The Secret World

A Secret World Fan Site




Possible to get all three? Penetration, no glancing, and Crit?

12:32 am, April 13, 2017 So I've assembled (and tweaked) what seems to me to be a decent deck, which I have mentioned on other posts and will link to below for ease of access: [..] View

After very long absence, returning player needs deck building help, solo PvE EleBlood

12:32 am, April 2, 2017 Hi, I got TSW when it first came out, bought a Lifetime sub, but then (for reasons I can't recall) drifted away from the game around Blue Mountain. I half remember things about this game, but mostly f [..] View

Tank Setup

11:32 pm, March 11, 2017 Evening, I am looking for a setup with the tanking woodcutter to run NM Polaris for BB farm for my other gear and was wondering if I can get a setup or advice on gearing it this way. If it becomes to [..] View

Box's DABS Rotation / Stat Spread

12:32 pm, March 6, 2017 ================================================== ================================================== THE BOX METHOD: Pistol/Shotgun Guide Ide [..] View

Box’s 1-size-fits-all tank build

12:32 pm, March 6, 2017 BOX’S 1-SIZE-FITS-ALL TANK BUILD Hey Guys it’s Box again! Ever wanted to learn the role of the most sought after role but [..] View

Fist/Chaos DPS build - what penetration should I have?

12:32 pm, February 24, 2017 What penetration for DPS should I shoot for in addition to having Woodcutters? Right now it's 726, and that's with having pen in both weapons. I've been told by a few people it doesn't need to be that [..] View

Mid game Fist/AR survival build please

12:32 pm, February 12, 2017 I've been searching around for build advice and have noticed that there is plenty of Beginning builds and Endgame builds out there, but precious little advice on what to do mid game. Which seems odd b [..] View

Mid game Fist/AR survival build advice please

12:32 pm, February 12, 2017 I've been searching around for build advice and have noticed that there is plenty of Beginning builds and Endgame builds out there, but precious little advice on what to do mid game. Which seems odd b [..] View

Gearing for pvp - My character after 2 months of play.

11:32 pm, January 9, 2017 Playing AR Blood sniper type character. I can put out decent damage, especially 1v1 can usually **** him before he kills me, however have problems getting **** if hes getting heals (seems like burs [..] View

Did i just ruin my character for pvp?

12:32 pm, December 6, 2016 i just raised my talisam skills to 11 because i had the extra points. i had assumed the "understanding equal footing" thread was oudated, having the cap of resists before other stats were [..] View

Rate noob build

11:32 pm, December 1, 2016 Hi, I am completely new to the game and would like some advises on builds. I am in the 2nd zone (Savage Island) at the moment and having quite hard time taking on mobs. Two normal type mobs at the sa [..] View

New Player Starter Build Advice: Blade/Shotgun for Solo/Tank

11:32 pm, November 4, 2016 Hello, how's it going? I just got the Secret World last week, and I've been thoroughly enjoying the game thus far. The missions themselves are well done (especially investigation missions) and the set [..] View

Glyphing: Pen only on talismans?

12:32 pm, November 4, 2016 Is it better to have penetration on the talismans and not on the weapons? It seems more popular to have all the penetration on talismans and to use crit or crit/crit power on weapons. This could have [..] View

Deck advice for solo + event bosses/dungeons

12:32 am, October 28, 2016 Hi, I'd like to pick your collective brain on my first deck. Basically I'd like to have a decent solo build which is not a burden in the halloween event dungeons/bosses (cat god, jack etc...) As th [..] View

Problem with gearing for builds

1:32 pm, October 27, 2016 Hi all, first time doing a serious post to the TSW forums. I hope everyone's doing well! One thing that I keep ******** up now that I'm in the late game isn't so much looking up a build and putting t [..] View

New player looking for advice on Blood/Blade build

12:32 am, October 22, 2016 So I've looked around for different builds to follow, but most of them are either 2-3 years old or don't go into enough detail. I know some abilities were recently nerfed as well, so I'm wondering if [..] View

The math behind the wheel

12:32 am, October 21, 2016 The idea of this thread is to gather some information about the math behind the signet, items, actives and passives of the game. The goal is never to tell if signet a is better than signet b, but just [..] View

