12:32 pm, February 3, 2017
Hey guys,
First try at building a deck by myself from scratch.
The idea is to
- use blocking (hammer baby)
- use the fact that I have a lot of health ( several abilities give a result proportional [..]
11:32 pm, November 7, 2016
Hi guys,
I'm very satisfied with my current build for solo (except the quantum brace, but tbh it's the only Aux I have right now so it'll do).http://www.tsw-builder.com/#41v42017...10332143114a21
No [..]
12:32 am, September 29, 2016
Hey guys, any suggestion of Shambala signets worth putting in a PvP barrier healer's gear?
The thing is I tried both Signet of the Protected and Signet of the Physician and either ACT is wrong or the [..]
12:32 am, July 14, 2016
there was recently well... hmm... "event" in wich talking abaut ED went sideways.
The air of that discusion was poisonus and i would like to avoid it while talking abaut ED, becous [..]
12:32 am, July 4, 2016
Hey guys, i'm looking for some good solo dps builds, i'm in SD/COTSG now with ql6/7 weapons, also got the Woodcutter's Wrath on me.
Currently running blade/chaos leeching frenzy and tried pistol/ele [..]
1:32 pm, May 13, 2016
Hi guys, shotgun has always been my favorite weapon in some games. I'm so glad there's an MMORPG that lets me use Shotgun as a weapon. (rather tired to see Bow and Sword really). Anywho, I noticed in [..]
12:32 pm, February 9, 2016
Hey guys, as the subject says I am a returning player.
Just to give a brief background... I played at launch and reached Transylvania as a ranged DPS with a focus on AR/Ele/pistols. Since then, I ha [..]
12:32 am, September 15, 2015
The fuse-tank
Mysteries about high efficiency – unveiled!
Hey guys,
ever wondered why there are tanks with an elemental focus in their off-hand?
Ever wondered why there are groups able to ** [..]
12:32 am, June 19, 2015
Hey guys,
Maybe this have been asked before many times in forums, but I couldn't find.
So, as the title says, I have maxed all skills now. Is there anything I can spend skill points now?
Also do yo [..]
12:32 am, May 27, 2015
Hi guys, good evening!
I use the fist ability "Pack Leader" in some of my dungeon builds and I know that there are some other whole-group and another-player focused buffing abilities. So I [..]
12:32 am, May 1, 2015
Hey Guys,
I need some advice on my current build, since my weapon combination doesn´t seem to be used that much (as much as I would love to change the combination, I won´t do it - [..]
11:32 pm, March 21, 2015
Hey guys, I haven't been to NYR for a while but i'm getting reports that Bombardment works in the NYR raid while standing on the pi/sg buff.
Testing bombardment in the test room shows that it is stil [..]
12:32 pm, March 15, 2015
Oh did i say payphones? I meant Pre-mades. Sorry i get them confused.
Facetiousness aside, when are we ready to stop calling Pre-mades? I've said this hundreds of times, over and over again, but appa [..]
11:32 pm, March 9, 2015
Hi guys,
I’ve just returned from my whirlwind visit to the US office (and a quick trip to Canada) and I am jetlagged. Still, the nice unicorn that I sat next to on the plane after taking my [..]
12:32 pm, February 1, 2015
Hey guys,
I've been thinking about writing this guide for a year or so now....now that I have comfortably perfected the art of bursting, I'd like to share my insight.
Stage One: &q [..]
11:32 pm, January 9, 2015
Hey guys,
I'm in the process of leveling a healer and I'm finding that I struggle with fighting mobs and surviving while doing missions in Savage Coast. Since I'd like to stick to a Fist/Pistol build [..]
12:32 am, October 21, 2014
I made this suggestion some time ago, but then community dissaproved, i wonder if its opinion changed a little
My idea is to allow fourth choice of the uniform trully customaziable at faction HQ for [..]
1:32 pm, August 31, 2014
Hey guys,
after playing around with some new decks, I decided to share my deck which I use at the moment for soloing group elite scenarios and for tanking group nightmare scenarios 2-manning.
The de [..]