The Secret World

A Secret World Fan Site




Elemental cooldown

1:32 pm, August 3, 2017 Hi all, i would like to know which passive either for Blade/Elemental or any glyph or anything really that i can use that helps with the cooldown time when using Mjolner hammer, elemental? Three pops [..] View

Looking for adviced, Solo/Duo Hammer/Shotgun (or Hammer/x)

1:32 pm, May 21, 2017 Started days ago playing again the game with a friend doing the history of TSW. But I never had enough grasp of the Tree Skill and how much have changed the skills in these years... and how updated a [..] View

Ele/Blood Slot 7? Looking for heavy hitter like Molten Earth

12:32 am, April 16, 2017 So I am finding that when I am mobbed, using my chain builder is more than enough to take out large groups, I don't need Electrical Storm. What I *could* use would be another heavy hitting solo attack [..] View

Possible to get all three? Penetration, no glancing, and Crit?

12:32 am, April 13, 2017 So I've assembled (and tweaked) what seems to me to be a decent deck, which I have mentioned on other posts and will link to below for ease of access: [..] View

Is Deck swapping a thing in this game?

12:32 am, April 11, 2017 An obvious thought occurs to me: I fight two kinds of enemies: solo big tough guys and swarms of minor enemies. That's why I put together a deck that includes both kinds of attacks:http://www.tsw-buil [..] View

Starting Tank set-up

1:32 pm, March 28, 2017 Hi, here is my Hammer/Chaos, Weaken/Block build. I am wondering if I am not too much weakens. The idea is to: Trucker engage, Molten Steel Escalation x4, Grip Whip, Reality Fracture, Mo [..] View

Tank Setup

11:32 pm, March 11, 2017 Evening, I am looking for a setup with the tanking woodcutter to run NM Polaris for BB farm for my other gear and was wondering if I can get a setup or advice on gearing it this way. If it becomes to [..] View

How to gear from 10.0.0 to 10.9.5

11:32 pm, March 10, 2017 The goal of this thread is to provide a short guide on how to gear for PVE in the beginning of endgame, before getting to aegis content, without using too many Mark of the Pantheon, Black Bullions and [..] View

Duo/Solo Hammer Block Build

12:32 pm, March 6, 2017 Hello I am looking for a good Hammer/something build that I can use to survive PvE stuff. I don't play alone, I normally play with my partner who uses a DPS Blood Magic build and I tank using a Bloc [..] View

Minor DPS signets, +3 or 4.5%

12:32 pm, February 25, 2017 There are two series of DPS signets for minor talismans, they both increase damage but they have different percentage values. Examples (all purples): Assassination increases Strike damage by 4.5% (Ham [..] View

Various ideas about some signets and abilities changes

11:32 pm, February 17, 2017 Good morning/evening, Me and my friends are doing a lot of PvP and PvE and we always try new changes and stuff regarding Abilities and Signets, i would like to make the following suggestions regardin [..] View

Do I benefit from Hammer skills when using blade torrent?

11:32 pm, February 16, 2017 I noticed that the Hammer Thick Skin skill reduces damage if I block, but I'm not sure if this works while I am using blade torrent. I know active abilities use the current weapon as the baseline for [..] View

Hammer / Chaos - solo deck built around blocking >> does that work ?

12:32 pm, February 3, 2017 Hey guys, First try at building a deck by myself from scratch. The idea is to - use blocking (hammer baby) - use the fact that I have a lot of health ( several abilities give a result proportional [..] View

New to TSW tanking

11:32 pm, January 8, 2017 I used to mainly play a healer, but that was a LONG time ago. so I am trying out tanking. I also love Synergy meaning things that easily flow into each other, and or work well with tis each other [..] View

Def or Block for Tanking?

