pantheon, Black Bullions and [..] View

What is wrong with Hit rating in PvP?

12:32 pm, February 13, 2017 Almost everybody say that Hit rating is a bad investment in PvP, and I can see for myself that it is little used, both for DPS and tanks. What is the reason for this? You don't want to glance, isn't [..] View

Some small changes please.

11:32 pm, January 11, 2017 **** Shoot - Increase the chances to 35% of each effect [purge can be at 25-30%) Advantage Me - Purge can happen every ~10-15 seconds. Invasive Measures increase the chance to build resources - if y [..] View

Need some praise or criticism on build please.

12:32 pm, January 5, 2017 I'm a new player been in the game almost 2 months. Been messing around with builds and come up with this one. Its an AOE\DOT build using blade and blood. I've always been a fan of dot's and wanted [..] View

New payer .. need some advice with some builds

12:32 pm, January 4, 2017 Hi , first post on the forums. I'm a fairly new player in the secret world, I'm almost past the Transylvanian ark of the game and would like to ask some help with some end game builds. I've looked ov [..] View

Rate noob build

11:32 pm, December 1, 2016 Hi, I am completely new to the game and would like some advises on builds. I am in the 2nd zone (Savage Island) at the moment and having quite hard time taking on mobs. Two normal type mobs at the sa [..] View

Returnee seeking pistol/blade advice for South Tokyo

1:32 pm, October 14, 2016 Heya, I'm hoping an expert here can help me resurrect my character and finally finish the story after I abandoned it in June. When last I played, I was reasonably comfortable running around northern [..] View

Shambala signets for Barrier Healer

12:32 am, September 29, 2016 Hey guys, any suggestion of Shambala signets worth putting in a PvP barrier healer's gear? The thing is I tried both Signet of the Protected and Signet of the Physician and either ACT is wrong or the [..] View

I need help with stats for DPS build

12:32 am, August 18, 2016 I admit it: I've never fully understood my stats. I want to make the best DPS build I can, and am asking for your help. I have three purple gear and the rest blue, and now realize I concentrated too m [..] View

Defensive Glyphing in the story missions/open world

12:32 am, June 13, 2016 Defensive glyphs remind me of a comment on buying presents for women, "forget clothes - you'll get the wrong thing and in the wrong size" so I don't bother with defensive glyphs. How the he [..] View

PvP Weakness Update - Discuss

12:32 am, April 3, 2016 Strangely enough no thread about this has popped up, so I thought I'd start one. Here we will discuss the changes to PvP weaknesses, specifically the following: Exposed: Each stack will now also redu [..] View

I'm almost 2 months old dedicated PvP Player

12:32 am, April 2, 2016 I'm a new player dedicated to PvP. I have PvP char on both Templar (Extamus) and Dragon (Dooli). My gears are terrible so naturally I'm getting my butt kicked all the time but still have fun. At th [..] View

PVP The Real Problemo

1:32 pm, March 30, 2016 I know as you read this title and see the person writing it, you might think HolloPoint is off on his high horse, trying the be the winter king or some sort of egotistical nonsense, but I cannot go to [..] View

Boycott issue 14 until fusang is fixed

12:32 am, March 29, 2016 Thread title says it all. But, some of you may ask, why should the TSW PVP community boycott Issue #14? The answers are as simple as they are plentiful.1. NO PVP ISSUE AS OF YET You've heard it said [..] View

best signets for "melee bomb"

12:32 pm, March 24, 2016 using "melee bomb build" almost exactly like on my sword i have signet of breaching but it seems sub optimal (not to mention really expensive) [..] View

pvp first impressions

11:32 pm, February 27, 2016 every single player uses a blade or fists and teleports behind you and stuns you.. meanwhile none of my hinder attacks stun players thors hammer 1 shots lol its almost fun, but the stunlocking and te [..] View

[Leechtank] High Efficiency Dungeon Leechtanking

11:32 pm, February 26, 2016 Brutally Efficient Dungeon Leechtank I've been running a lot of non-aegis nightmare randomizer lately. This allowed me to perfect my leechtanking and transform it into a kind of semi-bufftank. In my e [..] View

