The Secret World

A Secret World Fan Site




AP piling up, getting worried

12:32 am, April 6, 2017 So as you can see from my other post, I'm a returning player from so long ago I may as well be considered a newbie. I only solo PvE. I play Ele/Blood, heavy on the Ele. I am focused on leveling my we [..] View

After very long absence, returning player needs deck building help, solo PvE EleBlood

12:32 am, April 2, 2017 Hi, I got TSW when it first came out, bought a Lifetime sub, but then (for reasons I can't recall) drifted away from the game around Blue Mountain. I half remember things about this game, but mostly f [..] View

Do I benefit from Hammer skills when using blade torrent?

11:32 pm, February 16, 2017 I noticed that the Hammer Thick Skin skill reduces damage if I block, but I'm not sure if this works while I am using blade torrent. I know active abilities use the current weapon as the baseline for [..] View

Help a Noobie with A Pistol/Chaos Build

11:32 pm, February 15, 2017 Hi New to the game and starting with pistols and chaos. I know they don't have much synchronicity except weakening, but it's what I got to start. It seems to be working pretty well through the Bl [..] View

Blade/AR Build help

11:32 pm, February 8, 2017 I've been playing Secret World for a while now on and off. I recently go back into it and progressed all the way to Tokyo from Savage Coast with little difficulty with my AR/Blade build so I've always [..] View

Need pointers for Shambala healing

11:32 pm, January 23, 2017 I don't PvP a lot, I'll admit. But I have a lot of fun when I do PvP, and I tend to go heals unless my group is top-heavy with healers. I spend more time in Fusang than anywhere else, and in there I [..] View

Some small changes please.

11:32 pm, January 11, 2017 **** Shoot - Increase the chances to 35% of each effect [purge can be at 25-30%) Advantage Me - Purge can happen every ~10-15 seconds. Invasive Measures increase the chance to build resources - if y [..] View

Gearing for pvp - My character after 2 months of play.

11:32 pm, January 9, 2017 Playing AR Blood sniper type character. I can put out decent damage, especially 1v1 can usually **** him before he kills me, however have problems getting **** if hes getting heals (seems like burs [..] View

Did i just ruin my character for pvp?

12:32 pm, December 6, 2016 i just raised my talisam skills to 11 because i had the extra points. i had assumed the "understanding equal footing" thread was oudated, having the cap of resists before other stats were [..] View

But I Didn't Desert: The Game Crashed!

11:32 pm, December 2, 2016 I know that there's an older thread about this, but the problem seems to still be in effect. I queued for Sham for a while, finally got in, the screen went black, nothing I could do so I had to hit t [..] View

New Hammer/Chaos Tank Questions

11:32 pm, November 3, 2016 Hello there! I just recently started the game less than a week ago. I've been looking through the various tank guides on this website as well as others and have a general idea how I want to go about [..] View

Against Signet of Insurance

1:32 pm, October 14, 2016 To me, this particular signet works in a very weird way. The game has no "counter" to debuffs: if I corrupt you, there's no ability that reflects that corrupt back on to me. If I afflict you [..] View

Elite Proc Passive - Post Issue 15

12:32 am, October 10, 2016 Tried to do some searching and i can't quite find a concrete answer, so I will beseech the immense experience that dwells on these boards. What is currently the most effective solo elite damage proc? [..] View

Shambala signets for Barrier Healer

12:32 am, September 29, 2016 Hey guys, any suggestion of Shambala signets worth putting in a PvP barrier healer's gear? The thing is I tried both Signet of the Protected and Signet of the Physician and either ACT is wrong or the [..] View

Deck assessment?

1:32 pm, September 24, 2016 Hey all- It's been about 3 years since I last played, but I'm eager to return to my adventures. However, I have no idea what to do for a deck anymore. I know what I had, and I'm hoping that you guy [..] View

Tank Question

1:32 pm, September 18, 2016 So here's the build I'm looking at utilizing: Actives Bamboo Cutter Wheel of Knives Steel Palace Maelstrom Domino Effect Provoke Mass Provocation Passives Turbulence Probability Perseveran [..] View

Help with an Elemental/Blood build

12:32 am, August 19, 2016 Hiya all. Obligatory note: I am a recent return player. I played most of the BETA and a few months after release, but 2 kids later and not an MMO in between now and then... I have some more time now [..] View

You **** at PvP (Basic guide)

