1:32 pm, March 30, 2017
LoneMonkey - Templar
Bom-bay - Illuminati
The choice is a difficult one, only one out of these two will cross the rainbow bridge into the New New NSFTSW game, i care for both toons and their respec [..]
11:32 pm, March 10, 2017
The goal of this thread is to provide a short guide on how to gear for PVE in the beginning of endgame, before getting to aegis content, without using too many Mark of the Pantheon, Black Bullions and [..]
12:32 pm, March 6, 2017
================================================== ==================================================
THE BOX METHOD: Pistol/Shotgun Guide
Ide [..]
11:32 pm, January 11, 2017
**** Shoot - Increase the chances to 35% of each effect [purge can be at 25-30%)
Advantage Me - Purge can happen every ~10-15 seconds.
Invasive Measures increase the chance to build resources - if y [..]
12:32 pm, December 30, 2016
Recently, I have learned hit is not as essential in scenarios (idiot me).
That made me doubt all my stats selection. I wonder if you could give me some advice.
I use this chaos/blood build (and vari [..]
12:32 pm, December 6, 2016
been playing about 1 month so starting to upgrade my gear, planning for end game content.
so much information out there, much of it old.
my question is ive read that attack rating is soft capped at [..]
12:32 pm, November 2, 2016
I'm a new player to TSW and I absolutely love it. However I feel like I'm being held back by the lack of information about builds and decks that are available these days.
To be honest TSW is a fanta [..]
12:32 am, October 28, 2016
I'd like to pick your collective brain on my first deck.
Basically I'd like to have a decent solo build which is not a burden in the halloween event dungeons/bosses (cat god, jack etc...)
As th [..]
12:32 am, October 22, 2016
So I've looked around for different builds to follow, but most of them are either 2-3 years old or don't go into enough detail. I know some abilities were recently nerfed as well, so I'm wondering if [..]
12:32 am, September 21, 2016
I just wanted to ask. Is there ANY value to having health talismans in pvp when you're a dps spec? My build was created back before Issue 1 and a lot of people were running two HP Talismans back then [..]
12:32 am, August 22, 2016
Would it be enough for Transylvania?
QL10 all blue
1 major heal and 1 minor health talisman.
Hit rating: 342
Penetration rating: 739 (weapons included)
Using Blade/ AR combination.
Or should I put cri [..]
12:32 am, August 12, 2016
Hello, I'm currently upgrading all my gear and I'm working on getting it all to 10.5 at the moment but I think I've messed up with my glyphs because I have very little penetration. I'm using the elit [..]
12:32 am, July 28, 2016
Hey all,
I've noticed a decent amount of unfamiliar faces in ED recently so I decided to put together some of my better builds that each serve a very valuable spot on any team. With each you'll find [..]
12:32 am, July 15, 2016
Hello. I am new.
There's undoubtedly hundreds of these threads lying around here, but with the recent meta change due to passive/elite revamp, i will go ahead and ask these questions again on behalf [..]
12:32 am, July 14, 2016
there was recently well... hmm... "event" in wich talking abaut ED went sideways.
The air of that discusion was poisonus and i would like to avoid it while talking abaut ED, becous [..]
12:32 am, July 7, 2016
Hello there,
I need some help with equiping a right glyphs to the items. Well, I play DPS, I know what's my major atributes and so, but is there any best stat for Head glyph slot, another for Finger [..]
12:32 am, July 1, 2016
Hi all, so, I need help! A word of forewarning: I will not know the acronyms of abilities, or their effects, off by heart.
I'm using AR/Shotgun combo, and usually play through content with only my par [..]
1:32 pm, May 18, 2016
Okay, here's what I've got. At the moment, I'm mostly doing random mission soloing and duoing with a friend with an AR/Blood build, but I've got two problems I'm having.
1) (major one) Tokyo outsi [..]
1:32 pm, April 19, 2016
Hi all,
since i got a blue persistant malice Signet and read about going as dps with 0 hit, i am curious if one .5 Major Hit (or even 0 hit) + blue malice would be ok or if its better to run my usua [..]
12:32 am, April 5, 2016
It is my understanding that PvP has only gotten worse since the last time i tried it. And it is only getting worse. From my POV, there is Only One major Problem with PvP and 2 minor issues.