Is this good enough for beginner tanking

11:32 pm, February 15, 2016 I have almost no experience with tanking and I need help to point out the biggest flaws in this build. Hammer, blue QL10. 397 weapon power, +44 Crt Power, +109 Pen. Elementalism, blue QL5, 215 weapon [..] View

Recommended Stat Values

12:32 pm, February 15, 2016 I recently started branching out from my pistol/shotgun penetration build to create a blade/assault rifle penetration build, and now I'm wondering what stat values I should be looking for in terms of [..] View

A Note About Faction Decks

11:32 pm, February 8, 2016 A piece of advice that we have to dispense to new players over and over again is about the Faction-specific decks, and I thought it would be useful to jot down a detailed explanation we can point at. [..] View

QL10 and above

12:32 pm, February 8, 2016 How does the QL scale work from QL10? QL11 doesn't exist as far as I know, but there are many levels in between 10 and 11. Above QL10, the scale is difficult to follow and it makes me wonder why they [..] View

[Tokyo Deck] Target Their Shield Generator

11:32 pm, January 29, 2016 Hello! With TSWDB about to close down, I figured I could repost the deck I am most happy with having created. It's a dual-builder, AEGIS-blasting, survival deck for Kaidan. There is not one thing that [..] View

Want to try AR/Ele, Solo build needed

11:32 pm, January 26, 2016 Hi everyone! I just started play TSW again, after a 3-year hiatus. My current story quest is Total Eclipse which means that I’m almost in Egypt. I’ve used mostly Blade/AR until no [..] View

optimal pen rating for NM - with woodcuter (after nerf)

11:32 pm, January 18, 2016 after nerf i seen people who claim optimal pen rating is the same as before nerf 300-500 and others who say its 800-900 (so almost same as without woodcutter neck) so my question has anyone tested th [..] View

What am I building towards? (Questions about Yokai's deck guide)

12:32 pm, January 17, 2016 I read this. Great reference BTW. It explained a lot! At the very end it has information on some useful deck types: [..] View

Noob, having hard time gaining xp in Savage Coast...

12:32 pm, January 12, 2016 Ok, so, my character has her APs spent almost evenly between Blood Magic and Blades. In SPs, she has Blades and Blood Magic at 5, and her talisman skills all at 4. One thing I've noticed is that the d [..] View

Need advice on Shotgun/Elemental

11:32 pm, December 25, 2015 Hello everyone. Recently I've freshly started playing this game and while I do enjoy it, ever since I came to the Savage Coast I've been nothing but raging at the difficulty and how weak I feel. I can [..] View

Testing "Advantage Me"

11:32 pm, October 27, 2015 I want some help with testing. I can't tell if there's something wrong with Advantage Me or if it's a perceptual bias on my part. Here's what's going on: I have an alt I've been experimenting on rece [..] View

Extra Life 2015- Play games, Heal kids!

12:32 am, October 22, 2015 This year, we asked you- the community- to share with us your teams for Extra Life, which happens on November 7th this year. Some teams are streaming 24 hours, some only when they can. No matter whe [..] View

Suggested Changes to Abilities for PvP (Domino Effect, Anima Shot)

12:32 am, October 20, 2015 (Scroll down for TL;DR version) So just some suggestions for changing some of the more popular abilities out there in an attempt to shift the metagame around a little. These abilities tend to be less [..] View

PvP is not fun.

1:32 pm, October 1, 2015 Here are my top 5 reasons why: 5. Matchmaking - Why are battle rank 150+ people playing against battle rank 0? 4. Equal Footing - Most of my gear is between 10.4 and 10.7. I made some special healt [..] View

[Scenarii] "The Lost Tank" (beginnner scenarii build for tanks)

12:32 am, September 29, 2015 I was speaking with a fellow beginner a few days ago, that explained me that he had hard time to deal with daily scenarii because he was still investing to complete his dungeon tanking gear, and thus, [..] View

[Fuse-tank] Guide about high efficiency tanking

12:32 am, September 15, 2015 The fuse-tank Mysteries about high efficiency – unveiled! Hey guys, ever wondered why there are tanks with an elemental focus in their off-hand? Ever wondered why there are groups able to ** [..] View

