The Secret World

A Secret World Fan Site




Possible to get all three? Penetration, no glancing, and Crit?

12:32 am, April 13, 2017 So I've assembled (and tweaked) what seems to me to be a decent deck, which I have mentioned on other posts and will link to below for ease of access: [..] View

solo blade/blood build help

11:32 pm, February 13, 2017 Could someone please help me with my deck. I am in Blue Mountain and did so far quite well. But I have no chance to **** Beaumont. I studied a some posts around this but I am too much a Newbie to deci [..] View

Some small changes please.

11:32 pm, January 11, 2017 **** Shoot - Increase the chances to 35% of each effect [purge can be at 25-30%) Advantage Me - Purge can happen every ~10-15 seconds. Invasive Measures increase the chance to build resources - if y [..] View

Gearing for pvp - My character after 2 months of play.

11:32 pm, January 9, 2017 Playing AR Blood sniper type character. I can put out decent damage, especially 1v1 can usually **** him before he kills me, however have problems getting **** if hes getting heals (seems like burs [..] View

NM Raid Talismans PVP Analysis Especially In Regard to ED

11:32 pm, December 19, 2016 El Dorado in it's current state is not working at all as intended. Literally if a team has 2 semi decent tanks and manages to get 2 relics while others have 1 each or non so that they get a point lead [..] View

Abuse or Aggression or Breaching for weapons?

11:32 pm, December 7, 2016 This is for my solo deck, I use Blood/Blade. I'm about to make myself a long term goal, and in the long term, expenses are not a problem. In another, old dead thread, it is explained that Abuse is bes [..] View

+ 20% Chance to Evade question

11:32 pm, November 4, 2016 Hi there. Quick question, which could apply to any type of +20% of x stat. If I have a signet that says "when it goes off, you get +20% evade for x seconds", does that mean that you get: [..] View

New Player Starter Build Advice: Blade/Shotgun for Solo/Tank

11:32 pm, November 4, 2016 Hello, how's it going? I just got the Secret World last week, and I've been thoroughly enjoying the game thus far. The missions themselves are well done (especially investigation missions) and the set [..] View

The math behind the wheel

12:32 am, October 21, 2016 The idea of this thread is to gather some information about the math behind the signet, items, actives and passives of the game. The goal is never to tell if signet a is better than signet b, but just [..] View

Help with an Elemental/Blood build

12:32 am, August 19, 2016 Hiya all. Obligatory note: I am a recent return player. I played most of the BETA and a few months after release, but 2 kids later and not an MMO in between now and then... I have some more time now [..] View

I need help with stats for DPS build

12:32 am, August 18, 2016 I admit it: I've never fully understood my stats. I want to make the best DPS build I can, and am asking for your help. I have three purple gear and the rest blue, and now realize I concentrated too m [..] View

You **** at PvP (Basic guide)

12:32 am, August 16, 2016 You do, you're awful. Thankfully, this can be rectified. In fact, there are a couple of really easy steps that will put you right on track to gitting gud and none of them have anything to do with your [..] View

Two build requests, Pistol / Elemental

12:32 am, August 14, 2016 Weapons Pistol / Elemental Gear quality level QL10 Greens What content the build will be used for. 1: Survival/Solo 2: A healing build Special Requests I'm looking for a mediu [..] View

Clearing the Path - What Am I Missing?

1:32 pm, July 28, 2016 I've seen it come up here and there, forever, about Clearing the Path (CtP) being awesome. I now have four chars who currently use a Blade, and I'd love them all to have unique and characterful fight [..] View

Jagour's El Dorado Build Guide (v1.15)

12:32 am, July 28, 2016 Hey all, I've noticed a decent amount of unfamiliar faces in ED recently so I decided to put together some of my better builds that each serve a very valuable spot on any team. With each you'll find [..] View

What if, eldorado is actually very bad

12:32 am, July 14, 2016 Hello! there was recently well... hmm... "event" in wich talking abaut ED went sideways. The air of that discusion was poisonus and i would like to avoid it while talking abaut ED, becous [..] View

El Dorado is the worst designed PvP map in any MMORPG ever.

12:32 am, July 6, 2016 Now the title might sound like hyperbole, but I honestly think that in 18 years of playing various MMOs I've never come across anything worse than this. Let me explain: The whole idea of creating a co [..] View

Critical - how does it work?

