The Secret World

A Secret World Fan Site




After very long absence, returning player needs deck building help, solo PvE EleBlood

12:32 am, April 2, 2017 Hi, I got TSW when it first came out, bought a Lifetime sub, but then (for reasons I can't recall) drifted away from the game around Blue Mountain. I half remember things about this game, but mostly f [..] View

Please disable kicking players from matches for 10 seconds after they are ******.

11:32 pm, March 25, 2017 Approximately a week ago, I participated in a Stonehenge match on the Arcadia dimension, and was somehow voted to be kicked from the match approximately 4 seconds after being ******. I was just tryin [..] View

Shambala Fantastic Fun Farm (SUNDAY) - PRIZES REVAMP

11:32 pm, January 13, 2017 Hello everyone - Myndr here! Here is the updated Prize list - prizes will be drawn today for each, and though we had much higher participation than anticipated, I hope everyone enjoyed the event and [..] View

NM Raid Talismans PVP Analysis Especially In Regard to ED

11:32 pm, December 19, 2016 El Dorado in it's current state is not working at all as intended. Literally if a team has 2 semi decent tanks and manages to get 2 relics while others have 1 each or non so that they get a point lead [..] View

A Theory, Performance related.

12:32 pm, November 10, 2016 Well... there has been this theory around, and I have to say, that I am a believer of this theory now a days. When I play with Sunray, everything runs smoothly and fast. But, when I play with Sawo, e [..] View

Problem with gearing for builds

1:32 pm, October 27, 2016 Hi all, first time doing a serious post to the TSW forums. I hope everyone's doing well! One thing that I keep ******** up now that I'm in the late game isn't so much looking up a build and putting t [..] View

The math behind the wheel

12:32 am, October 21, 2016 The idea of this thread is to gather some information about the math behind the signet, items, actives and passives of the game. The goal is never to tell if signet a is better than signet b, but just [..] View

Assault Rifle / Chaos Tank build

12:32 am, July 26, 2016 Hi! Recently started playing TSW, and while i'm normally doing dps as AR/Elemental, i also want to build a tanky build as an off-spec when that is needed. Since my AR skills/items are fairly decent i [..] View

Right glyphs for DPS?

12:32 am, July 7, 2016 Hello there, I need some help with equiping a right glyphs to the items. Well, I play DPS, I know what's my major atributes and so, but is there any best stat for Head glyph slot, another for Finger [..] View

Thought on new raid items?

1:32 pm, April 18, 2016 Hi any thought on these? Black Pharaoh sure looks "interesting". Oh man, I guess we have no hope what comes to PVP, balances, itemizat [..] View

Update Notes Issue #14: Call of the Nameless - Game Update 1.14

12:32 am, April 1, 2016 NEWIssue #14: Call of the Nameless is now out! Six all-new main missions and assorted side missions await in the sands of Egypt. This issue is available from the item store and may be purchased with [..] View

Solo Impair Build - Advice/Critique

11:32 pm, March 10, 2016 It's been a while since I played, and I'm trying to get a feel for building again. I've been toying with a hammer-based impair build. Mostly I'm doing solo play. Here's what I've got so far:Weapons [..] View

Tanking Build Questions?

11:32 pm, March 1, 2016 Hi guys. I played a little secret world a while ago closer to when it first released but quickly got involved in another game at the time and now I just reinstalled because I wanted to try this again. [..] View

NEW!! Membership Update FAQ

11:32 pm, February 17, 2016 Hi, all! Membership has been greatly updated. This FAQ already exists on the main site under the Membership page: But, for the sake of convenience and makin [..] View

Leveling/Questing newbie friendly Blood/Ele build?

12:32 pm, January 18, 2016 Just started the game a few days ago. Looking for a viable leveling build for Blood/Ele mix. I have the following right now and I feel it's underwhelming. Wondering what I can do to 1) Make it more vi [..] View

Which skills should I put in which talisman?