The Majo [..]
12:32 am, April 5, 2016
Hi all.
I am gearing up atm and trying to reuse as many talismans as possible.
After reading lots of guides this is my first draft for the major roles (Solo, DPS, Tank, Leech).
Everything calculate [..]
1:32 pm, April 3, 2016
I've heard a lot of different stuff regarding tank gearing, and since the seemingly most popular tanking guide thread is from 2013 with only 10.4.4 gear I figured I'd double check before building my g [..]
1:32 pm, March 30, 2016
I know as you read this title and see the person writing it, you might think HolloPoint is off on his high horse, trying the be the winter king or some sort of egotistical nonsense, but I cannot go to [..]
11:32 pm, March 10, 2016
Hello all!
So some of you old timers may remember this thing called Fusang, and that a guy named Gremel organized Sunday's to be a day that lots of people knew there would be competition in Fusang an [..]
11:32 pm, March 1, 2016
Hi guys. I played a little secret world a while ago closer to when it first released but quickly got involved in another game at the time and now I just reinstalled because I wanted to try this again. [..]
11:32 pm, February 26, 2016
Brutally Efficient Dungeon Leechtank
I've been running a lot of non-aegis nightmare randomizer lately.
This allowed me to perfect my leechtanking and transform it into a kind of semi-bufftank.
In my e [..]
11:32 pm, February 15, 2016
I have almost no experience with tanking and I need help to point out the biggest flaws in this build.
Hammer, blue QL10. 397 weapon power, +44 Crt Power, +109 Pen.
Elementalism, blue QL5, 215 weapon [..]
11:32 pm, February 8, 2016
A piece of advice that we have to dispense to new players over and over again is about the Faction-specific decks, and I thought it would be useful to jot down a detailed explanation we can point at. [..]
11:32 pm, February 4, 2016
Shambala seems extremely buggy today and yesterday. Multiple time in a row I am signing up for shambala and either
1) I get stuck on the loading screen, after 2+ minutes I am back in Agartha with the [..]
12:32 pm, February 3, 2016
I think this is all of them. Let me know if anything is incorrect or missing.Weapon/Head Signets
Signet of Blessed Steps
Effect: Whenever you apply a barrier effect to an ally, that ally gains a be [..]
12:32 pm, February 3, 2016
So yeah, I'm kind of surprised at the lack of Evade Tank builds online. I wanted to toss one together, get some feedback, tweak, and improve it. I wanted to do an evade tank because block has so much [..]
11:32 pm, January 15, 2016
This is a completely generic guide with universal advice for any new player who wants a solid soloing build. It is applicable to ALL weapon combinations. It is NOT the only viable soloing build but it [..]
11:32 pm, January 13, 2016
Oh, NO! Todays patch ****** Anima Shot? I guess people will stop using AR now, or will they?
Have fun nerfing Funcom :D
Here some ideas for replacement builds. I'm reconstructing those builds from [..]
11:32 pm, January 11, 2016
Skills that left behind and dont give a **** tho and they need to be boosted or reworked are :
1) Powerline - Fix it or rework it you dont even get max stacks in channeling.
2)My bloody Valentine r [..]
11:32 pm, January 7, 2016
So I've been working on a build that involves woodcutter + coney for the hell of it (while keeping coney useful for other builds, by filling it with crit) and I can land on 644 hit rating, OR 697 hi [..]
12:32 pm, January 7, 2016
I'm a fresh novice who would appreciate some advice on Talismans.
I don't know anyone so I'm playing solo. I'm neither Tank, DSP, or Healer. Or you could say that I'm all of those in one character.
11:32 pm, December 1, 2015
Hey there. I'm dragon. I'm a proud dragon. And I do PVP.
I have no clue how it is templar / lumi side, and I especially do not wanna say this is something general.
But the past 3 days I met people w [..]
12:32 pm, November 8, 2015
hi alittle **** on what to do next im working on purple gear i see these 3 types to get
health, attack and heal
peaces i got so far are my 2 weps blade and chaos with penerration glyph
head .. he [..]