[Scenario solo] Silver Chaser

1:32 pm, September 14, 2015 Hello folks! With all the additionnal ideas that X-Pert gave to me with his thread, I've decided to try to build a Scenario Solo build for NM based on two of my favorite skills: Chop-Chop and Thrill o [..] View

Leechtanking NM Scenarios

1:32 pm, September 13, 2015 Sorry, the topic is kinda "misleading" - of course it's for Group Nightmare Scenarios! So: Here comes another deck. I actually developed this deck before I made the Stunner Build to farm Gro [..] View

The Stunner [Scenario Deck]

1:32 pm, September 11, 2015 So Kemo brought me to the idea to release my favorite scenario deck. Been a while since I shared stuff - but today I want to share the deck which escorted me to my 100% augment wheel. This deck is for [..] View

Defensives stats in NM scenarios?

1:32 pm, September 4, 2015 I was speaking with some people yesterday evening about NM scenarios, and a particular build that used blade, art of war, martial discipline and clearing the path... and I was suprised that the build [..] View

Soloing missions and scenarios

12:32 am, August 28, 2015 Is it possible to have a build/deck that will work for both mission content in Transylvania and Kaiden, while also be able to score gold in elite scenarios? I almost forgot, so far, I like assault rif [..] View

Crit as a stat

12:32 am, August 1, 2015 Just a small thought I've had for a long time: what if crit were slightly buffed? I've thought of 3 possibilities: 1) every point of crit rating would give more critical chance. It doesn't need to be [..] View

Joining as a party?

12:32 am, April 28, 2015 We've tried this in Fusang and our party almost always gets separated when we go in. Is there anyway to go into Fusang in a group and maintain that group? It's not that we don't want others in the sa [..] View

Starting Solo Sword/Pistol build

12:32 am, April 11, 2015 So im putting up the Starting Solo quest build I tend to always use for people to comment on. If it works out my goal is to submit it for a My First 60 build. Please lemme know what you think of the [..] View

Need somome help with a leveling build

1:32 pm, April 3, 2015 So I've finished Solomon Island and used my favorite Sword/Pistol build to do it. I'm almost ready to move on to Egypt save for two things. The next story quest is listed at Hard, and I remember the [..] View

The sad state of Fisting for DPS

11:32 pm, March 25, 2015 I normally don't engage in Forum activities because of laziness, but this requires community and maybe dev attention. Long story short: Fist is utterly unbalanced and broken for anything but healing. [..] View

New Player looking for good solo PvE build

11:32 pm, March 12, 2015 Technically I'm not completely new, I played a while almost a year ago but then stopped, but the news about the "beginner friendly" new patch brought me back to give it another shot. Last t [..] View

[Shotgun/Blood] Brand New Player; What am I doing Wrong?

11:32 pm, February 12, 2015 And I do mean new; logged in for the first time two days ago. Rather enjoying the game; it's got a neat aesthetic and I like that the investigation missions actually involve some real investigation. [..] View

Blade/AR End Game Solo Build

11:32 pm, February 4, 2015 Hey all - I just started TSW and almost Q4. I've been using this Modern Samurai build: which has been GREAT at solo content. I am about to get r [..] View

The Parasite Configuration

11:32 pm, January 19, 2015 Please buff it. 15% leech is pretty bad. It's a little bit less than a THIRD of a QL1 (notice the lack of a 0) Leech pot. Meanwhile the Karma Curio (who's way easier to get) heals 2000 HP when a QL10 [..] View

Aloha, back in TSW PVP after almost a year away

12:32 pm, January 18, 2015 ....and what's with all the glass cannon AR that can pretty much one shot themselves on diamond grit if they use red mist? looks like high evade tanks are still in favor for picking up relics in [..] View

Proccing Blade

12:32 pm, January 12, 2015 _______________________________________________Proccing Blade - A Fist/Blade proc buildRandom Rambling I think a Fist/Blade build with proc passives hasnt been discussed thoroughly on the forums yet. [..] View

Help Magic builds for scenarios:

12:32 pm, January 6, 2015 Hi I just came back to the game (and bought the Collectors edition issues...) and I would like to pick up where I was. I have passive skills from almost all branches but I only use magical active ski [..] View

El'Dorado Conspiracy & Idea

12:32 pm, December 27, 2014 How would you guys feel if we played on THIS version of ED instead of the reduxed version we have today? Imagine if this was cleaned up JUST a bit more. I think it would be amazing! note: From what [..] View

