The Secret World

A Secret World Fan Site




Shambala Fantastic Fun Farm (SUNDAY)

12:32 pm, January 6, 2017 Hello everyone, Myndr here! In honor of Russian Christmas (Saturday, the 7th) and in the spirit of filthy American Capitalism we have an event for you all today! This coming SUNDAY (the 8th) we are in [..] View

Blood Healing and the PvP Scoreboard

12:32 am, June 25, 2016 Quote: Originally Posted by SkinFlayer Fist heals, yes. Blood heals get massive gains from signets (Divine/Blessed Steps/Protected)/WC. well, you'd think so, b [..] View

The Present State of Stonehenge PvP

12:32 am, June 20, 2016 The dozen or so matches I’ve played in Stonehenge in the past several days since the 1.15.1 patch was launched have demonstrated the precarious balance inherent in PvP. It was tempting in th [..] View

Signets of Resilience vs. Reinforcement vs. Order

1:32 pm, April 17, 2016 My thoughts on these tanking signets...Info Box Signet of Resilience (epic) When you evade/glance/block, you get +150 phys and mag protection for 4 seconds, up to +450. No cd. Signet of Reinforcement [..] View

Signet of the Protected

11:32 pm, February 13, 2016 So, i have tested signet of the protected with a blood/pistol deck (pistol just used to cleanse) and have been pretty disappointed to see how often this signet had proc. I used ACT merging the parse o [..] View


12:32 pm, January 29, 2016 Quote: Daily PvP challenges for El Dorado and Stonehenge now require reaching a score of 125,000 on the final scoreboard. This change should not affect challenge completion for anyon [..] View


11:32 pm, January 28, 2016 i want to hear all about the new mini game, screenshots videos or stories of epic first day battles. and on a side note: Barriers should now properly count towards PvP healing score for the player tha [..] View

Suggestion- let's make PVE more like PVP :P

12:32 am, August 30, 2015 I've been wondering how much enjoyable pve would be if it were made more like pvp. [suggestion] [PVE] Remove the Gatekeeper as a requirement for NM content. This will create a larger pool of peop [..] View

Fire golem event heal

12:32 am, July 6, 2015 For the fire golem in Scorched Desert I've decided to run around spamming AoE heals. I've cobbled together this build - what could be improved? My weapons are Blood/Fist (AR - not an option). Again th [..] View

Advice needed on my build(s)

12:32 am, May 7, 2015 Hello everyone! I'm kinda new to this game, but I'm getting more and more into it every day. After the first week, I'm confident to have figured out how things work and I started thinking about buil [..] View

A Reference Manual for Healing

11:32 pm, January 26, 2015 The many forms healing manifests in the Secret World, as in damage and in mitigation, appear simple until you begin asking questions. Curiosity has led me to many wonders over the years, marked more b [..] View

The Signet of Benediction No Longer Bugged?

11:32 pm, December 14, 2014 For the longest time, the Signet of Benediction has been plagued with bugs that have rendered it worse than useless. At one time, Quokka and others were worried that the way Benediction, redirect effe [..] View

Ar viable pvp builds

1:32 pm, October 11, 2014 i was wondering if theres something like AR/ blood ( barriers) build or something that boost survivability with AR, since most AR builds i saw mainly going into "sniper" style that u land ur [..] View

Did the healing calculation on the end of match PvP scoreboard get changed?

12:32 am, September 30, 2014 So with the community event taking place I decided to pop into SH, I haven’t been in SH for ages and not healed it for even longer. I noticed a few things, firstly not having pre-made teams [..] View

Idea for PVP balancing

1:32 pm, September 23, 2014 This is basically a set of simple ideas to balance PVP in such a way that uneven team sizes, gear strength, and team capabilities can be handled such that PVP is more accessible and functional even wi [..] View

New player needs help with a healer deck.

1:32 pm, September 1, 2014 Hi TSW Community :) I've just started playing the game and I must say I am having an absolute blast! I was hoping someone could help me with a bit of direction regarding a healing build. I've always [..] View


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