12:32 am, August 16, 2016 You do, you're awful. Thankfully, this can be rectified. In fact, there are a couple of really easy steps that will put you right on track to gitting gud and none of them have anything to do with your [..] View

El Dorado Relic Score

12:32 am, August 13, 2016 Quote: Originally Posted by Odonoptera PVPEl Dorado Final score points are now awarded for defending a relic or relic carrier. The point gain is approximately 125 per se [..] View

Assault Rifle / Chaos Tank build

12:32 am, July 26, 2016 Hi! Recently started playing TSW, and while i'm normally doing dps as AR/Elemental, i also want to build a tanky build as an off-spec when that is needed. Since my AR skills/items are fairly decent i [..] View

Theoretically Best Scenario Build

12:32 am, July 12, 2016 Hey all - Myndr here. I want to know what the top PvE players think is the theoretically most efficient and effective scenario build. The challenge? no QL 11 gear allowed. An additional possible chall [..] View

Working on a Woodcutter's tank build

1:32 pm, July 7, 2016 Hi, I am currently trying to put together a tanking build using the woodcutters tanking neck featuring Defense and high mitigation. For the woodcutter effect I am wondering whether 300 block or evade [..] View

Albyrs Nightmare-Dungeon DPS Decks

12:32 am, July 2, 2016 Hi there Traveler, this is my first TSW-Guide, however its not my first Build-Guide. I'm a passionated MMO-Nerd but not a "hardcore Theorycrafter". This guide is not for those of us who a [..] View

Need help with my deck and glyphs, AR/Shotty DPS

12:32 am, July 1, 2016 Hi all, so, I need help! A word of forewarning: I will not know the acronyms of abilities, or their effects, off by heart. I'm using AR/Shotgun combo, and usually play through content with only my par [..] View

ArtificialMind's Ultimate Theorycrafted DPS Guide

12:32 am, June 28, 2016 ArtificialMind's Ultimate Theorycrafted DPS GuideLast Update: June 27th, 2016 (1.15.2 with Elite Revamp)TL;DR: all builds can be found at b [..] View

Blood Healing and the PvP Scoreboard

12:32 am, June 25, 2016 Quote: Originally Posted by SkinFlayer Fist heals, yes. Blood heals get massive gains from signets (Divine/Blessed Steps/Protected)/WC. well, you'd think so, b [..] View

The Present State of Stonehenge PvP

12:32 am, June 20, 2016 The dozen or so matches I’ve played in Stonehenge in the past several days since the 1.15.1 patch was launched have demonstrated the precarious balance inherent in PvP. It was tempting in th [..] View

Question about Bloodspot and Salt in the wound

12:32 am, June 15, 2016 Salt in the Wound states that "whenever you apply Afflicted", and Bloodspot got a stack up Afflicted state. So.... 1) Is renewing the Afflicted status from Bloodspot counted as "applyin [..] View

Some Abilities seem to Contradict what they actually do

12:32 am, June 13, 2016 So I'm looking for a way to make a New and improved Fuse tank, And I thought my solution came from Steel Echo and Dancing Blade, Why? Because breakdown Says Whenever you *HIT* a target with a Chaos [..] View

Need advice on my Elemental/Hammer "Thane" build

1:32 pm, May 17, 2016 I have been working towards a DAoC style thane build using electric attacks for AoE and hammer for single target. I would like some advice on how to tighten it up to be more effective and do more dps [..] View

Is it even possible to hold agro as a QL10 tank in elites with QL10.9 dps?

1:32 pm, May 15, 2016 I just started getting into to elites. People say that you can do elites in 10B and I've seen some people say you can do them in QL9B. No I mostly do solo content so, I don't have super 10.9 max gear, [..] View

Signet of *****'s Note

12:32 am, April 22, 2016 Just putting these out here as I was trying it: Signet of *****'s Note When you hit a target apply a detrimental effect for 5 seconds which causes them to take an additional 150/300/450 physical dama [..] View

Signets of Resilience vs. Reinforcement vs. Order

1:32 pm, April 17, 2016 My thoughts on these tanking signets...Info Box Signet of Resilience (epic) When you evade/glance/block, you get +150 phys and mag protection for 4 seconds, up to +450. No cd. Signet of Reinforcement [..] View

Optimal Generic Tanking Glyphs?