12:32 pm, January 7, 2016 I'm a fresh novice who would appreciate some advice on Talismans. I don't know anyone so I'm playing solo. I'm neither Tank, DSP, or Healer. Or you could say that I'm all of those in one character. [..] View

Update Notes Issue #13: Trail of Shadows - Game Update 1.13

11:32 pm, December 17, 2015 NEW! The Orochi tower may have been conquered, but Kaidan’s survivors still need your aid. In Issue #13: Trail of Shadows, new missions await from your favorite characters, including Harumi [..] View

Starting Monday: The 12 Days of Deals!

12:32 pm, December 12, 2015 Beginning this Monday, December 14th and lasting through December 25th, we will be having 12 days of special deals on various items in the item store. Each deal is only available for a single day, so [..] View

Battle Rank Purpose?

11:32 pm, November 30, 2015 Before the 12 patch updates I remember the battle ranks were used to get permission to buy specific items such as the upgraded suits, but now it has all changed what is the point of having a battle ra [..] View

Buzzing Two more nightmare raids are live!

11:32 pm, November 12, 2015 The most brutal and difficult challenges in The Secret World await your pleasure. Test your mettle against two fresh Nightmare Raids and earn incredible rewards! The two Nightmare Raids not only ta [..] View

Office Move

11:32 pm, November 10, 2015 Hi cookies! The Funcom Durham office has recently relocated to another office building in the Durham area. We've been hard at work over the last several weeks getting this organized, and we're just n [..] View

Just for healers by healer.

12:32 pm, November 3, 2015 Hey, I just want advices from healers, so please if you don't know a thing about healing a raid go away. So before i12 healing survivability was ok, all stats were pretty good with some training. A [..] View

Woodcutter Builds

11:32 pm, October 29, 2015 Hey people just thought the new Woodcutter's Talismans were a pretty cool addition to the game and I love additional effects that add to build diversity. I haven't seen this really talked about yet so [..] View

Leechtanking NM Scenarios

1:32 pm, September 13, 2015 Sorry, the topic is kinda "misleading" - of course it's for Group Nightmare Scenarios! So: Here comes another deck. I actually developed this deck before I made the Stunner Build to farm Gro [..] View

Faster leveling for new characters

1:32 pm, September 12, 2015 While not an expert by any means, I have been thinking for quite a while about how to level a character fast, or at least easier. Some of these suggestions will need a friend to work with, maybe two [..] View

What needs to happen for Issue 13 (just another pipe dream thread)

1:32 pm, June 13, 2015 Greetings and salutations **** secret warriors one and all! So, I wanted to start a discussion; with a positive lean; on what the PvP Community would recommend needs to happen for Issue 13. We have [..] View

Venice Gear to ever get .5 upgrade?

12:32 am, May 26, 2015 Can we please confirm this once and for all, will Venice gear ever be getting .5 upgrades? And if so when can we expect it to happen? I have had many differing answers on the matter, some say it will [..] View

Katarina1: The Ultimate End-Game DPS Guide [Ultra Performance]

1:32 pm, May 5, 2015 Hai, I'm Ҝatarina1. This is my end-game DPS guide. It includes a list of working builds (Short - Mid/Long ) and video tutorials.Video [1080p] : &am [..] View

Buzzing Enjoy a golden week with new items!

11:32 pm, March 24, 2015 We invite you to join us for a whole Golden Week of great bonuses, brand new outfits and items with tons of bling and the Gilded Rage event! The event has just started today and will last until the [..] View

Update Notes Enhanced Player Experience: Game Update 1.11

11:32 pm, March 11, 2015 GENERAL * Fast travel has been added to the map UI. * Using /reset now automatically resurrects you at the closest anima well.Tilty says... In order to make travelling through the bigger playfields ea [..] View

NYR items - "The duration of this effect is not refreshed when reapplied."

