The Secret World

A Secret World Fan Site




Anyone Alive?

12:32 pm, January 18, 2018 Hi. I was just wondering if there are anyone who is still interested of having some funtime in Fusang, or in any other PvP minigames? It seems that SWL PvP is no-go, or it will be horrible and I kin [..] View

Dungeon build needed

12:32 am, September 19, 2017 Can anyone recommend a build for dungeons based on the gear I have? Preferably DPS and preferably AR. I suspect I'll have to get a new purple 10.0 weapon though and switch one of my weapons. Wont be a [..] View

New Healer

12:32 am, September 15, 2017 I'm experienced healer, I been a healer since old Kunark days if anyone knows what that is lmao, but anyways I am AR/Fist right now should I continue with this before I get to much further or should I [..] View

Hi and bye, I guess

1:32 pm, July 31, 2017 It was a real pleasure fighting at your side and against you, during all these years. All of you. Including those who think I hated them, just because we argued or trolled each other. Come on, you sho [..] View

Why Can't Aegis Be Used to Give New Life to PVP?

12:32 am, May 29, 2017 Anyone here anything solid on Aegis? Just watched an old video from earlier this month. They said there will be Aegis, but reworked. Others said no Aegis. It does seem weird to have it at all. The who [..] View

Comprehensive PvP and Metagame Guide (Feb 26 2017)

12:32 pm, February 27, 2017 PvP Strategy Guide~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Intention/introIt goes without saying that within TSW's co [..] View

Hammer / Chaos - solo deck built around blocking >> does that work ?

12:32 pm, February 3, 2017 Hey guys, First try at building a deck by myself from scratch. The idea is to - use blocking (hammer baby) - use the fact that I have a lot of health ( several abilities give a result proportional [..] View

Gearing for pvp - My character after 2 months of play.

11:32 pm, January 9, 2017 Playing AR Blood sniper type character. I can put out decent damage, especially 1v1 can usually **** him before he kills me, however have problems getting **** if hes getting heals (seems like burs [..] View

NM Raid Talismans PVP Analysis Especially In Regard to ED

11:32 pm, December 19, 2016 El Dorado in it's current state is not working at all as intended. Literally if a team has 2 semi decent tanks and manages to get 2 relics while others have 1 each or non so that they get a point lead [..] View


11:32 pm, December 3, 2016 Ive been using this build for solo play and its doing well so far just looking for anyone who can recommend some improvements from the outer wheel. View

Signet of Perpetual Motion

11:32 pm, December 2, 2016 These seem great. flat up time of 12 percent damage increase, all the time, seems better than even the most expensive signets. is there something broken with these or something? yes, you do have to [..] View

Loading screen freeze leaving Fusang

11:32 pm, November 16, 2016 Recently i am experiencing a freeze when i leave Fusang. It hangs and doesn't port me out. I cntrl, alt, del and it says that the program has stopped responding, so i end it. Anyone else have or ha [..] View

New Hammer/Chaos Tank Questions

11:32 pm, November 3, 2016 Hello there! I just recently started the game less than a week ago. I've been looking through the various tank guides on this website as well as others and have a general idea how I want to go about [..] View

Build Thread : Decks, gearing up for and learning NM dungeons and Raids the easy way

12:32 pm, November 2, 2016 I'm a new player to TSW and I absolutely love it. However I feel like I'm being held back by the lack of information about builds and decks that are available these days. To be honest TSW is a fanta [..] View

New player looking for advice on Blood/Blade build

12:32 am, October 22, 2016 So I've looked around for different builds to follow, but most of them are either 2-3 years old or don't go into enough detail. I know some abilities were recently nerfed as well, so I'm wondering if [..] View

So I actually quite like the PvP, but I do detest that everyone seems to be a healer.

1:32 pm, October 21, 2016 Of some sort, anyway. Yes, I am rather new at this. But if this super flexible system is in this game, why not use it? I want to make a build that can **** healers quite well. I've seen a few ideas [..] View

EFB and 347 Blue Weapons... WTF, why?