12:32 pm, November 18, 2016 I've been searching these forums for about an hour trying to find a definitive answer on which stat is best for tanking end game, but most info is from 2012/13 and feels outdated. I'm really enjoying [..] View

New Hammer/Chaos Tank Questions

11:32 pm, November 3, 2016 Hello there! I just recently started the game less than a week ago. I've been looking through the various tank guides on this website as well as others and have a general idea how I want to go about [..] View

Build Thread : Decks, gearing up for and learning NM dungeons and Raids the easy way

12:32 pm, November 2, 2016 I'm a new player to TSW and I absolutely love it. However I feel like I'm being held back by the lack of information about builds and decks that are available these days. To be honest TSW is a fanta [..] View

So I actually quite like the PvP, but I do detest that everyone seems to be a healer.

1:32 pm, October 21, 2016 Of some sort, anyway. Yes, I am rather new at this. But if this super flexible system is in this game, why not use it? I want to make a build that can **** healers quite well. I've seen a few ideas [..] View

Returnee seeking pistol/blade advice for South Tokyo

1:32 pm, October 14, 2016 Heya, I'm hoping an expert here can help me resurrect my character and finally finish the story after I abandoned it in June. When last I played, I was reasonably comfortable running around northern [..] View

Help with an Elemental/Blood build

12:32 am, August 19, 2016 Hiya all. Obligatory note: I am a recent return player. I played most of the BETA and a few months after release, but 2 kids later and not an MMO in between now and then... I have some more time now [..] View

Newbie progression into endgame.

12:32 am, July 15, 2016 Hello. I am new. There's undoubtedly hundreds of these threads lying around here, but with the recent meta change due to passive/elite revamp, i will go ahead and ask these questions again on behalf [..] View

Best weapon for Laceration

1:32 pm, July 14, 2016 So the best slot for Laceration is head talisman but assuming you decide to keep another signet there, what is the second best option? I am thinking hammer as it allows easy proccing with MS while pos [..] View

Albyrs Nightmare-Dungeon DPS Decks

12:32 am, July 2, 2016 Hi there Traveler, this is my first TSW-Guide, however its not my first Build-Guide. I'm a passionated MMO-Nerd but not a "hardcore Theorycrafter". This guide is not for those of us who a [..] View

Some Abilities seem to Contradict what they actually do

12:32 am, June 13, 2016 So I'm looking for a way to make a New and improved Fuse tank, And I thought my solution came from Steel Echo and Dancing Blade, Why? Because breakdown Says Whenever you *HIT* a target with a Chaos [..] View

Unusual Build Request

12:32 am, June 11, 2016 Alright build gurus, I've got an unusual challenge for you, I hope this is an ok place to put it. My fiancée isn't much of a gamer, but after some research, we picked up tsw to try out to [..] View

Problems with pinned down

12:32 am, June 5, 2016 I've invested a load of Ap to create a hammer/shot weakness/hinder build. One of the passives that I have slotted is pinned down. The tool tip states that it should hit after each pen, but it seems to [..] View

Sooo Lets Talk about Grand Slam. (Suggestion)

1:32 pm, June 3, 2016 So, I've recently came back but this makes me wonder. Why is grand slam not considered a strike? While Blade Torrent and Esscalation are both considered Frenzies? I haven't done any hard tests b [..] View

Shotgun Elemental advice please

12:32 am, May 21, 2016 I'm just starting in Blur Mountains, and really enjoying the combo so far. I'm focusing on exploiting hindered states, and it's working well so far: Actives: Powder Burn Pump Action Buckshot Out [..] View

Need advice on my Elemental/Hammer "Thane" build

1:32 pm, May 17, 2016 I have been working towards a DAoC style thane build using electric attacks for AoE and hammer for single target. I would like some advice on how to tighten it up to be more effective and do more dps [..] View

Late game Dungeon Glyphs

12:32 am, May 13, 2016 I am currently building my custom late game DPS/Tank gear, what kind of glyphs should I have for my talismans? My DPS is DABS or shotgun/Elementalism SF, my tank build is a classic block blade hammer [..] View

The new dps meta I1.14

12:32 am, April 28, 2016 As we all wait for the patch eexcitedly, i wondered what builds would be Options for dps going onwards. Pistol/Shotgun The old well known build with bombardment - 1 Player per raid should still be f [..] View

Signets of Resilience vs. Reinforcement vs. Order

1:32 pm, April 17, 2016 My thoughts on these tanking signets...Info Box Signet of Resilience (epic) When you evade/glance/block, you get +150 phys and mag protection for 4 seconds, up to +450. No cd. Signet of Reinforcement [..] View

Survival build stats.