11:32 pm, October 29, 2015
With all due respect wtf is up with teams in Fusang? I spent 35 min in there as a healer today with peeps coming and going and for the VAST majority of the time team 1 had only 1 person in it (me!!XX$ [..]
12:32 pm, October 28, 2015
So some months ago, I realized I barely ever used elementalism in my builds. Previously I'd had the same realization about hammer and it ended up becoming my favourite weapon for a while (hammer heali [..]
1:32 pm, October 20, 2015
As the title indicates, I'm hitched with kids and I work 50+ hrs a week. As such, I'm looking to refine my build and seek advice to gain the most bang for my buck when it comes to advancing my char. [..]
12:32 am, October 20, 2015
(Scroll down for TL;DR version)
So just some suggestions for changing some of the more popular abilities out there in an attempt to shift the metagame around a little. These abilities tend to be less [..]
12:32 am, October 16, 2015
Just went into PVP and there is some major lag issues in Fusang. I was attacked and this noise kept repeating over and over, the noise of an affliction i think, even when i was dead. The lag was so ba [..]
1:32 pm, October 13, 2015
Hello guys. I'm trying to refine a bit my future PvP build for El Dorado.
I'd like to gather some suggestions, as I still in "draft" mode about it.
My main goal with this build is to attempt [..]
12:32 am, October 11, 2015
Has anyone done any experimenting to see whether a 10.7 talisman out performs a NY raid drop in terms of DPS?
My expectation is that if you have the majority of your talismans at 10.7, the dps improv [..]
1:32 pm, October 8, 2015
I'm still puzzled about something, after many many many talk on the topic: actualy, how much the game can push you to take defense stats to finish all the dungeon/raid content?
From what I heard:
- [..]
1:32 pm, October 6, 2015
In this thread, some people said interesting things on the topic of the most sturdiest tank possible in TSW, a topic that interest me a lot.
Since however this was not the main topic of this thread, [..]
1:32 pm, October 4, 2015
Pure Rifle/Fist healing
Hey guys.
After playing so much time in TSW as all roles, i wanted to go back to my roots as a pure healer. I never really enjoyed HoT fist healing cause it’s so depr [..]
1:32 pm, October 1, 2015
Here are my top 5 reasons why:
5. Matchmaking - Why are battle rank 150+ people playing against battle rank 0?
4. Equal Footing - Most of my gear is between 10.4 and 10.7. I made some special healt [..]
12:32 am, September 29, 2015
I was speaking with a fellow beginner a few days ago, that explained me that he had hard time to deal with daily scenarii because he was still investing to complete his dungeon tanking gear, and thus, [..]
1:32 pm, September 25, 2015
Anyone else tired of idiots who complain about things in game but when offered advice on how to deal with the problem, their response is "I shouldn't have to" or "it doesn't matter" [..]
12:32 am, September 22, 2015
Hi All,
So after an incredibly long period of absence I have decided to reply this game from scratch only to find out AOE spells took major viability hit and to learn I know very little about the game [..]
12:32 am, September 19, 2015
I noticed there was some great guides on fist healing in terms of skills and passives, but nothing that includes a TSWCALC breakdown of suggested healing pieces...Is there one around? It seems there [..]
12:32 am, September 15, 2015
The fuse-tank
Mysteries about high efficiency – unveiled!
Hey guys,
ever wondered why there are tanks with an elemental focus in their off-hand?
Ever wondered why there are groups able to ** [..]
1:32 pm, September 12, 2015
While not an expert by any means, I have been thinking for quite a while about how to level a character fast, or at least easier. Some of these suggestions will need a friend to work with, maybe two [..]
1:32 pm, September 11, 2015
So Kemo brought me to the idea to release my favorite scenario deck.
Been a while since I shared stuff - but today I want to share the deck which escorted me to my 100% augment wheel.
This deck is for [..]
12:32 am, September 11, 2015
A quote I heard from a player in a failing NY Raid
Now as far as I am concerned, Tanking is both fun & easy, IF you put the effort into it, and this is not an unknown issue in the game, peopl [..]
1:32 pm, August 19, 2015
According to how i understand it, the effect of Major Talisman Signets will be lost in EF adjustments for the forseeable future. So Violence, Vigor, and Amelioration will Play no role in PvP builds, w [..]