Elite Proc Passive - Post Issue 15

12:32 am, October 10, 2016 Tried to do some searching and i can't quite find a concrete answer, so I will beseech the immense experience that dwells on these boards. What is currently the most effective solo elite damage proc? [..] View

Gear stats for Transylvania

12:32 am, August 22, 2016 Would it be enough for Transylvania? QL10 all blue 1 major heal and 1 minor health talisman. Hit rating: 342 Penetration rating: 739 (weapons included) Using Blade/ AR combination. Or should I put cri [..] View

Elementalism / Pistol DPS - Need help to upgrade my build

12:32 am, August 19, 2016 Hi there, for a while I play a Ele / Pistol build and have mostly 10.4.4 Gear with Head and weapons a little better. But i think my DPS are a little low, with just 2600 DPS on a dummy. My Build looks [..] View

Help with an Elemental/Blood build

12:32 am, August 19, 2016 Hiya all. Obligatory note: I am a recent return player. I played most of the BETA and a few months after release, but 2 kids later and not an MMO in between now and then... I have some more time now [..] View

I need help with stats for DPS build

12:32 am, August 18, 2016 I admit it: I've never fully understood my stats. I want to make the best DPS build I can, and am asking for your help. I have three purple gear and the rest blue, and now realize I concentrated too m [..] View

Need a little help with my stats

12:32 am, August 12, 2016 Hello, I'm currently upgrading all my gear and I'm working on getting it all to 10.5 at the moment but I think I've messed up with my glyphs because I have very little penetration. I'm using the elit [..] View

Gear Reuse with 10.9.5

12:32 am, August 4, 2016 While no longer critical as it was when fuses were rare, I still would like to reuse gear if possible between my dps, tank, leach, and solo builds. I have come up with the following design to re-glyp [..] View

Weapons and manifestations

1:32 pm, July 15, 2016 I am planning on putting together a classic elemental buff tank build and I was wondering if I cast a manifestation with Crit on my elemental focus and my primary weapon has penetration, does the crit [..] View

Best weapon for Laceration

1:32 pm, July 14, 2016 So the best slot for Laceration is head talisman but assuming you decide to keep another signet there, what is the second best option? I am thinking hammer as it allows easy proccing with MS while pos [..] View

Need help with my deck and glyphs, AR/Shotty DPS

12:32 am, July 1, 2016 Hi all, so, I need help! A word of forewarning: I will not know the acronyms of abilities, or their effects, off by heart. I'm using AR/Shotgun combo, and usually play through content with only my par [..] View

Blood/Shotgun AoE Build

1:32 pm, June 27, 2016 So, I started out with a Blood/Pistol build that worked reasonably well, but after the Elite revamp I've moved to Blood/Shotgun. Despite the lack of Impairs (other than when I take down an AEGIS shie [..] View

Savage Coast AR/Pistol Build Help

12:32 am, June 16, 2016 Hi. I started the game with an AR/blade build, and while I do quite like it I'm beginning to wish I had some very focused single-target DPS at my disposal. I'm also quite fond of the idea of an all-fi [..] View

The curves of TSW

1:32 pm, June 15, 2016 Since I’ve posted a few curve fittings to some of the known rating to chance formulae in the game, I figured it might not be a bad idea to put them all in one thread. It will also be easier [..] View

Problems with pinned down

12:32 am, June 5, 2016 I've invested a load of Ap to create a hammer/shot weakness/hinder build. One of the passives that I have slotted is pinned down. The tool tip states that it should hit after each pen, but it seems to [..] View

Sooo Lets Talk about Grand Slam. (Suggestion)

1:32 pm, June 3, 2016 So, I've recently came back but this makes me wonder. Why is grand slam not considered a strike? While Blade Torrent and Esscalation are both considered Frenzies? I haven't done any hard tests b [..] View

Crit or Pen?