12:32 am, April 10, 2016 I am working on my Dragon character who is mainly using Chaos/Blade though I will have all the melee weapons as her theme. I want a build that has good survival, healing and DPS stats.http://joakibj. [..] View

B & H tank build advice.

12:32 am, April 9, 2016 Good morning. Since I received excellent advice for my build, and how to **** Beaumont, I wish to help out my sister. She tanks for our family group. Which is her, her husband, and myself. She star [..] View

Update Notes Issue #14: Call of the Nameless - Game Update 1.14

12:32 am, April 1, 2016 NEWIssue #14: Call of the Nameless is now out! Six all-new main missions and assorted side missions await in the sands of Egypt. This issue is available from the item store and may be purchased with [..] View

What to do with all the AP?

12:32 am, March 30, 2016 Returning player here wondering what to do with all the AP my toons are earning this week. My main is elemental/hammer. I play him with my friend who is elemental/blade. We're in Blue Mountain and h [..] View

Off Hand Weapon Signet for Solo and poor

11:32 pm, March 14, 2016 Here is my current gear: Solo Gear:,3,0,4,0,3,39 Laceration on head, breaching on sword, currently nothing on my hammer. I only use hammer for molten steel [..] View

Solo Impair Build - Advice/Critique

11:32 pm, March 10, 2016 It's been a while since I played, and I'm trying to get a feel for building again. I've been toying with a hammer-based impair build. Mostly I'm doing solo play. Here's what I've got so far:Weapons [..] View

pvp first impressions

11:32 pm, February 27, 2016 every single player uses a blade or fists and teleports behind you and stuns you.. meanwhile none of my hinder attacks stun players thors hammer 1 shots lol its almost fun, but the stunlocking and te [..] View

Tank build critique/advice wanted

11:32 pm, February 23, 2016 So, I am thinking of trying my hand at tanking in TSW. At least to start with it will be in the Normal dungeons and/or the easier Elites. (It will be a while before I am ready for any Nightmare dun [..] View

Advice on my tank build

12:32 pm, February 16, 2016 Actives: 1.) Ground pound 2.) Blowout 3.) Razor shards 4.) Crimson theatre 5.) Martial discipline 6.) Mass provocation 7.) Silver streak Passives: 1.) Shadowplay 2.) Agitator 3.) Regeneration 4.) St [..] View

Is this good enough for beginner tanking

11:32 pm, February 15, 2016 I have almost no experience with tanking and I need help to point out the biggest flaws in this build. Hammer, blue QL10. 397 weapon power, +44 Crt Power, +109 Pen. Elementalism, blue QL5, 215 weapon [..] View

Hammer/Shotgun DPS & Solo Build

11:32 pm, February 14, 2016 Okay, earlier I've made a Hammer/Shotgun build template, and now that people have given me some solid advice, I separated the builds into two different formats. Either way, this is the basic builds, i [..] View

Advice on Build (Hammer/Shotgun)

11:32 pm, February 10, 2016 I'm new to the forum, but I've been playing The Secret World for quite some time. My character is practically a character from another franchise warped into this world, and I made a build that replica [..] View

Returning player needing tank advice

12:32 pm, February 9, 2016 Hey guys, as the subject says I am a returning player. Just to give a brief background... I played at launch and reached Transylvania as a ranged DPS with a focus on AR/Ele/pistols. Since then, I ha [..] View

Leveling/Questing newbie friendly Blood/Ele build?