12:32 am, July 2, 2016 In a new build I am mooting I have a Critical Rating of 135 and a Crit Power of 45. In my offensive stats it says that my critical chance is 9.3% including a Fusang bonus. (I'm currently in Seoul, s [..] View

Albyrs Nightmare-Dungeon DPS Decks

12:32 am, July 2, 2016 Hi there Traveler, this is my first TSW-Guide, however its not my first Build-Guide. I'm a passionated MMO-Nerd but not a "hardcore Theorycrafter". This guide is not for those of us who a [..] View

The Present State of Stonehenge PvP

12:32 am, June 20, 2016 The dozen or so matches I’ve played in Stonehenge in the past several days since the 1.15.1 patch was launched have demonstrated the precarious balance inherent in PvP. It was tempting in th [..] View

Savage Coast AR/Pistol Build Help

12:32 am, June 16, 2016 Hi. I started the game with an AR/blade build, and while I do quite like it I'm beginning to wish I had some very focused single-target DPS at my disposal. I'm also quite fond of the idea of an all-fi [..] View

The curves of TSW

1:32 pm, June 15, 2016 Since I’ve posted a few curve fittings to some of the known rating to chance formulae in the game, I figured it might not be a bad idea to put them all in one thread. It will also be easier [..] View

The Fourth of Fusang

12:32 am, June 13, 2016 On the Fourth of July Weekend, from Friday, July 1st until Monday, July Fourth we will be celebrating the upcoming Fusang revamp by capturing and holding facilities in the Fusang Projects. Project Co [..] View

Sooo Lets Talk about Grand Slam. (Suggestion)

1:32 pm, June 3, 2016 So, I've recently came back but this makes me wonder. Why is grand slam not considered a strike? While Blade Torrent and Esscalation are both considered Frenzies? I haven't done any hard tests b [..] View

Reconsidering our options: Alts

1:32 pm, June 1, 2016 Hey there folks, wanted to run an idea by you guys. I'll start with this: Back when pvp was a bit more lively, I knew people who would swap from one account to another if their team was losing. They' [..] View

Evade Rating to Chance Formula (post 1.14 patch)

1:32 pm, April 22, 2016 Formula: Evade uses the same formula as Critical Rating. Using the values from Tarabelle and me, I came up with the parameters for the formula: (Chance %) = a - b / (1+ exp(Rating / c)) a = 30.0166 [..] View

Signets of Resilience vs. Reinforcement vs. Order

1:32 pm, April 17, 2016 My thoughts on these tanking signets...Info Box Signet of Resilience (epic) When you evade/glance/block, you get +150 phys and mag protection for 4 seconds, up to +450. No cd. Signet of Reinforcement [..] View

Apologies and Warning

1:32 pm, April 14, 2016 Just a heads up, didnt get a chance to catch anyone in the game I was in where I didn't participate in shambalah - I've got that auto-accept plugin and I forgot to unqueue after running to salvage my [..] View

Beyond the Veil - Ep 181 with Tilty link to interview

12:32 am, April 14, 2016 On the latest edition of Beyond the Veil, Tilty talked about PVP and Fusang. Jagour and I got to ask 3 questions. This show was predominantly about issue 14 but Jag and I come in at about 65 mins. W [..] View

Build Help

12:32 am, April 12, 2016 Hey everyone. Just getting back into the game seriously and I need some help. I picked up a build based on Sword/Blood And it works fine at most places but has some real trouble in Tokyo. [..] View

Please READ - Suggestion Box thread post on PvP

12:32 am, April 9, 2016 I just posted a reply to a Suggestion Box thread: "[PvP] Please fix PvP because as I'm sure you can see from your database (i.e. Chronicles) [..] View

PvP Weakness Update - Discuss

12:32 am, April 3, 2016 Strangely enough no thread about this has popped up, so I thought I'd start one. Here we will discuss the changes to PvP weaknesses, specifically the following: Exposed: Each stack will now also redu [..] View

I'm almost 2 months old dedicated PvP Player

12:32 am, April 2, 2016 I'm a new player dedicated to PvP. I have PvP char on both Templar (Extamus) and Dragon (Dooli). My gears are terrible so naturally I'm getting my butt kicked all the time but still have fun. At th [..] View

Update Notes Issue #14: Call of the Nameless - Game Update 1.14

12:32 am, April 1, 2016 NEWIssue #14: Call of the Nameless is now out! Six all-new main missions and assorted side missions await in the sands of Egypt. This issue is available from the item store and may be purchased with [..] View

Make PvP Great Again!