12:32 am, August 15, 2015
As one of the six or so people who'll still run scenarios after Issue 12 hits, I'm curious to know what the suggested glyph setup for full 10.5 glyphs is. Working on the basis that I already have a 10 [..]
12:32 am, July 30, 2015
I'm about to leave Kingsmouth with a Fist/Chaos solo build. I've used the in-game Trickster deck up to this point. Everyone says get rid of it and make your own, so I have been looking at the builds f [..]
1:32 pm, July 27, 2015
in current state it only about who got more evade pickers .atm every game i see 4-5 chikens and sometimes even more. for counter this everybody in all teams must put ground aoes and it even dont help. [..]
12:32 am, July 21, 2015
I've been running a Sword/Blood solo build with Martial Stance and The Scarlet Arts riveted to my skillbar for, gosh, actually a couple of years now on my main, so now that I've started messing around [..]
12:32 am, June 6, 2015
"Hi folks!
This is sezmra here again, checking in with cookie in hand. May's been a pretty exciting month for us here at the office! We just released Issue #11: Reaping the Whirlwind, and we [..]
12:32 am, May 7, 2015
Beyond the Veil
Touring The Secret World’s Issue 11: Reaping the Whirlwind (Spoiler Heavy Edition)
We sat down with Funcom’s Communications Manager Tor Egi [..]
12:32 am, April 4, 2015
So i have just picked this up a couple weeks ago and have been having allot of fun with it i enjoy the AR/SG line and have tried a few of the different decks including the commando starter deck. I'm a [..]
12:32 pm, March 24, 2015
I stopped playing a bit before Tokyo came out, but prior to that I used the cookie-cutter p/s build that had back then: http://chronicle.thesecretworld.com/...ter/Multimelta
Did anything major change [..]
12:32 pm, March 9, 2015
I didn't see it suggeested for any scenario builds, but i was curious and tested it instead of G&G (for a ele/blood aoe dps deck. Every single run it parsed as my top damage ability above GA. [..]
11:32 pm, February 23, 2015
We're not allowed to post things from testlive, but I can't and won't be testing everything myself -
There are some major changes and you guys can help by testing and providing feedback on testlive.
12:32 pm, February 19, 2015
Hoi everyone,
I want to give Secret World another try as this is about the only modern horrorish mmo out here with a good theme and lore. I've played upto and into Blue Mountain but is got to hard f [..]
11:32 pm, February 18, 2015
Looking at putting together my first real tank outside of KM, this is what I'm looking at:ACTIVE: Grand Slam – Single Target RP builder, aggro enhancer
Blade Torrent – Multi Targe [..]
11:32 pm, February 11, 2015
Heya folks!
So here's the deal. Speaking on behalf of myself and many others that I have consulted with full premade matches are some of the most competitive and thrilling matches there have been. So [..]
12:32 pm, February 11, 2015
I was initially going to pose the question; should Funcom add sub forums for the different battlegroups... but I realize it may be significantly easier to just add a tag to differentiate which posters [..]
11:32 pm, January 31, 2015
Hi forums, I wanted to know if the build I made was feasible or not for PvE. My current build is a really basic AoE Blade-heal-tank-thing build that just lets me survive mobs. I haven't really been en [..]
11:32 pm, January 23, 2015
Hi all,
I was thinking about Chaos Fist and was wondering if you could have a look at this Chaos Fist build that I put together. It uses burst attacks to gather health and proc Ferocity. While that [..]
11:32 pm, January 19, 2015
Please buff it. 15% leech is pretty bad. It's a little bit less than a THIRD of a QL1 (notice the lack of a 0) Leech pot. Meanwhile the Karma Curio (who's way easier to get) heals 2000 HP when a QL10 [..]
11:32 pm, January 9, 2015
Hey guys,
I'm in the process of leveling a healer and I'm finding that I struggle with fighting mobs and surviving while doing missions in Savage Coast. Since I'd like to stick to a Fist/Pistol build [..]
11:32 pm, December 30, 2014
Here's a simple way Funcom can release PvP related content and make it profitable. Also this idea works to encourage PVE players to buy it as well.
