The Secret World

A Secret World Fan Site




Anyone Alive?

12:32 pm, January 18, 2018 Hi. I was just wondering if there are anyone who is still interested of having some funtime in Fusang, or in any other PvP minigames? It seems that SWL PvP is no-go, or it will be horrible and I kin [..] View

Comprehensive PvP and Metagame Guide (Feb 26 2017)

12:32 pm, February 27, 2017 PvP Strategy Guide~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Intention/introIt goes without saying that within TSW's co [..] View

The math behind the wheel

12:32 am, October 21, 2016 The idea of this thread is to gather some information about the math behind the signet, items, actives and passives of the game. The goal is never to tell if signet a is better than signet b, but just [..] View

Clearing the Path - What Am I Missing?

1:32 pm, July 28, 2016 I've seen it come up here and there, forever, about Clearing the Path (CtP) being awesome. I now have four chars who currently use a Blade, and I'd love them all to have unique and characterful fight [..] View

Healing and Tanking Builds

12:32 am, July 2, 2016 Much ado about DPS builds but have not seen any updated core Healing or Tanking builds of late, or are the generic ones at still the go to? Especially with the latest patch (though I assume [..] View

Expectations By Role?

1:32 pm, June 27, 2016 A couple of recent comments in the forum have got me wondering exactly what players expect other players to bring to the table, according to the suit that they're wearing, in order to be a 'proper' Ta [..] View

TSW PvP Stream

1:32 pm, June 16, 2016 Hey guys and gals, Lotiz here. I have noticed that every time I check twitch tv's TSW streams, they are all PvE streams. So I figured it could be kind of cool to do some PvP streaming for those of you [..] View

New Clotting

1:32 pm, June 16, 2016 Clotting procs a separate heal, which is able to crit independently. Passive shields (Donor) count as a shield in terms of the "already have a barrier" condition, but do not count as apply [..] View

Unusual Build Request

12:32 am, June 11, 2016 Alright build gurus, I've got an unusual challenge for you, I hope this is an ok place to put it. My fiancée isn't much of a gamer, but after some research, we picked up tsw to try out to [..] View

Returning Player Seeking Current Advice

12:32 am, May 25, 2016 Hi all! I haven't played The Secret World in a long time. In fact, the last issue I was around for was Issue 3 and the last issue I'd even heard about was Issue 5. I really do like this game howeve [..] View

Check TL - big change to current pve dps meta pending

1:32 pm, April 26, 2016 If you are interested in builds in PVE you should check out the TL forum. The newest TL patch includes a change that will change the current meta if it goes live. So be sure to visit TL and provide fe [..] View

Reinstating Fusang Sundays!

11:32 pm, March 10, 2016 Hello all! So some of you old timers may remember this thing called Fusang, and that a guy named Gremel organized Sunday's to be a day that lots of people knew there would be competition in Fusang an [..] View

What am I building towards? (Questions about Yokai's deck guide)

12:32 pm, January 17, 2016 I read this. Great reference BTW. It explained a lot! At the very end it has information on some useful deck types: [..] View

Help With Deck

12:32 pm, December 17, 2015 Hey All, I've been playing for just over a year but never posted so hello and I'm hoping someone can give me some advice or direction for my deck. I'm running AR/BM DPS, I mostly play solo and hav [..] View

less of a downer

12:32 am, October 18, 2015 all the threads on these pvp forums seem so doom and gloom. its all fusang is destroyed and p2w and pugs are ****. well fusang is dead, and fancy talismans from buying another game is sort of ****, a [..] View

Its time for seperate ques

12:32 am, October 9, 2015 Before you say "aw god not that again" think about it. Pockethealers, People playing with "friends", People going in with "friends" at specific times when they know they [..] View

Elementalism/Hammer Build! Do you accept my challange!? :D

1:32 pm, October 3, 2015 ///// BACKGROUND INFO / Please skip to the section titled: ''BUILD QUESTIONS'' if not interested :) ///// Greetings! I am actually a veteran/lifetimer of this game (bought it back when it was released [..] View

PvP "participation" that isn't

12:32 am, September 8, 2015 I will start this off by saying I have not been a regular PvP player in TSW. I've dabbled with it here or there since the game launched, but nothing extensive or routine. Now with the Challenges, I' [..] View

Survival all-round?

12:32 am, September 6, 2015 Hi all! I played a bit when the game released and am trying my luck again. :D I found a number of solo questing/survival builds that look fun to work towards. I'm especially interested in blade/cha [..] View

Hello... again?