1:32 pm, April 3, 2016 I've heard a lot of different stuff regarding tank gearing, and since the seemingly most popular tanking guide thread is from 2013 with only 10.4.4 gear I figured I'd double check before building my g [..] View

PvP Weakness Update - Discuss

12:32 am, April 3, 2016 Strangely enough no thread about this has popped up, so I thought I'd start one. Here we will discuss the changes to PvP weaknesses, specifically the following: Exposed: Each stack will now also redu [..] View

Update Notes Issue #14: Call of the Nameless - Game Update 1.14

12:32 am, April 1, 2016 NEWIssue #14: Call of the Nameless is now out! Six all-new main missions and assorted side missions await in the sands of Egypt. This issue is available from the item store and may be purchased with [..] View

Shambala ranged / melee comparison

12:32 pm, March 25, 2016 Hello TSW people, The arrival of Shambala brought the biggest changes to TSW PVP for a long time. I have mostly seen discussion about game frequency, the new signets gained and also (unfortunately [..] View

questions about new PVP signets

12:32 pm, March 23, 2016 i have questions about 2 signets: ***** note signet - if i put it on weapon does it give the additional damage to hits from second weapon too? and if i hit with it group of targets will signet ef [..] View

All the Premade Flak

11:32 pm, March 7, 2016 There's so much complaints about premades stomping pugs, but never quite take a step back and look at it from another angle. Why do premades stomp? Why do people run premade groups to begin with? [..] View

Something to ponder...

12:32 pm, March 7, 2016 Shambala has been around a bit now, and I wonder if anyone else has noticed this. I haven't looked at the map recently, since it's not too important to do in there. BUT.... The map I saw looked as t [..] View

Shambala seriously unbalanced?

11:32 pm, March 1, 2016 Shambala has developed into something which I suspect was never intended - namely, a 10-man PvP fight whose outcome can be, and increasingly often is, determined by a single player. There are about ei [..] View

Tank build critique/advice wanted

11:32 pm, February 23, 2016 So, I am thinking of trying my hand at tanking in TSW. At least to start with it will be in the Normal dungeons and/or the easier Elites. (It will be a while before I am ready for any Nightmare dun [..] View

Is this good enough for beginner tanking

11:32 pm, February 15, 2016 I have almost no experience with tanking and I need help to point out the biggest flaws in this build. Hammer, blue QL10. 397 weapon power, +44 Crt Power, +109 Pen. Elementalism, blue QL5, 215 weapon [..] View

Need help with my NM scenario build

11:32 pm, February 14, 2016 Hey all, First, here's my build: Blade / Chaos Actives: Escalation Karma Clearing the Path Martial Discipline Domino Effect Smoke and Mirrors Surging Blades Passives: Bloodsport Leeching [..] View

A Note About Faction Decks

11:32 pm, February 8, 2016 A piece of advice that we have to dispense to new players over and over again is about the Faction-specific decks, and I thought it would be useful to jot down a detailed explanation we can point at. [..] View

List of all new gadgets introduced with 1.13.2

12:32 pm, February 4, 2016 I believe these are the all gadgets. Using the contrivance upgrade kit from PVP vendor reduces the cooldown only I believe as well. The Contamination Contrivance: The effectiveness of heal, barrier an [..] View

List of All New Signets in 1.13.2

12:32 pm, February 3, 2016 I think this is all of them. Let me know if anything is incorrect or missing.Weapon/Head Signets Signet of Blessed Steps Effect: Whenever you apply a barrier effect to an ally, that ally gains a be [..] View

Shambala Buffs

12:32 pm, February 2, 2016 These are the buffs that you can get in Shambala (according to starting at around 8:20 min.):Single BuffsFortified Will Icon: Square with vertical grid Buff: I [..] View

First impressions of Shambala

11:32 pm, January 29, 2016 Well, I enjoyed those few mad scrambles... But it looks as though the devs went to a lot of work for what is effectively a 60-second skirmish. I had hoped for something much more thoughtful and tactic [..] View

Want to try AR/Ele, Solo build needed

11:32 pm, January 26, 2016 Hi everyone! I just started play TSW again, after a 3-year hiatus. My current story quest is Total Eclipse which means that I’m almost in Egypt. I’ve used mostly Blade/AR until no [..] View

What am I building towards? (Questions about Yokai's deck guide)

12:32 pm, January 17, 2016 I read this. Great reference BTW. It explained a lot! At the very end it has information on some useful deck types: [..] View

The Ultimate New Player Survival Build Guide

11:32 pm, January 15, 2016 This is a completely generic guide with universal advice for any new player who wants a solid soloing build. It is applicable to ALL weapon combinations. It is NOT the only viable soloing build but it [..] View

Let the ARs reign of terror continue

11:32 pm, January 13, 2016 Oh, NO! Todays patch ****** Anima Shot? I guess people will stop using AR now, or will they? Have fun nerfing Funcom :D Here some ideas for replacement builds. I'm reconstructing those builds from [..] View

New fixes and thinks that r left behind .