12:32 am, May 24, 2016 I've been playing a lot of dps roles recently, but I notice that even with my 800 pen/200 crit I'm still doing a lot less than people with less penetration rating, but more crit rating. For a person [..] View

Shotgun Elemental advice please

12:32 am, May 21, 2016 I'm just starting in Blur Mountains, and really enjoying the combo so far. I'm focusing on exploiting hindered states, and it's working well so far: Actives: Powder Burn Pump Action Buckshot Out [..] View

Early Game Blood Build

12:32 am, May 7, 2016 I've only been playing for a short time (currently in Savage Coast), and I'm trying to refine a Blood build (with one resource consumer from Pistols). It works great against groups of foes, but strug [..] View

Leveling build - blade/blood

12:32 am, April 21, 2016 One of my kids got on to my computer and "accidentally" erased my end game character a while back, so I quit for a while, got bored, and started playing again. I had decks for pretty much ev [..] View

decent DPS without elemental force? possible?

1:32 pm, April 14, 2016 I hate elemental force. I admit it is good (and i am currently using it in dungeons), but oh how i hate it. I spend all my time watching my buffs instead of the fight, just so i don't miss the right [..] View

Reusable Talisman draft

12:32 am, April 5, 2016 Hi all. I am gearing up atm and trying to reuse as many talismans as possible. After reading lots of guides this is my first draft for the major roles (Solo, DPS, Tank, Leech). Everything calculate [..] View

Optimal Generic Tanking Glyphs?

1:32 pm, April 3, 2016 I've heard a lot of different stuff regarding tank gearing, and since the seemingly most popular tanking guide thread is from 2013 with only 10.4.4 gear I figured I'd double check before building my g [..] View

PvP Weakness Update - Discuss

12:32 am, April 3, 2016 Strangely enough no thread about this has popped up, so I thought I'd start one. Here we will discuss the changes to PvP weaknesses, specifically the following: Exposed: Each stack will now also redu [..] View

Update Notes Issue #14: Call of the Nameless - Game Update 1.14

12:32 am, April 1, 2016 NEWIssue #14: Call of the Nameless is now out! Six all-new main missions and assorted side missions await in the sands of Egypt. This issue is available from the item store and may be purchased with [..] View

Shotgun+Elementalist Build/Deck to beat Beaumont

12:32 pm, February 28, 2016 Hi everyone! I've been directed here by the friendly people on the Missions subforum. I'm having a lot of trouble taking down Beaumont in Tier 17 of Dawning of an Endless Night. Up until here I've bee [..] View

[Leechtank] High Efficiency Dungeon Leechtanking

11:32 pm, February 26, 2016 Brutally Efficient Dungeon Leechtank I've been running a lot of non-aegis nightmare randomizer lately. This allowed me to perfect my leechtanking and transform it into a kind of semi-bufftank. In my e [..] View

So, current status on the woodcutters?

11:32 pm, February 25, 2016 So, how are things with the woodcutter these days, for those who have them? Is the post-nerf rule of ~700 pen and using it with proc builds (since IIRC multi-hit builders can build up multiple stacks [..] View

Looking for advice: Chaos/fist burst soloing deck

12:32 pm, February 18, 2016 Howdy folks. Thanks for coming. I'm looking to get some advice regarding an "old" soloing deck of mine to see if it can be improved any further. (I say "old" because I've been usi [..] View

New Player - Build Improvement Advice

11:32 pm, February 16, 2016 New Player - Build Improvement Advice Hi Everyone, I just started playing this game last Friday. As of now I've finished all of the quests on Solomon Island and it's been a blast. Currently I have b [..] View

Recommended Stat Values

12:32 pm, February 15, 2016 I recently started branching out from my pistol/shotgun penetration build to create a blade/assault rifle penetration build, and now I'm wondering what stat values I should be looking for in terms of [..] View

Advice on woodcutter dps builds

12:32 pm, February 15, 2016 I wanted to advice in the stats to use and the type of build to use currenly i am running pistal shutgun proc build with 720 penetration but since i switch i feel that my dps went a little lower so i [..] View

Need help with my NM scenario build

11:32 pm, February 14, 2016 Hey all, First, here's my build: Blade / Chaos Actives: Escalation Karma Clearing the Path Martial Discipline Domino Effect Smoke and Mirrors Surging Blades Passives: Bloodsport Leeching [..] View

List of All New Signets in 1.13.2

12:32 pm, February 3, 2016 I think this is all of them. Let me know if anything is incorrect or missing.Weapon/Head Signets Signet of Blessed Steps Effect: Whenever you apply a barrier effect to an ally, that ally gains a be [..] View