The Stunner [TOKYO Build]

11:32 pm, December 11, 2014 Hey there, after Issue 10 went live and with the new great patches to some underused skills, I would like to share my Tokyo-build (yea, Tokyo finally has my attention thanks to this item ) which is [..] View

Help, 70% of my attacks glance

11:32 pm, December 8, 2014 Title I guess, I have GL 5 in blades and fist, and GL 3 in every talisman type, but almost all of my attacks glance on enemies :( How can I fix this In Egypt right now, but keep getting my *** handed [..] View

Perjury is great for HR

11:32 pm, December 8, 2014 Even with the 3s cool down, I think this has a lot of benefit. Sharing my experiences so people can be aware if they hadn't already tried. And of course hoping it cause the new standard. As tank, I [..] View

Help with Transy Nightmare Missions please

11:32 pm, November 14, 2014 I have been playing TSW solo casually for almost a month now, rocking a blade / chaos build [] that has been close to a cakewalk so far after gett [..] View

End of the Line ... Social Police claims I'm part of the problem here...

12:32 pm, November 11, 2014 Well tonight marks a new low point for me in TSW. I've never been one to complain about the state of the game or people running hacks or all the broken mechanics. I think I've always tried to treat [..] View

Build improvements for Transylvania?

11:32 pm, November 5, 2014 Hello there all, I was using the following build through Egypt and not having a lot of issues: However I'm finding that in Transylvania I'm havin [..] View

Hitting the Wall

1:32 pm, October 15, 2014 I've been playing TSW very slowly since its release. So slowly that I only hit Transylvania for the first time this last weekend. It's felt like hitting a wall, where almost every mob is a struggle an [..] View

Research It Yourself

12:32 am, October 11, 2014 Hello, Builds & Decks A couple of years back I hobbycoded a parser to fit my data extracting needs for TSW combat logs. It's that time of the year again, I went back to it, rejoiced at evades [..] View

Thoughts on Stonehenge, from one of the new guys

12:32 am, September 29, 2014 Jack Barrow did Stonehenge for the first time last night. For those of you who are wondering what it's like, I have faithfully transcribed his thought processes through the match. This transcription i [..] View

A Few PvP Questions

12:32 am, September 16, 2014 Hey there. To my knowledge, I just have a few questions that aren't answered by the FAQs in the stickied thread on the forum! Anyway, I'm new to the game -- just got off my trial access period and d [..] View

Heh. I need help... (blade/chaos)

12:32 am, September 13, 2014 ScrapperJack is the first character I created for TSW. Completely by accident I chose Blades/Chaos as my build, and that happy accident (they synergize well) made it possible for me to go a fair dista [..] View

Healing seems to do very little per cast? Also sites with builds/guides?

12:32 am, September 11, 2014 So I started playing the game at launch and in the first couple of dungeons I tried to heal and barely managed it. No AoE heals and it took like 10 or more casts of a heal to heal just one player to f [..] View

Theme Build 6: Mageblade

12:32 am, September 8, 2014 Razor sharp skill and arcane power give the Mageblade the offensive advantage ensuring that fights end swiftly. Actives: -Forking Paths -Molten [..] View

Theme Build 4: Volcanic Forgemaster

12:32 am, September 7, 2014 The only thing better than slamming a BFH (Big [eff-ing] Hammer) into the face of a slobbering Werewolf is lighting that mangy furball on fire while you do it. [..] View

Feeling lost (Deck help)

2:33 am, August 26, 2014 Hi, i just recently came back to TSW and decided to start over. My new Toon is now almost done with Blue Mountains. So far i have not real trouble with my build, beside that it is boring as hell. Th [..] View

PVP Lag fix?

2:33 am, August 26, 2014 Is there some sort of lag fix thing that I've missed or something? I average on around 100ms to the servers and PVP is just full of f*** s*** if you want to use the single target melee abilities. You [..] View


Aloha, back in TSW PVP after almost a year away

Jan 21, 2015, 7:04 pm ....and what's with all the glass cannon AR that can pretty much one shot themselves on diamond grit if they use red mist? looks like high evade tanks are still in favor for picking up relics in [..] View

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