11:32 pm, January 11, 2016 Skills that left behind and dont give a **** tho and they need to be boosted or reworked are : 1) Powerline - Fix it or rework it you dont even get max stacks in channeling. 2)My bloody Valentine r [..] View

Returning Player - Solo Scenario Ranged Build?

12:32 pm, December 25, 2015 Hi folks! I've returned to the game after quite a long hiatus, and looking to get back into the swing of things again. Historically, I've always preferred ranged weapons/magic to Melee; however, I'm [..] View

PvP in 1.13

11:32 pm, December 18, 2015 i thought i would take a moment to give some feedback after playing some pvp with the issue 13 changes. first and foremost i really love the ability to change uniforms in every battlefield whenever y [..] View

Update Notes Issue #13: Trail of Shadows - Game Update 1.13

11:32 pm, December 17, 2015 NEW! The Orochi tower may have been conquered, but Kaidan’s survivors still need your aid. In Issue #13: Trail of Shadows, new missions await from your favorite characters, including Harumi [..] View

Help With Deck

12:32 pm, December 17, 2015 Hey All, I've been playing for just over a year but never posted so hello and I'm hoping someone can give me some advice or direction for my deck. I'm running AR/BM DPS, I mostly play solo and hav [..] View

PVP in general

12:32 pm, December 12, 2015 i have been sat on my lonesome self, while a friend has qued up in a premade group for both ED/SH. He has entered the match three times now, and i have 0. The fact that the system picks group qued pl [..] View

anima shot

11:32 pm, December 5, 2015 i died to a lumie in fusang using anima shot last night more then once, therefor it is overpowered and needs to be adjusted. i recommend the following changes. rename it to "Animational Anomaly& [..] View

Some small fixes please.

12:32 pm, November 25, 2015 Fix Flicker thank you , Nerf Procs damage 50% . Fix Sixth sence so it works. #FIX powerline please . Boost the range of lighting and ice manifistation. Make Cleanse effects unpurgable . Remove [..] View

LiveStream Feedback - Nov 20th

11:32 pm, November 22, 2015 Didn't see a thread on this, after finally™ watching the Stream today, and hearing some of the new™ details on Issue #13 . . . I'm just going to leave this feedback here . . . 1.) [..] View

Corrupt: is it working?

12:32 pm, November 21, 2015 I've noticed that putting full corrupt stacks on healers does nothing noticeable in downing the healer. I had one match in El Dorado where I spammed corrupt on two healers, and the match stats showed [..] View

min. stat requirements for ED

11:32 pm, November 14, 2015 Hi there. I know you will tell me "that depends". But in order to be a minimum effective, and considering EFB, as a tank, as a healer and as a dps, how much minimum pen / crit / crit power [..] View

Signet of Ablation

12:32 pm, November 10, 2015 Hi there is no item section and I can't login to test, also could not find patch notes. As I remember from somewhere Signet of Ablation got nerfed right? I mean it now ticks down on all effects, not [..] View

Dryadria's Blade/Chaos Duo Scenario Build

11:32 pm, November 7, 2015 Actives 1. Blade Torrent 2. Domino Effect 3. Steel Echo 4. Clearing the Path 5. Four Horsemen 6. Chaotic Pull 7. Helter Skelter 8. ***** From AbovePassives 1. Leeching Frenzy 2. Immortal Spirit 3. Bra [..] View

Crit chance question

11:32 pm, November 4, 2015 Looking for some guidance: I am working my way through Kaidan and have switched to Rapid Getaway as my elite passive. I have 300 hit and 900 pen. My question is will the crit buff from Rapid Getaway [..] View

Need Help with a Tanking Build

11:32 pm, November 3, 2015 Ok, so, I've only been playing for a few days, but as I've found myself with a lot of free time on my hands lately, I'm already into the Savage Coast. I recently did my first group mission (Polaris), [..] View

Woodcutter Builds

11:32 pm, October 29, 2015 Hey people just thought the new Woodcutter's Talismans were a pretty cool addition to the game and I love additional effects that add to build diversity. I haven't seen this really talked about yet so [..] View

"Ideal" Soloing Gear Setup?