12:32 am, October 19, 2016 I understand the point of EFB is to allow players to be on somewhat equal ground in PvP. That makes sense, to a degree. What I really don't get is why 347 blue weapons scale to 10 more max weapon powe [..] View

AR/ELE build

1:32 pm, October 7, 2016 Returning to the game after YEARS. I had a ok-ish AR/ELE dps build, I have pretty much the whole wheel unlocked but my weapons (10.4 if I remember correctly) were for AR/ELE. I'd rather not change t [..] View

Help With Assault Rifle/Pistols Solo Build Please

1:32 pm, September 8, 2016 I chose Assault Rifle/Pistols...Maybe that was a mistake? Both weapons are QL 6 Talismans: All QL 6 except one QL 5 Actives: Safety off, fire at will, turn the tides, red mist, above the law, shoo [..] View

How to do skills? Also build help.

12:32 am, September 8, 2016 Im a returning player after like 3 years of not playing, and im not sure if i should be adding support and damage skills, or just max out one or the other. Also, does anyone know any good solo Pistol/ [..] View

I'm back! Anyone care? OK

12:32 am, August 19, 2016 Anyway, I have been taking a break but have also been monitoring how TSW was developing. I knew that TSW finally got funded, so I expected positive changes to come sooner than later. Voila! They fi [..] View

Returning player... please help.

1:32 pm, August 17, 2016 My younger brother and I played this game back when it first came out. I instantly fell in love with the story elements and character creation/clothing choices etc. Back then I didn't have a clear dir [..] View

Gear Reuse with 10.9.5

12:32 am, August 4, 2016 While no longer critical as it was when fuses were rare, I still would like to reuse gear if possible between my dps, tank, leach, and solo builds. I have come up with the following design to re-glyp [..] View

Assault Rifle / Chaos Tank build

12:32 am, July 26, 2016 Hi! Recently started playing TSW, and while i'm normally doing dps as AR/Elemental, i also want to build a tanky build as an off-spec when that is needed. Since my AR skills/items are fairly decent i [..] View

What if, eldorado is actually very bad

12:32 am, July 14, 2016 Hello! there was recently well... hmm... "event" in wich talking abaut ED went sideways. The air of that discusion was poisonus and i would like to avoid it while talking abaut ED, becous [..] View

Theoretically Best Scenario Build

12:32 am, July 12, 2016 Hey all - Myndr here. I want to know what the top PvE players think is the theoretically most efficient and effective scenario build. The challenge? no QL 11 gear allowed. An additional possible chall [..] View

Turret/manifestation/drone aka pet build help

12:32 am, July 9, 2016 Hello I was a bit bored with my current build and was wondering if someone can help me put together some kind of build with primary dps with shotgun turret/etc pets. How viable can it get or be? has a [..] View

"Bullet Ballet" not activating "Demolition, Man"

1:32 pm, July 7, 2016 So, "Demolition, Man" is supposed to activate whenever you use a resource consuming ability. Despite being an elite active, "Bullet Ballet" is a resource consuming ability and even [..] View

El Dorado is the worst designed PvP map in any MMORPG ever.

12:32 am, July 6, 2016 Now the title might sound like hyperbole, but I honestly think that in 18 years of playing various MMOs I've never come across anything worse than this. Let me explain: The whole idea of creating a co [..] View

4th of Fusang Coordinator Results

12:32 am, July 2, 2016 Event coordinators will post results here. I'd like coordinators to identify themselves, the time, the faction, and the BG Then for check point 1 (15 minutes), list the participating players (or link [..] View

Is Fusang broken for anyone else?

12:32 am, July 2, 2016 Since the golem event started, every time I've tried to leave Fusang I've had a 5+ minute loading screen culminating in the game crashing. Hadn't entered the place for months before the event so I am [..] View

LF powerful Blood/Pistol build

12:32 am, June 18, 2016 I'll admit it: I **** at making builds. Parsing and DPS testing just go over my head. Was wondering if anyone had any pistol/blood DPS builds that they wouldn't mind sharing with a stupid Crusader. Ev [..] View

TSW PvP Stream

1:32 pm, June 16, 2016 Hey guys and gals, Lotiz here. I have noticed that every time I check twitch tv's TSW streams, they are all PvE streams. So I figured it could be kind of cool to do some PvP streaming for those of you [..] View

The Fourth of Fusang

12:32 am, June 13, 2016 On the Fourth of July Weekend, from Friday, July 1st until Monday, July Fourth we will be celebrating the upcoming Fusang revamp by capturing and holding facilities in the Fusang Projects. Project Co [..] View

Crit/pen rates on multi-hit?