12:32 am, September 4, 2015 im curious what TSW is like at the moment. are there enough pvp players around? has anything changed or improved? and can my pvp gear make it to .5 yet? anyone interested in discussing these things i [..] View

Savage Coast Chaos build

1:32 pm, August 10, 2015 I'm probably about halfway through Savage Coast and I've been using the same build since Kingsmouth. I use Fist/Chaos, but I've also completed the inner wheel of Shotgun. I am playing 100% solo and ha [..] View

New player loking for help building a Ranged build

12:32 am, July 17, 2015 Hi guys. I want to be able to solo as much as possible but in all other mmorpg's i played i always played as ranged.... This game is very complex and also has much content,im not interested in close [..] View

Tanking questions

1:32 pm, May 13, 2015 Disclaimer, my current tanking gearset has been built following the guidelines in Ciritty's Pink tanking thread, and I like her recommendations for tanking passives, and the only passive that will lik [..] View

Looking For Advice on Glyphing For Tokyo

1:32 pm, May 9, 2015 So, Issue #11 has brought me two new glorious purples! (The one from the issue itself, and I finally spent that bullion they gave existing post-Transylvania characters on a brand new Assault Rifle.) I [..] View

How many people here actually still use the Fight Clubs?

12:32 am, April 16, 2015 iKnow there are those of you who just play the Fusang, Stonehenge, Eldorado Look, this is just for fun (with prizes) but not extreme TSW based rewards like you get in those. The FFK tournament is my a [..] View

Solo-ing a Duo NM scenario - possible?

12:32 am, March 31, 2015 Hi all, I'm wondering if it's actually possible, and if anyone has actually solo'd a Duo NM scenario. Probably the only "reasonable" challenge that I'm interested in. Any response/help wo [..] View

Alternate group scenario soloing builds?

11:32 pm, February 14, 2015 From what I've seen, blade and/or hammer (usually "and") seem to be the weapons of choice for people who solo Elite or NM group scenarios. I'm sure there must be other combinations that can [..] View

Interested in Trying PVP

11:32 pm, February 13, 2015 So I'm a relatively new TSW player...been playing for about 2 months, just got GM pack on sale, beat Gatekeeper not too long ago, just started doing NM dungeons in the past few weeks. I've already st [..] View

What do you--the current PvPers--think of PvP in 2015?

11:32 pm, January 23, 2015 This is a brand new thread, but I am going to go ahead and ask the exact same questions that I always do. I don't want to scour multiple threads when it would be convenient for everyone to see answer [..] View

Pistol/Blade or Blade/AR

11:32 pm, January 8, 2015 Hey! I was wondering if anyone could help me out. I am interested in either a Blade/Pistol DPS build or a Blade/AR DPS build and just wanted to know which had the best synergy and most potential for D [..] View

Welcoming 2015 and New PvPeople - A reminder to be awesome!

12:32 pm, January 4, 2015 Greetings and salutations, **** secret warriors and party PvPeople, I think we've all noticed the recent influx of new players, many of whom are dabbling their toes at PvP. Some have tapped into tha [..] View

For those with a testing interest...

11:32 pm, November 25, 2014 I know some of you don't browse the General forum much; so I wanted to point out that there was a TestLive update today. The TestLive Update Notes include a few PvP focused changes. Some of the more [..] View

An idea on how to include PvP into next year’s Halloween event

11:32 pm, October 28, 2014 Events in TSW seldom really include anything PvP related, only two occasions in fact spring to mind. There was that one time one of the guardians was put into Fusang, and then we had that ever so anno [..] View

Research It Yourself

12:32 am, October 11, 2014 Hello, Builds & Decks A couple of years back I hobbycoded a parser to fit my data extracting needs for TSW combat logs. It's that time of the year again, I went back to it, rejoiced at evades [..] View

Need Build Suggestion

12:32 am, October 6, 2014 Hey folks, returning player here starting from scratch. Just completed this build as a starting build and its working well so far. Unfortunately [..] View

The Cleaner v2 [Scenario Deck Tank + Solo]

1:32 pm, August 31, 2014 Hey guys, after playing around with some new decks, I decided to share my deck which I use at the moment for soloing group elite scenarios and for tanking group nightmare scenarios 2-manning. The de [..] View

Fusang: Fair-play & Facility Trading

2:33 am, August 26, 2014 Tonight in Fusang I saw yet another set of accusations flying around about fair-play, or lack thereof, like previous occasions it was because some member of the lumie side thought there was some co-op [..] View


Interested in Trying PVP

Feb 14, 2015, 6:03 am So I'm a relatively new TSW player...been playing for about 2 months, just got GM pack on sale, beat Gatekeeper not too long ago, just started doing NM dungeons in the past few weeks.<br><br> I've al[..] View

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