12:32 am, October 21, 2015 Hello everyone. Wanted to throw this out there. What stat distribution do people recommend for soloing builds? I currently have one that is crit-heavy. It works wonders for some builds (chaos/fist b [..] View

Suggested Changes to Abilities for PvP (Domino Effect, Anima Shot)

12:32 am, October 20, 2015 (Scroll down for TL;DR version) So just some suggestions for changing some of the more popular abilities out there in an attempt to shift the metagame around a little. These abilities tend to be less [..] View

A minor question, only sorta PVP-related - what happened to the QL8 stuff?

12:32 am, October 17, 2015 I've been away for a while, obviously, and everything got changed up and around. One of the more noticeable changes is the massive reduction in the number of currencies in-game. This is pretty welcome [..] View

Challenges have provoked severe distortion of all PvP

12:32 am, October 15, 2015 PvP has changed radically since the introduction of daily challenges, and very much for the worse. ED and SH have suffered particularly seriously because all that is required of a player is "par [..] View

[PvP - ED] Relic carrier

1:32 pm, October 13, 2015 Hello guys. I'm trying to refine a bit my future PvP build for El Dorado. I'd like to gather some suggestions, as I still in "draft" mode about it. My main goal with this build is to attempt [..] View

A build for no seasons

12:32 am, October 12, 2015 I've been playing with blade and elemental lately and I'm kind of addicted to it. I'm pretty sure the specific implementation I have is useless in a group setting, but it's been a lot more useful than [..] View

In the hospital, help amuse me

12:32 am, October 11, 2015 So I'm in the hospital for the weekend, and this computer isn't strong enough to run tsw, so I've been making builds to pass the time and figured I should show all of you! We can share and trade build [..] View

Elementalism/Hammer Build! Do you accept my challange!? :D

1:32 pm, October 3, 2015 ///// BACKGROUND INFO / Please skip to the section titled: ''BUILD QUESTIONS'' if not interested :) ///// Greetings! I am actually a veteran/lifetimer of this game (bought it back when it was released [..] View

Blade/AR build progression

1:32 pm, October 2, 2015 Hi, I'm running a Blade/Ar build. I think I have about 175 points spent. Actives Stunning swirl Three Round Burst Martial Discipline Anima Burst Balanced Blade Bamboo cutter Forking Path Passives [..] View

PvP is not fun.

1:32 pm, October 1, 2015 Here are my top 5 reasons why: 5. Matchmaking - Why are battle rank 150+ people playing against battle rank 0? 4. Equal Footing - Most of my gear is between 10.4 and 10.7. I made some special healt [..] View

Grifter (Elemental/ Shotgun) newb questions

12:32 am, September 30, 2015 I am a new player, decided to play a DPS build to get to know the game before I switch to my normal healer/support type of build. I chose Grifter mostly because I liked the outfit. Dumb reason, but [..] View

Blood/Rifle deck for NMs/Raids

1:32 pm, September 29, 2015 Hey there guys! I've been trying for a while to get a blood deck working to it's full potential, while still being viable for NY. I think now that I've found a reasonably simple deck and rotation whi [..] View

[Scenarii] "The Lost Tank" (beginnner scenarii build for tanks)

12:32 am, September 29, 2015 I was speaking with a fellow beginner a few days ago, that explained me that he had hard time to deal with daily scenarii because he was still investing to complete his dungeon tanking gear, and thus, [..] View

Story-viable (and possibly after) Ele/Something AOE focused build help

12:32 am, September 22, 2015 Hi All, So after an incredibly long period of absence I have decided to reply this game from scratch only to find out AOE spells took major viability hit and to learn I know very little about the game [..] View

[Fuse-tank] Guide about high efficiency tanking

12:32 am, September 15, 2015 The fuse-tank Mysteries about high efficiency – unveiled! Hey guys, ever wondered why there are tanks with an elemental focus in their off-hand? Ever wondered why there are groups able to ** [..] View

[Scenario solo] Silver Chaser

1:32 pm, September 14, 2015 Hello folks! With all the additionnal ideas that X-Pert gave to me with his thread, I've decided to try to build a Scenario Solo build for NM based on two of my favorite skills: Chop-Chop and Thrill o [..] View