12:32 am, April 27, 2016 I've been trying to model damage outputs for different builds, but I'm completely stuck when I don't actually know the numbers that I should be using. I found some old posts (circa June 2013) discuss [..] View

Signet of *****'s Note

12:32 am, April 22, 2016 Just putting these out here as I was trying it: Signet of *****'s Note When you hit a target apply a detrimental effect for 5 seconds which causes them to take an additional 150/300/450 physical dama [..] View

Dps with malice signet

1:32 pm, April 19, 2016 Hi all, since i got a blue persistant malice Signet and read about going as dps with 0 hit, i am curious if one .5 Major Hit (or even 0 hit) + blue malice would be ok or if its better to run my usua [..] View

Apologies and Warning

1:32 pm, April 14, 2016 Just a heads up, didnt get a chance to catch anyone in the game I was in where I didn't participate in shambalah - I've got that auto-accept plugin and I forgot to unqueue after running to salvage my [..] View

decent DPS without elemental force? possible?

1:32 pm, April 14, 2016 I hate elemental force. I admit it is good (and i am currently using it in dungeons), but oh how i hate it. I spend all my time watching my buffs instead of the fight, just so i don't miss the right [..] View

PvP Weakness Update - Discuss

12:32 am, April 3, 2016 Strangely enough no thread about this has popped up, so I thought I'd start one. Here we will discuss the changes to PvP weaknesses, specifically the following: Exposed: Each stack will now also redu [..] View

PVP The Real Problemo

1:32 pm, March 30, 2016 I know as you read this title and see the person writing it, you might think HolloPoint is off on his high horse, trying the be the winter king or some sort of egotistical nonsense, but I cannot go to [..] View

Boycott issue 14 until fusang is fixed

12:32 am, March 29, 2016 Thread title says it all. But, some of you may ask, why should the TSW PVP community boycott Issue #14? The answers are as simple as they are plentiful.1. NO PVP ISSUE AS OF YET You've heard it said [..] View

Shambala ranged / melee comparison

12:32 pm, March 25, 2016 Hello TSW people, The arrival of Shambala brought the biggest changes to TSW PVP for a long time. I have mostly seen discussion about game frequency, the new signets gained and also (unfortunately [..] View

questions about new PVP signets

12:32 pm, March 23, 2016 i have questions about 2 signets: ***** note signet - if i put it on weapon does it give the additional damage to hits from second weapon too? and if i hit with it group of targets will signet ef [..] View

Something to ponder...

12:32 pm, March 7, 2016 Shambala has been around a bit now, and I wonder if anyone else has noticed this. I haven't looked at the map recently, since it's not too important to do in there. BUT.... The map I saw looked as t [..] View

So, current status on the woodcutters?

11:32 pm, February 25, 2016 So, how are things with the woodcutter these days, for those who have them? Is the post-nerf rule of ~700 pen and using it with proc builds (since IIRC multi-hit builders can build up multiple stacks [..] View

Votekicking random people in Shambala

12:32 pm, February 20, 2016 Hey there, Before I start my rant - I know that option for votekicking in PvP was needed, especially for ED and SH arenas [having 3 leechers in ED during summer holidays (at least on Illuminati side) [..] View

Recommended Stat Values

12:32 pm, February 15, 2016 I recently started branching out from my pistol/shotgun penetration build to create a blade/assault rifle penetration build, and now I'm wondering what stat values I should be looking for in terms of [..] View

Shambala Signet List

11:32 pm, February 8, 2016 Anyone made a list of the Shambala signets yet? My google-fu doesnt seem good enough to find any such list, but surely somebody somewhere is listing the new signets? If anyone knows of such a list i [..] View

Themed Decks?