12:32 pm, January 18, 2016 Just started the game a few days ago. Looking for a viable leveling build for Blood/Ele mix. I have the following right now and I feel it's underwhelming. Wondering what I can do to 1) Make it more vi [..] View

I picked Hammers & Element. Bad choice

11:32 pm, January 13, 2016 For this character I picked Hammers and Elementalism before I knew anything about synergy. These two weapons don't have any synergy whatsoever, so I want to replace one of them. The question is which [..] View

Please make comment to my build/gear

11:32 pm, December 26, 2015 Hello all, I am trying to change my build. I want to change it from full dps to blade/hammer tanky dps/survival build. So here is my tanky dps/survival build. I want to ask you, what would you sugges [..] View

PvP in 1.13

11:32 pm, December 18, 2015 i thought i would take a moment to give some feedback after playing some pvp with the issue 13 changes. first and foremost i really love the ability to change uniforms in every battlefield whenever y [..] View

Hammer/Pistol tank build. Requesting assistance.

12:32 pm, December 9, 2015 Hello all! Let me preface this by saying that I haven't played the game since release and never got past the first zone. I have done quite a bit of browsing and other than some 2014 posts, I haven't [..] View

Bombardment oh Bombardment

12:32 pm, November 12, 2015 Hail and greetings from the cluttered desk on JackMax. I haven't been around too long in this game (<3 months), but as I have run through the game one ability has stuck out as an aberration amo [..] View

Woodcutter Builds

11:32 pm, October 29, 2015 Hey people just thought the new Woodcutter's Talismans were a pretty cool addition to the game and I love additional effects that add to build diversity. I haven't seen this really talked about yet so [..] View

Help me make some Elementalism builds

12:32 pm, October 28, 2015 So some months ago, I realized I barely ever used elementalism in my builds. Previously I'd had the same realization about hammer and it ended up becoming my favourite weapon for a while (hammer heali [..] View

Hammer/Blade DPS "Guide"

12:32 am, October 11, 2015 Hello, my name is DonHoliday, I have been playing this game for just over three weeks, so bare that in mind when reading my "guide". I have guide in quotation marks, since to be honest I'm [..] View

[Theorycrafting] The sturdiest tank possible in TSW

1:32 pm, October 6, 2015 In this thread, some people said interesting things on the topic of the most sturdiest tank possible in TSW, a topic that interest me a lot. Since however this was not the main topic of this thread, [..] View

Elementalism/Hammer Build! Do you accept my challange!? :D

1:32 pm, October 3, 2015 ///// BACKGROUND INFO / Please skip to the section titled: ''BUILD QUESTIONS'' if not interested :) ///// Greetings! I am actually a veteran/lifetimer of this game (bought it back when it was released [..] View

[Fuse-tank] Guide about high efficiency tanking

12:32 am, September 15, 2015 The fuse-tank Mysteries about high efficiency – unveiled! Hey guys, ever wondered why there are tanks with an elemental focus in their off-hand? Ever wondered why there are groups able to ** [..] View

Elemental/Shotgun Solo/Duo Build Help

12:32 am, September 13, 2015 I've been playing a while, and am developing three characters practically simultaneously. As I get into the outer rings, things are getting fun. The top of this question is about my DPS build for Phre [..] View

Skills I simply must have?

12:32 am, September 12, 2015 So I've lvl'd some and are about to make a decision about future skills. I've read that Exposed or Corrupted must be had in the build. That tosses a lot of builds and weapon types out the window if th [..] View

PvP Healer question(s)

12:32 am, September 11, 2015 I've been attempting to heal in PvP and I'm trying to figure out if there is a one build good for ED, SH and Fusang, or do I need to consider different ones for the different maps/instances? On on [..] View

[Dungeon DPS] "2nd buffer" build

12:32 am, September 11, 2015 Disclaimer: I'm not usualy fond of DPS, so I have less studied the topic than the tanking one... still, I found the idea below intriguing and would like to ear opinions about it. The main goal is to [..] View

Auto-penetration & dual-defense tank (take 2)

1:32 pm, September 8, 2015 This is not the first time I talk about this idea of a tank build which doesn't use penetration rating on its gear. At that time, I had few experience, and also, the talk on the topic soon have been [..] View

Defensives stats in NM scenarios?