Leechtanking NM Scenarios

1:32 pm, September 13, 2015 Sorry, the topic is kinda "misleading" - of course it's for Group Nightmare Scenarios! So: Here comes another deck. I actually developed this deck before I made the Stunner Build to farm Gro [..] View

The "coolest" deck (scenario normal)

1:32 pm, September 13, 2015 The Daily challenges has made me do the normal solo scenarios again. To make them more fun Im trying to find a deck that looks cool rather than beeing as efficient as possible but still good enough to [..] View

Faster leveling for new characters

1:32 pm, September 12, 2015 While not an expert by any means, I have been thinking for quite a while about how to level a character fast, or at least easier. Some of these suggestions will need a friend to work with, maybe two [..] View

The Stunner [Scenario Deck]

1:32 pm, September 11, 2015 So Kemo brought me to the idea to release my favorite scenario deck. Been a while since I shared stuff - but today I want to share the deck which escorted me to my 100% augment wheel. This deck is for [..] View

Survival all-round?

12:32 am, September 6, 2015 Hi all! I played a bit when the game released and am trying my luck again. :D I found a number of solo questing/survival builds that look fun to work towards. I'm especially interested in blade/cha [..] View

The 4th Suit

12:32 am, September 3, 2015 Before I12, the tank uniform was great for tanking(obviously), but was also good for healing and dps. Now with the new uniforms, using a dps or tank uniform and healing is quite detrimental. (Every ve [..] View

what "Egon Pendant" actualy does?

12:32 am, September 3, 2015 hi all description says "Whenever you critically hit, you gain a beneficial effect that increases the effectivenesss of your Critical Rating for 12 seconds. The duration of this effect is not ref [..] View

Nerf Savage Sweep

12:32 am, August 29, 2015 After a discussion in PvP chat we came to the conclusion that the Savage Sweep effect on Surgical Steel needs a drastic nerf. Not only does it allow healers do deal damage (ergo perform a role they ar [..] View

Question re: purpose of changing AoW, Fleeting Fortress, etc. behavior

12:32 am, August 28, 2015 So, this: "Damage reduction effects which last until the next hit, such as Saving Grace, Fleeting Fortress, and Art of War, will now be triggered when any health is lost" I'm trying to fig [..] View

Bldyknuckle's CritHammer Basic Tanking build

12:32 am, August 24, 2015 Check out my Destiny Fulfilled DPS build here: Build Now!!! This is designed to be [..] View

The ***** of Blood healing

12:32 am, August 21, 2015 "Damage reflection effects, such as Exquisite Corpse will now only prevent an amount of damage up to the limit of the barrier's size. For example, an attack which deals 1000 damage to a reflectio [..] View

I12 - major signets and green augments

1:32 pm, August 19, 2015 According to how i understand it, the effect of Major Talisman Signets will be lost in EF adjustments for the forseeable future. So Violence, Vigor, and Amelioration will Play no role in PvP builds, w [..] View

Gross Anatomy question

1:32 pm, August 14, 2015 New player here. I'm playing an AR/Blood build following this guide (, and I'm a little confused by how Gross Anatomy works exactly (I'm still f [..] View

Something Strange-ish Happened In Fusang This Morning

12:32 am, August 14, 2015 So, I was playing on my Dragon main, Odd Man Out, in Fusang late this morning when my game went, for lack of a better term, bonkers. Massive lag spikes started hitting me, hard. All but 3 members of [..] View

Savage Coast Chaos build

1:32 pm, August 10, 2015 I'm probably about halfway through Savage Coast and I've been using the same build since Kingsmouth. I use Fist/Chaos, but I've also completed the inner wheel of Shotgun. I am playing 100% solo and ha [..] View


Area of Effect thread

Mar 16, 2015, 12:54 pm The AoE nerf of 2015 has had positive and negative effects on the game overall but it made many abilities that were already underused even less desirable.<br><br><b>Before you post in this thread plea[..] View

NYR items - "The duration of this effect is not refreshed when reapplied."

Feb 27, 2015, 3:13 pm What does this mean specifically?<br><br> Take say the CiB:<br> Whenever you critically heal, you gain a beneficial effect that increases your Crit Power by 25% for 15 seconds. The duration of this [..] View

Focus attack+Debilitated effect+EF passive = work?

Nov 29, 2014, 10:25 am hello. as i say in title. Is it possible? For example: (focus attack) shootout+ (passive) elemental force = all 5 attacks get critical(I confirmed) So..... Shootout + Elemental force + Insult to [..] View

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