12:32 pm, February 5, 2016 Are they a thing? I mean, I know efficiency is paramount, but would themed builds be okay to use as long as they work well? I had a few in mind, but they're really rough examples. Blood and Thunder (A [..] View

List of All New Signets in 1.13.2

12:32 pm, February 3, 2016 I think this is all of them. Let me know if anything is incorrect or missing.Weapon/Head Signets Signet of Blessed Steps Effect: Whenever you apply a barrier effect to an ally, that ally gains a be [..] View


12:32 pm, January 29, 2016 Quote: Daily PvP challenges for El Dorado and Stonehenge now require reaching a score of 125,000 on the final scoreboard. This change should not affect challenge completion for anyon [..] View

Fusang dailies pve etiquette

11:32 pm, January 21, 2016 I've recently got back into TSW and am enjoying collecting BB thru dailies. I note that Capture 6 anima wells and participate in eldorado give lots of BB without having to fight much so I've been goin [..] View

optimal pen rating for NM - with woodcuter (after nerf)

11:32 pm, January 18, 2016 after nerf i seen people who claim optimal pen rating is the same as before nerf 300-500 and others who say its 800-900 (so almost same as without woodcutter neck) so my question has anyone tested th [..] View

Which skills should I put in which talisman?

12:32 pm, January 7, 2016 I'm a fresh novice who would appreciate some advice on Talismans. I don't know anyone so I'm playing solo. I'm neither Tank, DSP, or Healer. Or you could say that I'm all of those in one character. [..] View

Newish Healer to TSW! Looking for build advice.

12:32 pm, January 6, 2016 Hello everyone, and thank you in advance. I've been playing TSW off and on for awhile, only QL Rank 7 currently, with a goal in mind.. I would like to be a healer, but I'm not sure what to focus on bu [..] View

PVP Performance (the client, not you)

11:32 pm, December 30, 2015 Hi Folks PVP client performance in TSW is pretty ****. I am sure people agree. But I have a question. Is everyone out there in every ED match/SH match/Populated Fusang literally running around with [..] View

Please remember to report players who break Funcom Rules of Conduct

11:32 pm, December 23, 2015 Hello PVP players, Please always remember that the rules of conduct apply to PVP. I am not saying this with the intention of stopping anyone from breaking them (because those who do, tend to not r [..] View

Question About Auxilary Weapons

11:32 pm, December 23, 2015 Hello! I'm a fairly new player and just unlocked my rocket launcher. When I went to equip the launcher I had noticed that the damage of my skills went down? I tried searching the forums for a good an [..] View

PvP in 1.13

11:32 pm, December 18, 2015 i thought i would take a moment to give some feedback after playing some pvp with the issue 13 changes. first and foremost i really love the ability to change uniforms in every battlefield whenever y [..] View

Issue 13 excitement :)

11:32 pm, December 17, 2015 I did not expect the next release anywhere near so soon. This is a nice surprise. I am sure not everything will suit us all, but there is certainly going to be a lot to do this evening. :) I am lo [..] View

Help me make my build please.

11:32 pm, December 2, 2015 Ok so, I have searched high and low to find a build that does what I want to do...but I have been completely unable to find up to date builds. I came back to the game a week ago after a very lengthy b [..] View

Woodcutter Builds

11:32 pm, October 29, 2015 Hey people just thought the new Woodcutter's Talismans were a pretty cool addition to the game and I love additional effects that add to build diversity. I haven't seen this really talked about yet so [..] View

Healing Gear Crit/Crit Power ratio for dungeon set help

11:32 pm, October 28, 2015 For one of my characters I am trying to make a healing gear set (Fist/Blood, may become Fist/Pistol purple Q10 currently un-upgraded) but I am not sure where the Crit/Crit Power should go on the talis [..] View

Bad lag and odd noises in PVP

12:32 am, October 16, 2015 Just went into PVP and there is some major lag issues in Fusang. I was attacked and this noise kept repeating over and over, the noise of an affliction i think, even when i was dead. The lag was so ba [..] View

Looking for Tank Guide

12:32 am, October 15, 2015 Hi there, since I'm returning after a few years I decided to try tanking with a new character. What I'm seacrhing for is a good guide for tanking from normal dungeons to NM/Raids. I couldn't find any [..] View

[ED] Carry or plant?