1:32 pm, September 4, 2015 I was speaking with some people yesterday evening about NM scenarios, and a particular build that used blade, art of war, martial discipline and clearing the path... and I was suprised that the build [..] View

Need criticism on my PVP AR/Ele build

12:32 am, September 1, 2015 It's a modified Leeching build with elementalism for root. Main problem I find is hammer stunners when my SoH is on cd and I can't move while they [..] View

Soloing missions and scenarios

12:32 am, August 28, 2015 Is it possible to have a build/deck that will work for both mission content in Transylvania and Kaiden, while also be able to score gold in elite scenarios? I almost forgot, so far, I like assault rif [..] View

Bldyknuckle's CritHammer Basic Tanking build

12:32 am, August 24, 2015 Check out my Destiny Fulfilled DPS build here: Build Now!!! This is designed to be [..] View

Dat nerf doe

12:32 am, August 21, 2015 Rip in peace Exquisite Corpse You will be missed ( I made a really awesome JPG of a tombstone with EC on it, but cbf uploading it so instead you get this message) (I wish i had more time to write t [..] View

Couple of build questions

12:32 am, August 16, 2015 Hello allo returning player after a long break. Have three questions the first being about how viable my current dps build still is which I will list below. My second question is what is the most brai [..] View

Close Encounters - Shotgun solo build?

12:32 am, August 3, 2015 I really like the idea of a close range shotgun build using point blank and raging bullet, but I'm a very casual player in TSW and I haven't spent very much time theory crafting or investigating. I ha [..] View

Solo play fist/hammer

12:32 am, July 28, 2015 Hi there. Recently come back after playing when the game was released. I've mainly been PvPing, so I've been following Bell's Basic PvP Healer build ( [..] View

What Should I Pair With Blade?

12:32 am, July 17, 2015 I've only just started playing a couple days so I'm not far in game at all. I started off with Assault Rifle & Pistols but I didn't like having to constantly kite the enemy. I realise now th [..] View

Need some help with blade/elemental build. is affliction really worth it?

1:32 pm, July 15, 2015 Trading for the other passives I can use between the 2? Im seriously getting my butt kicked her in savage coast, my builds where fine up until this point, I mostly use thors hammer, light manifestatio [..] View

Hammer/Fist or Fist/Hammer Build/Guide?

1:32 pm, July 13, 2015 So i am wanting to go with a hammer/fist or fist/hammer build but all the ones i have found either weren't what i was looking for or were outdated. any guides or builds would be super helpful. thanks [..] View

healer/dps hybrid build?

1:32 pm, July 6, 2015 A friend has started playing secret world and she's enjoying more of a tank build with hammers and blades. I've been toying with the idea of going ranged dps with a bit of healing to keep my friend al [..] View

New Player Solo Build Help?

12:32 am, July 6, 2015 So i just got the game and i am a bit overwhelmed by all the builds u can create. i was wondering if anyone could help me out with some suggestions or point me in the right direction. for weps i like [..] View

Guide for Non-Healers in Fusang

1:32 pm, July 2, 2015 Finally! It is done! I managed to build my first QL10.4 talisman set. To celebrate this event I give you myGuide for Non-Healers in Fusang If you ever wanted to know how to play with a healer in Fusa [..] View

Looking for a capable Hammer/Blood Build and I'm kinda stuck right now.

1:32 pm, June 29, 2015 As of now I'm working on a build I'd like to call the Bleeding Turtle. Of course problem is I'd like to increase my DPS as much as I can, mainly through blood magic while keeping my block capabilities [..] View

I really want to melee with elemental but

12:32 am, June 23, 2015 I am not sure how well this works in this game, im usually into the battlemage or spellsword types, but as far as I can tell there is not much synergy with melee and elemental outside of maybe hammer [..] View

Can someone explain this rotation

12:32 am, June 21, 2015 I am just coming back and researching builds to work towards. This looked intriguing hammer\ar: It is in the pvp bootcamp section. Can some ex [..] View

Buff silver streak?

