The Secret World

A Secret World Fan Site




Def or Block for Tanking?

12:32 pm, November 18, 2016 I've been searching these forums for about an hour trying to find a definitive answer on which stat is best for tanking end game, but most info is from 2012/13 and feels outdated. I'm really enjoying [..] View

Strong RDPS build ?

1:32 pm, October 19, 2016 So what is strong RDPS for elite>NM dungeons and raids (planning to build one up while solo as Blade/Chaos) ... (Mind you changed AoW to [..] View

Newbie progression into endgame.

12:32 am, July 15, 2016 Hello. I am new. There's undoubtedly hundreds of these threads lying around here, but with the recent meta change due to passive/elite revamp, i will go ahead and ask these questions again on behalf [..] View

Good solo dps builds?

12:32 am, July 4, 2016 Hey guys, i'm looking for some good solo dps builds, i'm in SD/COTSG now with ql6/7 weapons, also got the Woodcutter's Wrath on me. Currently running blade/chaos leeching frenzy and tried pistol/ele [..] View

Suggestions on Blade/Chaos Build

1:32 pm, June 20, 2016 Hi everyone, i'm recently getting into DPSing and would love if you could give me a few suggestions on my build. These are my stats:,1,0,4,0,2,37 This is my [..] View

Tanking Build Questions?

11:32 pm, March 1, 2016 Hi guys. I played a little secret world a while ago closer to when it first released but quickly got involved in another game at the time and now I just reinstalled because I wanted to try this again. [..] View

Need a 60 pt AoE solo build, prefer blade/chaos

11:32 pm, December 16, 2015 Could someone advise me on a suitable build with Blade/Chaos that would get me started in KM and let me avoid having to do much in the way of moving about? I'm not very good at combat with facing and [..] View

Dryadria's Blade/Chaos Duo Scenario Build

11:32 pm, November 7, 2015 Actives 1. Blade Torrent 2. Domino Effect 3. Steel Echo 4. Clearing the Path 5. Four Horsemen 6. Chaotic Pull 7. Helter Skelter 8. ***** From AbovePassives 1. Leeching Frenzy 2. Immortal Spirit 3. Bra [..] View

Returning after years, is my blade/chaos solo PvE build outdated?

1:32 pm, October 13, 2015 I'm just now returning after a very long break from the game, been about 3 years so I'm sure everything has changed to some degree or another LoL See many changes and nerfs since I've been away, as t [..] View

A build for no seasons

12:32 am, October 12, 2015 I've been playing with blade and elemental lately and I'm kind of addicted to it. I'm pretty sure the specific implementation I have is useless in a group setting, but it's been a lot more useful than [..] View

Please Help Me Update My Build

12:32 am, October 12, 2015 Hi. I quit playing just before the New Player Experience, but I'm back (at the very least for Halloween, since I really liked their Halloween content). I usually solo, and my old solo build still wo [..] View

Survival all-round?

12:32 am, September 6, 2015 Hi all! I played a bit when the game released and am trying my luck again. :D I found a number of solo questing/survival builds that look fun to work towards. I'm especially interested in blade/cha [..] View

Looking for a good blade/chaos build

1:32 pm, June 29, 2015 I am very much new to this game and still trying to learn alot about it! I decided to go with a Blade/Chaos for my first seems interesting! I like Melee But the builds im looking how dont tell me w [..] View

Is this a good solo build ?

12:32 am, June 22, 2015 Hello guys ! Just one more boring psot about a good solo build :D . I am at the savage cost ( and i will stay here even if the main quest lead me to the Mountain ) but i would like to know if my bu [..] View

Katarina1: The Ultimate End-Game DPS Guide [Ultra Performance]

1:32 pm, May 5, 2015 Hai, I'm Ҝatarina1. This is my end-game DPS guide. It includes a list of working builds (Short - Mid/Long ) and video tutorials.Video [1080p] : &am [..] View

I guess I make a good corn stalk...

12:32 am, April 21, 2015 So, like many other of my 'casual PvP' brethren, the Power Weekend found me in Fusang a few times. However, I found that either my Blade/Chaos build was woefully inadequate for the task, or I just don [..] View

Tokyo build(s)

1:32 pm, April 10, 2015 Came back after long break from the game and decided to hop on into Tokyo content. I have never raged so hard in such a short space of time in my entire life... I'm in QL10 blues with 3 pieces of 10. [..] View

Questions about tanking and melee dps

11:32 pm, March 24, 2015 (Sorry for my bad English, i'm french) Hi! I recently started Elite dungeons and i have some questions: - I have heard that a "high dps" tank build exist in blade/chaos (or chaos/blade), i [..] View

Returning - build/equipment advice

11:32 pm, March 19, 2015 Although I've been a Grandmaster since before launch, I haven't played TSW as a "primary" game for a while now. The furthest I got any of my characters was partway through Egypt. But the new [..] View

Hammer-based solo builds?

12:32 pm, February 14, 2015 Hi everyone, Returning player from a long absence here. Figured I'd start fresh on a new toon, with a little bit of RP -- my character is very Hammer-centric. Are there any decently survivable solo [..] View

[Blade/Chaos] Tank prototype, I **** at building

12:32 pm, February 11, 2015 Hello, Thus far I haven't found a build I like, and many of the suggested builds are like 2 years old. So now I'm trying my hand at it. My goal is to afflict, penetrate, and debilitate enemies whil [..] View

Low AP builds for duo missions

12:32 pm, January 14, 2015 Hi there, my friend and I just started TSW, and as we have no idea what to do with out AP, pretty much, I would like to ask for some advice on where to go from here. I am playing AR/Blood, and my fri [..] View

Blade/Chaos do-able for endgame DPS?

11:32 pm, January 12, 2015 Newbie theorycrafting here. I like Blade/Chaos as a combination, but I have more fun playing the DPS role rather than tank. So here's what the build might look like: Grass cutter Dancing Blade Four [..] View

NM Scenerio Tank

12:32 pm, November 14, 2014 With the scenario focus this weekend, I tanked NM scenarios for first time. I'm 10.4.4+ and ran with my normal tanking gear -,5,0,4,0,3,39 I used the ground [..] View

Heh. I need help... (blade/chaos)

12:32 am, September 13, 2014 ScrapperJack is the first character I created for TSW. Completely by accident I chose Blades/Chaos as my build, and that happy accident (they synergize well) made it possible for me to go a fair dista [..] View


[Blade/Chaos] Tank prototype, I suck at building

Feb 12, 2015, 5:17 am Hello,<br><br> Thus far I haven't found a build I like, and many of the suggested builds are like 2 years old. So now I'm trying my hand at it. <br><br> My goal is to afflict, penetrate, and debilit[..] View

Blade/Chaos do-able for endgame DPS?

Jan 13, 2015, 11:37 pm Newbie theorycrafting here. I like Blade/Chaos as a combination, but I have more fun playing the DPS role rather than tank. So here's what the build might look like: Grass cutter Dancing Blade Four[..] View

Heh. I need help... (blade/chaos)

Nov 29, 2014, 12:56 am ScrapperJack is the first character I created for TSW. Completely by accident I chose Blades/Chaos as my build, and that happy accident (they synergize well) made it possible for me to go a fair dista[..] View

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