1:32 pm, October 13, 2015 I'm still an average PvP player in TSW, however, I have something that currently bugs me. I play in tank tank outfit. Due to my build using many dashes, I always pick the "faction" relic b [..] View

10.7 talismans vs NY raid drops on dps performance

12:32 am, October 11, 2015 Has anyone done any experimenting to see whether a 10.7 talisman out performs a NY raid drop in terms of DPS? My expectation is that if you have the majority of your talismans at 10.7, the dps improv [..] View

Questions about aggro generation

1:32 pm, October 7, 2015 I am not sure where make this thread but the Builds & Decks seem like the most appropriate place. I have a question about aggro generation that has been bothering me for a while but I have nev [..] View

Yet another dumb suggestion from yours truly.

1:32 pm, October 4, 2015 So we all agree Fusang is actual garbage right? If anyone likes the current version of Fusang i will be very surprised and should speak out now. I'm not going to outline the points of why the current [..] View


1:32 pm, October 2, 2015 Okay so I've read from multiple posts that melee DPS in a Nightmare dungeon is not doing the healer any favors. If that is the case, should I scrap trying to do a chaos/blade in favor of a ranged DPS [..] View

tired of idiots

1:32 pm, September 25, 2015 Anyone else tired of idiots who complain about things in game but when offered advice on how to deal with the problem, their response is "I shouldn't have to" or "it doesn't matter" [..] View

Illuminati pugs ****.

1:32 pm, September 22, 2015 so i used to be a fusang player. i literally only played tsw for fusang because i loved it so much and i do still log in alot. however since it is always empty and there is no one to fight or it is a [..] View

Any Fist Healing Gear TSWCALC/Talisman-Glyph Breakdown?

12:32 am, September 19, 2015 I noticed there was some great guides on fist healing in terms of skills and passives, but nothing that includes a TSWCALC breakdown of suggested healing pieces...Is there one around? It seems there [..] View

2.5 year absent player coming back.

12:32 am, September 17, 2015 Played the first month and was overwhelmed by the choices i had, but couldn't decide what to do. NOW i've come back with desire to be a healer/range damage dealer, for PVE and PVP, but i can't seem to [..] View

[Fuse-tank] Guide about high efficiency tanking

12:32 am, September 15, 2015 The fuse-tank Mysteries about high efficiency – unveiled! Hey guys, ever wondered why there are tanks with an elemental focus in their off-hand? Ever wondered why there are groups able to ** [..] View

PvP Healer question(s)

12:32 am, September 11, 2015 I've been attempting to heal in PvP and I'm trying to figure out if there is a one build good for ED, SH and Fusang, or do I need to consider different ones for the different maps/instances? On on [..] View

Hello... again?

12:32 am, September 4, 2015 im curious what TSW is like at the moment. are there enough pvp players around? has anything changed or improved? and can my pvp gear make it to .5 yet? anyone interested in discussing these things i [..] View

Need criticism on my PVP AR/Ele build

12:32 am, September 1, 2015 It's a modified Leeching build with elementalism for root. Main problem I find is hammer stunners when my SoH is on cd and I can't move while they [..] View

Healtanking no longer viable?

1:32 pm, August 29, 2015 For the past few months I have heal tanked all the NM dungeon content with the core group of people I play with, but ever since the issue 12 update, I have found myself unable to maintain any sort of [..] View

Something Strange-ish Happened In Fusang This Morning

12:32 am, August 14, 2015 So, I was playing on my Dragon main, Odd Man Out, in Fusang late this morning when my game went, for lack of a better term, bonkers. Massive lag spikes started hitting me, hard. All but 3 members of [..] View

Savage Coast Chaos build

1:32 pm, August 10, 2015 I'm probably about halfway through Savage Coast and I've been using the same build since Kingsmouth. I use Fist/Chaos, but I've also completed the inner wheel of Shotgun. I am playing 100% solo and ha [..] View

PvP, Art of War vs PvE Elements and the Tank

1:32 pm, July 22, 2015 I know that in Dungeons, anyone but the designated Tank using The Art of War (TAoW) would be bad news, but in PvP vs custodian or turrets, does it create problems for the proper Tank (and his healer) [..] View

I need a build that is Ele/?