11:32 pm, February 26, 2015 What does this mean specifically? Take say the CiB: Whenever you critically heal, you gain a beneficial effect that increases your Crit Power by 25% for 15 seconds. The duration of this effect is no [..] View

Gearing Up

12:32 pm, February 14, 2015 I wrote this awhile back. Its mainly just Ciritty, Claretta and Katarina's info just put together, so absolute credit to them. I think starting off it's a good path to get you at a decent level for ev [..] View

TSWDB PvP Event | February 28, 2015

11:32 pm, February 13, 2015 Date: February 28, 2015Time: 6pm GMT - 10pm GMTLocation: The Horned God (and PvP) Hey there, TSW Database will be hosting another PvP event on February 28, 2015 from 6pm GMT to 10pm GMT. ^^ We'll b [..] View

Buzzing Celebrate valentine’s day with gifts!

11:32 pm, February 12, 2015 We wish to invite you to celebrate Valentine's Day in The Secret World. This year you can enjoy the all new Satchel of Amorous Delights! It offers unique and exclusive clothing, outfits and jewelry, [..] View

TSWDB PvP Event | February 22, 2015

11:32 pm, February 12, 2015 Date: February 22, 2015Time: 6pm GMT - 10pm GMTLocation: The Horned God (and Stonehenge) Hey there, TSW Database will be hosting another Stonehenge PvP event on February 22, 2015 from 6pm GMT to 10p [..] View

A Quick Way to make PvP Content Profitable

11:32 pm, December 30, 2014 Here's a simple way Funcom can release PvP related content and make it profitable. Also this idea works to encourage PVE players to buy it as well. Step 1) Sell open world PvP versions of each region [..] View

"Features" we've learned to live with

11:32 pm, December 23, 2014 Assume you're in Fusang for most of these. raid becoming disorganized with lots of 1 and 2 man groups missing player names on large map inability to locate specific team-members on map discrepancy [..] View

The Signet of Benediction No Longer Bugged?

11:32 pm, December 14, 2014 For the longest time, the Signet of Benediction has been plagued with bugs that have rendered it worse than useless. At one time, Quokka and others were worried that the way Benediction, redirect effe [..] View

The Stunner [TOKYO Build]

11:32 pm, December 11, 2014 Hey there, after Issue 10 went live and with the new great patches to some underused skills, I would like to share my Tokyo-build (yea, Tokyo finally has my attention thanks to this item ) which is [..] View

The Broadcast Halloween Event!

11:32 pm, October 30, 2014 This year there is a brand new event called The Broadcast, many fresh items (and even a new dance!) plus Halloween events from earlier years. The event starts today and lasts for two weeks until the 1 [..] View

my simple ideas

11:32 pm, October 27, 2014 so i was sitting here thinking what i would do if i were in charge of this game that would be relativly simple yet make large impacts on how i play, and as i dont do any sort of programming i find it [..] View

Assistance continuing hammer build

1:32 pm, October 15, 2014 Hello all, I started playing TSW last week and I am quite enjoying it so far. I started off with an assault rifle/blades build early on. I then switched over to a hammer/blades build from ( [..] View

Tanking question (specifically about self-healing)

12:32 am, October 12, 2014 OK, after reading Ciritty's tanking guide it appears the most effective form of tank is "Block tank" -- block gives you the lowest amount of damage mitigation, but also the most consistent, [..] View

Katarina1: End-game DPS guide [High Performance]

1:32 pm, September 28, 2014 Hai, I'm ҜΆŤΆṜίηΆ1. This is my end-game DPS guide. It includes a list of working builds (Short - Mid/Long ) and video tutorials [..] View

TSWDB PvP Event | August 16th

2:33 am, August 26, 2014 TSWDB Presents "Dress to ****" This thread is about TSWDB's Stonehenge PvP event, which is one of the two events we are hosting on August 16th. The other one being a Fashion Show. To read [..] View


NYR items - "The duration of this effect is not refreshed when reapplied."

Feb 27, 2015, 3:13 pm What does this mean specifically?<br><br> Take say the CiB:<br> Whenever you critically heal, you gain a beneficial effect that increases your Crit Power by 25% for 15 seconds. The duration of this [..] View

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