11:32 pm, March 22, 2016 Alright, I propose we build a wall to keep all those Illuminati and Dragon scum out...... Just kidding. But really, PvP is in a really weird spot right now, and while we finally got new content, we se [..] View

Something to ponder...

12:32 pm, March 7, 2016 Shambala has been around a bit now, and I wonder if anyone else has noticed this. I haven't looked at the map recently, since it's not too important to do in there. BUT.... The map I saw looked as t [..] View

Maybe a fix for ED/SH/Fusang - for Tilty

11:32 pm, February 19, 2016 Hey Tilty if you reading forums, I know you sometimes do :) How about some minor fixes: 1. Add PVP reward bag with new signets to Fusang Complex missions, ED and SH wins 2. Add PVP green reward bag, n [..] View

Is this good enough for beginner tanking

11:32 pm, February 15, 2016 I have almost no experience with tanking and I need help to point out the biggest flaws in this build. Hammer, blue QL10. 397 weapon power, +44 Crt Power, +109 Pen. Elementalism, blue QL5, 215 weapon [..] View

Signet of the Protected

11:32 pm, February 13, 2016 So, i have tested signet of the protected with a blood/pistol deck (pistol just used to cleanse) and have been pretty disappointed to see how often this signet had proc. I used ACT merging the parse o [..] View

List of All New Signets in 1.13.2

12:32 pm, February 3, 2016 I think this is all of them. Let me know if anything is incorrect or missing.Weapon/Head Signets Signet of Blessed Steps Effect: Whenever you apply a barrier effect to an ally, that ally gains a be [..] View

New fixes and thinks that r left behind .

11:32 pm, January 11, 2016 Skills that left behind and dont give a **** tho and they need to be boosted or reworked are : 1) Powerline - Fix it or rework it you dont even get max stacks in channeling. 2)My bloody Valentine r [..] View

Update Notes Issue #13: Trail of Shadows - Game Update 1.13

11:32 pm, December 17, 2015 NEW! The Orochi tower may have been conquered, but Kaidan’s survivors still need your aid. In Issue #13: Trail of Shadows, new missions await from your favorite characters, including Harumi [..] View

self heals and crit

11:32 pm, December 14, 2015 Hey folks Another stupid question from me probally but i am trying to make a build with some self heals. I use immortal spirit and leeching frenzy. i do have a signet of thirst. the problem lays in [..] View

anima shot

11:32 pm, December 5, 2015 i died to a lumie in fusang using anima shot last night more then once, therefor it is overpowered and needs to be adjusted. i recommend the following changes. rename it to "Animational Anomaly& [..] View

Very high crit chance seems to push Glance off

12:32 pm, November 11, 2015 The new patch reworked crit formula (increased the stats-based crit cap). For testing purpose, I raised my crit chance to over 100% with Deadly Aim and Egon and proceeded to shoot Hell Raised NM mobs, [..] View

Crit chance question

11:32 pm, November 4, 2015 Looking for some guidance: I am working my way through Kaidan and have switched to Rapid Getaway as my elite passive. I have 300 hit and 900 pen. My question is will the crit buff from Rapid Getaway [..] View

Just for healers by healer.

12:32 pm, November 3, 2015 Hey, I just want advices from healers, so please if you don't know a thing about healing a raid go away. So before i12 healing survivability was ok, all stats were pretty good with some training. A [..] View

Crit Build

1:32 pm, October 20, 2015 Any thoughts on creating a crit-centric build around the woodcutter's talisman? I mean, we already run with 400 crit power on builder weapon attacks, so if we can tune penetration to an amount where [..] View

[ED] Carry or plant?

1:32 pm, October 13, 2015 I'm still an average PvP player in TSW, however, I have something that currently bugs me. I play in tank tank outfit. Due to my build using many dashes, I always pick the "faction" relic b [..] View

[Theorycrafting] The sturdiest tank possible in TSW

1:32 pm, October 6, 2015 In this thread, some people said interesting things on the topic of the most sturdiest tank possible in TSW, a topic that interest me a lot. Since however this was not the main topic of this thread, [..] View

PvP is not fun.