1:32 pm, June 7, 2015 at the moment silver streak is severely underpowered compared to the simalar hammer ability unstoppable force. both give hinder and impair immunity for 8 seconds however silver streak falls short on [..] View

Favourite consumer?

1:32 pm, June 1, 2015 Hi! So on my current alt, I'm running an improvised hammer/shotgun build that has been working surprisingly well so far for soloing/levelling. But I'm noticing that I'm not really using the shotgun a [..] View

Hammer/Assault Rifle Beginner Build

12:32 am, May 29, 2015 Hey folks, I'm goofing around with hammer/assault rifle on an alt and I'd appreciate any suggestions on how to grow the build. I'm not very familiar with these weapons which is why I'm playing them. [..] View

Chaos/Hammer soloing, and possibly tanking

1:32 pm, May 20, 2015 Hey, there, guys. Decided to come back to this game, after being away since roughly around Issue 4. Started a new character, in order to play with a fresh friend, and though i'd try my hand at Chaos [..] View

Help with "The Boardroom" and build

1:32 pm, May 18, 2015 Hi Guys. First time poster here. I've loved Issue 11. A lot. But I can't seem to clear out The Boardroom. I have two Cyber weapon modules at QL 3, shield at 2. I've been working with the following bu [..] View

Returning player build help

12:32 am, May 16, 2015 Looking for a build that will let me move through the game and enjoy the story. I have a few ideas in mind but was hoping for some feedback from people who use the builds to solo. First is shotgun/ha [..] View

Tanking questions

1:32 pm, May 13, 2015 Disclaimer, my current tanking gearset has been built following the guidelines in Ciritty's Pink tanking thread, and I like her recommendations for tanking passives, and the only passive that will lik [..] View

Need help with Issue 11 Build

12:32 am, May 8, 2015 Can anyone help me with my build as I'm struggling with the fight in the Orochi Tower - Tier 3/3. I can barely get the shields down in time to cause damage before they regen (even with the gadget tha [..] View

Advice needed on my build(s)

12:32 am, May 7, 2015 Hello everyone! I'm kinda new to this game, but I'm getting more and more into it every day. After the first week, I'm confident to have figured out how things work and I started thinking about buil [..] View

Katarina1: The Ultimate End-Game DPS Guide [Ultra Performance]

1:32 pm, May 5, 2015 Hai, I'm Ҝatarina1. This is my end-game DPS guide. It includes a list of working builds (Short - Mid/Long ) and video tutorials.Video [1080p] : &am [..] View

Add 3 PVP builds?

1:32 pm, May 1, 2015 Hey, I was wondering, since 3 builds were added for Tokyo would it be possible to come up with a tank, heal, and DPS build to add to the game? Maybe if there was a premade PVP build it would help peop [..] View

Some questions for Leveling builds

12:32 am, April 27, 2015 Ok so ive started my Illuminati character and I think ive settled on weapon load outs just wondering a few things. 1. I recall at one point reading some decent AR/Blade builds. Anyone know if they ar [..] View

Help with Solo Missions/Farming Survival build

1:32 pm, April 22, 2015 First what I have done and what I 99% likely won't ever do: I have tanked Nightmares, only thing I am missing on my tanking gear is 10.4 Pen glyphs on my blade and shotgun, and decent tanking signets [..] View

Mid Range Hammer/Pistol Help

1:32 pm, April 8, 2015 Hello good people of the TSW community ! I am a relative newbie to this game, and enjoying it tremendously. I started a hammer-pistol build purely because the combination looked cool. Now (Blue Mount [..] View

A build for running missions?