Step 1) Sell open world PvP versions of each region [..]
12:32 pm, December 17, 2014
So I run Blades/Blood PBAE/penetration. Seems to be working pretty well, but my self healing ability is a bit sketchy at times. I'm in a group with three others with similar build, so I have some bl [..]
11:32 pm, November 15, 2014
I recently overhauled my solo-group-elite scenario build after finally getting a breaching for my blade - had a few people test this last night and really enjoy it, so I thought I'd share.Background
11:32 pm, November 13, 2014
Hey everyone
So I've been playing this game for about a week and I was doing fairly well in Kingsmouth but when I moved to next location and then eventually to Blue Mountains I ran into more and more [..]
11:32 pm, November 5, 2014
Hello there all, I was using the following build through Egypt and not having a lot of issues:https://chronicle.thesecretworld.com/character/HanSuna
However I'm finding that in Transylvania I'm havin [..]
12:32 am, October 21, 2014
Hello there!
So the new meta has been settled and i think we can safly comment now on some new and old problems PvP has
* PvP community, its size,events
We had amazing event some time ago(thanks ag [..]
12:32 am, October 15, 2014
TRANSMIT - initiate forum signal - RECIEVE - initiate Builds & Decks frequency - I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING - initiate newb lexicon - WITNESS - a request for help.
Hello all, here's the situ [..]
12:32 am, October 7, 2014
I am trying to build a good Hammer/Blade build and just wanted to make sure I understand the synergies right.
With Blade do I want to focus on afflicted in order to increase penetration rate which th [..]
1:32 pm, September 25, 2014
Hey, recently I've got a bit bored of my Blade+Hammer survival/ signet-farm deck so to spice up my game experience I was thinking on creating a blood based survival deck.
I have seen a few people eff [..]
12:32 am, September 24, 2014
Yobo’s Efficient Guide to NM DPS Gearing
We’ve had a share of questions on this forum asking for advice on gearing up. So I figured it could be useful to have a guide to refer peo [..]
1:32 pm, September 23, 2014
This is basically a set of simple ideas to balance PVP in such a way that uneven team sizes, gear strength, and team capabilities can be handled such that PVP is more accessible and functional even wi [..]
1:32 pm, September 11, 2014
http://i.imgur.com/2AKFrQ9.jpg Weapon skills SShttp://i.imgur.com/0sNYodj.jpg Skill wheel SS
My head is a QL5 rare attack rating
My major talismans are:
a QL6 rare HP with a QL4 uncommon glyph wit [..]
12:32 am, September 7, 2014
The only thing better than slamming a BFH (Big [eff-ing] Hammer) into the face of a slobbering Werewolf is lighting that mangy furball on fire while you do it.http://www.tsw-builder.com/#26v67023...32 [..]
12:32 am, September 5, 2014
The bodies of the innocent lay torn and ragged in the wake of those horrors that lurk in the shadows. With charged ethereal crossbows and an expertise in the occult, the Dread Hunter stalks all thing [..]
12:32 am, September 2, 2014
If it doesn't explode - then it wasn't done right!http://www.tsw-builder.com/#97v76593...32145141934936
-Bomb Squad
-Tactical Retreat
-Turn the Tables
-Suppressing Fire
-Fire At Will
- [..]
12:32 am, September 1, 2014
...Darth Sparky!
Dominate the Force and cackle maniacally while shooting lightning from your fingertips!http://www.tsw-builder.com/#68v83163...10g05930673671
-Shake and Bake
-Cold Wave
- [..]
2:33 am, August 26, 2014
Hi there Dreadnecromancer here - new to the game and the forums!
I have been browsing the TSW wiki for quite some time now and thought it was about time i post my sort of ideal build and hopefully ge [..]
2:33 am, August 26, 2014
Tonight in Fusang I saw yet another set of accusations flying around about fair-play, or lack thereof, like previous occasions it was because some member of the lumie side thought there was some co-op [..]
2:33 am, August 26, 2014
I decided to take a break from packing, because moving sucks, because packing sucks... so bear the loins of my fruity boredom! (wait...what?)http://www.tsw-builder.com/#41v42042...55332330630436
This [..]