1:32 pm, October 1, 2015 Here are my top 5 reasons why: 5. Matchmaking - Why are battle rank 150+ people playing against battle rank 0? 4. Equal Footing - Most of my gear is between 10.4 and 10.7. I made some special healt [..] View

[Scenarii] "The Lost Tank" (beginnner scenarii build for tanks)

12:32 am, September 29, 2015 I was speaking with a fellow beginner a few days ago, that explained me that he had hard time to deal with daily scenarii because he was still investing to complete his dungeon tanking gear, and thus, [..] View

[Fuse-tank] Guide about high efficiency tanking

12:32 am, September 15, 2015 The fuse-tank Mysteries about high efficiency – unveiled! Hey guys, ever wondered why there are tanks with an elemental focus in their off-hand? Ever wondered why there are groups able to ** [..] View

First Build: Blade/Shotgun, Penetration>Afflicted

1:32 pm, September 12, 2015 Hi all, After building Maverick>Paladin I decided to explore Penetration and Afflicted, so I made this build. There's probably a lot of stuff wrong with it, so if you've got some pointers to sh [..] View

The Stunner [Scenario Deck]

1:32 pm, September 11, 2015 So Kemo brought me to the idea to release my favorite scenario deck. Been a while since I shared stuff - but today I want to share the deck which escorted me to my 100% augment wheel. This deck is for [..] View

Auto-penetration & dual-defense tank (take 2)

1:32 pm, September 8, 2015 This is not the first time I talk about this idea of a tank build which doesn't use penetration rating on its gear. At that time, I had few experience, and also, the talk on the topic soon have been [..] View

PvP "participation" that isn't

12:32 am, September 8, 2015 I will start this off by saying I have not been a regular PvP player in TSW. I've dabbled with it here or there since the game launched, but nothing extensive or routine. Now with the Challenges, I' [..] View

Defensives stats in NM scenarios?

1:32 pm, September 4, 2015 I was speaking with some people yesterday evening about NM scenarios, and a particular build that used blade, art of war, martial discipline and clearing the path... and I was suprised that the build [..] View

Question re: purpose of changing AoW, Fleeting Fortress, etc. behavior

12:32 am, August 28, 2015 So, this: "Damage reduction effects which last until the next hit, such as Saving Grace, Fleeting Fortress, and Art of War, will now be triggered when any health is lost" I'm trying to fig [..] View

Bldyknuckle's CritHammer Basic Tanking build

12:32 am, August 24, 2015 Check out my Destiny Fulfilled DPS build here: Build Now!!! This is designed to be [..] View

Need some advanced mechanics help

12:32 am, August 19, 2015 Was wondering if more experienced players could help me out with a few tricky mechanics questions. 1. Does Steel Echo's 2nd hit proc 2 cuts? 2. How much does a penetrating hit increase my damage by, r [..] View

Crit as a stat

12:32 am, August 1, 2015 Just a small thought I've had for a long time: what if crit were slightly buffed? I've thought of 3 possibilities: 1) every point of crit rating would give more critical chance. It doesn't need to be [..] View

PvP: Avoiding Being Gatepulled?

1:32 pm, July 30, 2015 I've done a good Google and Search but only found comments that gatepulling doesn't happen much (it does) and that experienced PvPers know how to avoid it (I'm still a newb). I normally stand off out [..] View

Crit crazy

1:32 pm, June 27, 2015 I am a newcommer to the game, and still learning the ropes. I just made it to Savage Coast, but nowhere near the academy yet. I looked back a bit on his forum and did a search, but no older thread i s [..] View

Safety Off does not play well with Thunderstruck

12:32 am, June 22, 2015 Multi-hit builders are a staple of the proc builds using Thunderstruck as an elite passive. Safety Off, because of its cast time and when the actual hits occur, does not do well in conjunction with i [..] View

Auto-penetration tank?

1:32 pm, June 18, 2015 I was wondering if it was possible to make a tank build for NM dongeons, that would rely on auto-penetration procs instead of increase of penetration chances. Penetration rating on a tank is used for [..] View

Sword/Fist Full Dmg build?