12:32 am, April 8, 2015 Hello everyone, could you guys help me out for a decision of a deck? I am currently playing with a friend and we are running the missions in different areas. For now i concentrated on the soldier d [..] View

The sad state of Fisting for DPS

11:32 pm, March 25, 2015 I normally don't engage in Forum activities because of laziness, but this requires community and maybe dev attention. Long story short: Fist is utterly unbalanced and broken for anything but healing. [..] View

How to build a pinball machine?

11:32 pm, March 19, 2015 I'm sorta coming back after a very long while, starting over with a new "enhanced" character and reached near the end of Solomon Island. I randomly started using chaos and the pull from Domi [..] View

Tanking/Hate Changes

12:32 pm, March 16, 2015 Have there been changes to hate generation? In the past we have observed a high end Hammer/Fist DPS pulling off the tank if they didn't open with Stoicism. With Stoicism it was uncommon for Hammer/F [..] View

New Player looking for good solo PvE build

11:32 pm, March 12, 2015 Technically I'm not completely new, I played a while almost a year ago but then stopped, but the news about the "beginner friendly" new patch brought me back to give it another shot. Last t [..] View

Returning Player - Where to Start?

11:32 pm, March 12, 2015 I'm looking for some advice on where to get started. I stopped playing quite a while back when I just didn't have time (probably around 1.4?) and now I'm looking to get back into things on a somewhat [..] View

Update Notes Enhanced Player Experience: Game Update 1.11

11:32 pm, March 11, 2015 GENERAL * Fast travel has been added to the map UI. * Using /reset now automatically resurrects you at the closest anima well.Tilty says... In order to make travelling through the bigger playfields ea [..] View


[Hammer/Blade] Tank Build critique

Feb 19, 2015, 9:01 am Looking at putting together my first real tank outside of KM, this is what I'm looking at:<br><br>ACTIVE:<ul><li> Grand Slam &ndash; Single Target RP builder, aggro enhancer</li> <li> Blade Torrent &n[..] View

Hammer-based solo builds?

Feb 14, 2015, 1:11 pm Hi everyone, <br><br> Returning player from a long absence here. Figured I'd start fresh on a new toon, with a little bit of RP -- my character is very Hammer-centric. Are there any decently survivab[..] View


Jan 24, 2015, 2:53 pm So, I've been away from the game for a long while, and I'm trying to play my Hammer/Shotgun character again. I'm only at 53 AP, so not hugely advanced, but I'm wondering if there is still a role for [..] View

Request for Fist/Hammer solo build.

Dec 31, 2014, 1:06 pm Hello ladies and gentlemen. I've been experimenting with the various weapons so far, and decided that I would like a melee build, but I do not like the feel nor the animations of the blade weapons, i[..] View

Elemental/Hammer Strike build In works. Feedback please.

Dec 14, 2014, 6:00 pm Alright, hey everyone, so I'm still fairly new at this game, only been playing for a couple of months. I'm mostly a PVE player, so I wanted to find a Deck that I could play that was effective and enj[..] View

Beginner builds with Hammer

Dec 11, 2014, 6:20 am Hi all, i started playing the game 3 days ago with some friends and decided at first to start playing w/o worrying about builds and stuffs. So i started with a Hammer and looked at the premade buils[..] View

Assistance continuing hammer build

Dec 8, 2014, 1:10 am Hello all, I started playing TSW last week and I am quite enjoying it so far. I started off with an assault rifle/blades build early on. I then switched over to a hammer/blades build from ([..] View

Hammer/Blade tank build...just want to make sure I understand what I want from it

Dec 2, 2014, 2:26 pm I am trying to build a good Hammer/Blade build and just wanted to make sure I understand the synergies right. With Blade do I want to focus on afflicted in order to increase penetration rate which th[..] View

A longwind blades/hammer/other build question

Nov 29, 2014, 12:59 pm So ive got about 10.4 days played. In that time i have been beat up, set on fire, had bombs explode on me, undead try to drain my life away, spoken with watchers, been to hell, all through it all i [..] View

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