1:32 pm, July 20, 2015 Can anyone suggest me a good build to solo PvE questing. I suspect the build will need some form of sustain i.e heal. There has to be an optimal build for it. I've been following the guide here Pisto [..] View

Mark of the Starspawn - what is it doing exactly?

12:32 am, July 12, 2015 So I got this from the NYR and the tooltip is extremely vague. "It does something" would be just as good. Does anyone know the precise amo [..] View

healer/dps hybrid build?

1:32 pm, July 6, 2015 A friend has started playing secret world and she's enjoying more of a tank build with hammers and blades. I've been toying with the idea of going ranged dps with a bit of healing to keep my friend al [..] View

New Player Solo Build Help?

12:32 am, July 6, 2015 So i just got the game and i am a bit overwhelmed by all the builds u can create. i was wondering if anyone could help me out with some suggestions or point me in the right direction. for weps i like [..] View

Looking for a good blade/chaos build

1:32 pm, June 29, 2015 I am very much new to this game and still trying to learn alot about it! I decided to go with a Blade/Chaos for my first seems interesting! I like Melee But the builds im looking how dont tell me w [..] View

I really want to melee with elemental but

12:32 am, June 23, 2015 I am not sure how well this works in this game, im usually into the battlemage or spellsword types, but as far as I can tell there is not much synergy with melee and elemental outside of maybe hammer [..] View

Whippersnapper no longer reliable impair?

12:32 am, June 18, 2015 Anyone else noticed Whippersnapper has failed to impair a few things lately? Been using it on Rabbit Blood, but it's failing at least half the time, if not more. Heard someone say it's become unreliab [..] View

New concept build idea help TAOE

1:32 pm, June 13, 2015 This time I dont already have one that is functional. Sometimes I am not in the mood to quest but want to play so I come up with new builds or other activities. I like my chain build(s). My 2 manife [..] View

The Case against the Battlegroup Merge

12:32 am, June 11, 2015 I'm starting a new thread since mattman1995 asked that the pro-merge petition thread not include anti-merge sentiment. The ostensible goal for the pro-merge forces is that a merged Fusang will have a [..] View

Best builders/consumers?

1:32 pm, June 3, 2015 Anyone done testing to figure out what the highest dps consumers and builders are across the diff trees? I have tested the ones I have been able to, but without a maxed out tree I am unable to do a bi [..] View

ultimate invulnerable period

12:32 am, May 31, 2015 In the tool tip it mentions a period of invulnerable to damage and CC. But I seem to die many times while using it, and so do other cab members. Does anyone know when the actual period that you are ac [..] View

Magic/Physical Prot

1:32 pm, May 28, 2015 Hey theorycrafters! Quick question, I been really curious bout a high Phys/Magic resist solo questing build using force crit/pen consumers for DPS. ANyone had any luck with this? I am quite token p [..] View

Anyone said chaos ?

12:32 am, May 21, 2015 There are only patterns, patterns on top of patterns, patterns that affect other patterns. Patterns hidden by patterns. Patterns within patterns. If you watch close, history does nothing but repeat i [..] View

Returning player build help

12:32 am, May 16, 2015 Looking for a build that will let me move through the game and enjoy the story. I have a few ideas in mind but was hoping for some feedback from people who use the builds to solo. First is shotgun/ha [..] View

Coney Island Band

12:32 am, May 15, 2015 Back when I left, there was some debate on the use of CIB in a damage build. Now, as a Bloodshot spammer, I go all crit rating and get my crit power from other sources. The extra 25% from CiB would b [..] View

Need help with Issue 11 Build

12:32 am, May 8, 2015 Can anyone help me with my build as I'm struggling with the fight in the Orochi Tower - Tier 3/3. I can barely get the shields down in time to cause damage before they regen (even with the gadget tha [..] View

I'm back! And have questions...

1:32 pm, May 6, 2015 Hey, everyone. After spending the last couple hours reinstalling the game on my new PC and reacquiring my mods, I'm back to playing after a year and a half absence. I haven't had a chance to go throug [..] View


Anyone know of any decent low level blade/blood magic builds?

Dec 18, 2014, 6:46 am Hey people! I'm new to the game. I'm currently still in Kingsmouth. I was wondering if anyone has any decent blade/blood magic builds that I can try out. There's too much variety in the game! Since I'[..] View

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