12:32 am, June 11, 2015 Feel free to toss your favourite Dmg oriented builds my way, as long as it's Sword/Fist for Actives. Passives, anything goes obviously. Think of a typical Barbarian or Berserker class ;P By that I mea [..] View

Buff silver streak?

1:32 pm, June 7, 2015 at the moment silver streak is severely underpowered compared to the simalar hammer ability unstoppable force. both give hinder and impair immunity for 8 seconds however silver streak falls short on [..] View

Dark Potency vs Iron Maiden

1:32 pm, June 3, 2015 Let me just start by saying that I know this has been discussed many times before, but the latest discussion I found was back when DP stacked to 150 and IM gave 10%, so the thinking might be different [..] View

Your chance to save me from a costly redirection.

12:32 am, May 31, 2015 Just getting back into the game after a lengthy hiatus, never really got into the game before so never made a lot of progress. My current character has entered Blue Ridge Mountains with a decent chao [..] View

Hammer/Assault Rifle Beginner Build

12:32 am, May 29, 2015 Hey folks, I'm goofing around with hammer/assault rifle on an alt and I'd appreciate any suggestions on how to grow the build. I'm not very familiar with these weapons which is why I'm playing them. [..] View

Blood/Ele Bloodshot Spam Proc Build

1:32 pm, May 13, 2015 I started out with Blood/Ele years ago back before it was popular. Back then, procs really sucked. Since coming back, I've found out they've been buffed to be able to crit and penetrate, leading to th [..] View

I'm back! And have questions...

1:32 pm, May 6, 2015 Hey, everyone. After spending the last couple hours reinstalling the game on my new PC and reacquiring my mods, I'm back to playing after a year and a half absence. I haven't had a chance to go throug [..] View

Hey- You- the PvP Community-

12:32 am, April 29, 2015 You should really enter something in the PvP Montage round. We even opened up submissions a bit because some of you were concerned about builds and whatnot. Go here to check it out: [..] View

A Better Fusang

12:32 am, April 25, 2015 I think Fusang is set that a faction can not have more than 10 players more than the smallest faction has? Presumably this is meant to maintain some kind of balance, but even this means it is possible [..] View

Buzzing A dance fever has hit the secret world!

12:32 am, April 2, 2015 A new dance fever has taken hold in The Secret World. Old rivalries, and even the boundaries of time and space, have been put aside to give the masters of The Secret World the chance to master synch [..] View

The sad state of Fisting for DPS

11:32 pm, March 25, 2015 I normally don't engage in Forum activities because of laziness, but this requires community and maybe dev attention. Long story short: Fist is utterly unbalanced and broken for anything but healing. [..] View

Seeking Clarification on Multi-Hit Attacks

11:32 pm, March 25, 2015 So I keep hearing about how a while ago, there was "multi-hit nerf." I hear conflicting stories, though, about what it actually was...just seeking some consolidated explanation on these que [..] View

New player looking for advice on Blood/Blade Penetration build.

12:32 pm, March 22, 2015 I really like the idea of blood/blade thematically. So I am not super worried with being the ultimate top end parsing super build, but there are a lot of abilities in this game, and I am an on and off [..] View

Area of Effect thread

11:32 pm, March 15, 2015 The AoE nerf of 2015 has had positive and negative effects on the game overall but it made many abilities that were already underused even less desirable.Before you post in this thread please do not f [..] View

Suggestions on changes on my Blade/AR solo build

11:32 pm, March 12, 2015 Hello, I'm here to look for suggestions on how to change my main solo build. I started the game as Blade/AR build focusing on DPS and using leech abilities to cure myself on soloing PVE. With the curr [..] View

Elemental/Blood Solo Deck Looking For Thoughts

11:32 pm, March 12, 2015 So I'm trying to build a decent Ele/Blood solo deck to shoot for with my new character. Looking for any kind of comments/thoughts/etc on what I have so far. [..] View

Update Notes Enhanced Player Experience: Game Update 1.11

11:32 pm, March 11, 2015 GENERAL * Fast travel has been added to the map UI. * Using /reset now automatically resurrects you at the closest anima well.Tilty says... In order to make travelling through the bigger playfields ea [..] View

Game Director's Letter & PvP

11:32 pm, March 10, 2015 No disrespect intend at all. With Joel's departure and his somewhat lack of interest or faith or appreciation of pvp and the pvp population (as diminished as it now is...), I wonder if there is any c [..] View


12:32 pm, March 9, 2015 I didn't see it suggeested for any scenario builds, but i was curious and tested it instead of G&G (for a ele/blood aoe dps deck. Every single run it parsed as my top damage ability above GA. [..] View

Who needs teamwork....?

12:32 pm, February 19, 2015 We do! Dear PvPers: I would like to address something that, which in my opinion, is the reason my group often gets beaten when we PUG even if we have very solid Dragons in the match. Notice that I s [..] View

[Hammer/Blade] Tank Build critique

11:32 pm, February 18, 2015 Looking at putting together my first real tank outside of KM, this is what I'm looking at:ACTIVE: Grand Slam – Single Target RP builder, aggro enhancer Blade Torrent – Multi Targe [..] View

[Blade/Chaos] Tank prototype, I **** at building

12:32 pm, February 11, 2015 Hello, Thus far I haven't found a build I like, and many of the suggested builds are like 2 years old. So now I'm trying my hand at it. My goal is to afflict, penetrate, and debilitate enemies whil [..] View

Question about signet

12:32 pm, January 31, 2015 Hello, As an afflict Pistol/Shotgun user, I've been looking for informations about the proc rate of the aggression signet. I use this build (but I'm considering Bond, Strong Bond instead of shootout [..] View

A Reference Manual for Healing

11:32 pm, January 26, 2015 The many forms healing manifests in the Secret World, as in damage and in mitigation, appear simple until you begin asking questions. Curiosity has led me to many wonders over the years, marked more b [..] View

Fresh Meat

12:32 pm, January 22, 2015 Just did my first PvP instance in Fusang today. Realizing that I was under-geared I just made up a deck that focused on applying debuffs and impairs. I think I was the only one running around with a s [..] View

Collateral Damage + Grounded?

12:32 pm, January 17, 2015 Hi guys Recently started playing a few weeks ago and have been playing around with a few different solo builds. Ive started using collateral damage (50% chance to purge a buff on hit) on the shotgun [..] View

The Signet of Benediction No Longer Bugged?

11:32 pm, December 14, 2014 For the longest time, the Signet of Benediction has been plagued with bugs that have rendered it worse than useless. At one time, Quokka and others were worried that the way Benediction, redirect effe [..] View

The Stunner [TOKYO Build]

11:32 pm, December 11, 2014 Hey there, after Issue 10 went live and with the new great patches to some underused skills, I would like to share my Tokyo-build (yea, Tokyo finally has my attention thanks to this item ) which is [..] View

Combat Mechanics, an updated explanation please.

12:32 pm, December 8, 2014 I tried to figure out the combat's mechanics up to today but I just found the Yokai's Guide ( which is outdated. Can you help me to understand the g [..] View

Oh yes..finger pointing..FC and PvP

11:32 pm, November 29, 2014 It seems to be an ever decreasing PvP population. The result is that Dragons (who have their SirA, nTro, Faima, Hulkkz, Havie and more, but not many. Havent seen many new drags in SH for ages - which [..] View

Survivor healing build

12:32 pm, November 15, 2014 They will survive! Weapons: fist - Cost: 583 AP (Link to Deck)Actives 1. Shelter 2. Blast of Light 3. Nurture 4. Creature Comfort 5. Cauterise 6. Surgical Steel 7. ClawPassives 1. Nurturing [..] View

Solo group elite scenario guide-thingy video

11:32 pm, November 7, 2014 So I was bored and thought I'd try something new that I've never done before - making a video with voice commentary. I haven't spoken english much since highschool so there's a good chance it's gonna [..] View

An idea on how to include PvP into next year’s Halloween event

11:32 pm, October 28, 2014 Events in TSW seldom really include anything PvP related, only two occasions in fact spring to mind. There was that one time one of the guardians was put into Fusang, and then we had that ever so anno [..] View

A message for the wonderful developers

1:32 pm, October 16, 2014 Hi everyone, Myndr here. I wanted to thank the development team for their hard work and for still thinking about the PvP community as they move forward. I also wanted to give a suggestion that might h [..] View


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