What am I building towards? (Questions about Yokai's deck guide)

12:32 pm, January 17, 2016 I read this. Great reference BTW. It explained a lot! At the very end it has information on some useful deck types: [..] View

Let the ARs reign of terror continue

11:32 pm, January 13, 2016 Oh, NO! Todays patch ****** Anima Shot? I guess people will stop using AR now, or will they? Have fun nerfing Funcom :D Here some ideas for replacement builds. I'm reconstructing those builds from [..] View

New fixes and thinks that r left behind .

11:32 pm, January 11, 2016 Skills that left behind and dont give a **** tho and they need to be boosted or reworked are : 1) Powerline - Fix it or rework it you dont even get max stacks in channeling. 2)My bloody Valentine r [..] View

Not knowing where to go on Ability Wheel

11:32 pm, January 11, 2016 As I earn more and more Ability Points, it gets more and more difficult to pick abilities. Because I only can equip 7+7 abilities, I should feel it was important to learn new abilities as fast as poss [..] View

How firm is the hit cap? (Is 644 enough)

11:32 pm, January 7, 2016 So I've been working on a build that involves woodcutter + coney for the hell of it (while keeping coney useful for other builds, by filling it with crit) and I can land on 644 hit rating, OR 697 hi [..] View

Which skills should I put in which talisman?

12:32 pm, January 7, 2016 I'm a fresh novice who would appreciate some advice on Talismans. I don't know anyone so I'm playing solo. I'm neither Tank, DSP, or Healer. Or you could say that I'm all of those in one character. [..] View

Returning Player - Survival Build Feedback

12:32 pm, December 25, 2015 Hi All, I started playing the TSW when Issue 5 was released but haven't played for a LONG time. I'm currently blue mountains and was using a Clearing the Path + Empowerment survival build (sword/fist [..] View

Update Notes Issue #13: Trail of Shadows - Game Update 1.13

11:32 pm, December 17, 2015 NEW! The Orochi tower may have been conquered, but Kaidan’s survivors still need your aid. In Issue #13: Trail of Shadows, new missions await from your favorite characters, including Harumi [..] View

How To: Woodcutter DPS Glyphs

11:32 pm, November 13, 2015 Looks like the DPS Woodcutter is not going to be fixed, so in fairness everyone should know how to make this pop. Because the glyph gives you penetration without having to have ANY PEN on your gear y [..] View

Dryadria's Blade/Chaos Duo Scenario Build

11:32 pm, November 7, 2015 Actives 1. Blade Torrent 2. Domino Effect 3. Steel Echo 4. Clearing the Path 5. Four Horsemen 6. Chaotic Pull 7. Helter Skelter 8. ***** From AbovePassives 1. Leeching Frenzy 2. Immortal Spirit 3. Bra [..] View

Gear Questions

12:32 pm, November 7, 2015 I apologize in advance for asking about this. I'm sure there are a TON of similar questions and responses about this topic, but most of the stuff I've found is years old and I have no idea how outdat [..] View

Need Help with a Tanking Build

11:32 pm, November 3, 2015 Ok, so, I've only been playing for a few days, but as I've found myself with a lot of free time on my hands lately, I'm already into the Savage Coast. I recently did my first group mission (Polaris), [..] View

Help me make some Elementalism builds

12:32 pm, October 28, 2015 So some months ago, I realized I barely ever used elementalism in my builds. Previously I'd had the same realization about hammer and it ended up becoming my favourite weapon for a while (hammer heali [..] View

Testing "Advantage Me"

11:32 pm, October 27, 2015 I want some help with testing. I can't tell if there's something wrong with Advantage Me or if it's a perceptual bias on my part. Here's what's going on: I have an alt I've been experimenting on rece [..] View

"Ideal" Soloing Gear Setup?

12:32 am, October 21, 2015 Hello everyone. Wanted to throw this out there. What stat distribution do people recommend for soloing builds? I currently have one that is crit-heavy. It works wonders for some builds (chaos/fist b [..] View

Crit Build

1:32 pm, October 20, 2015 Any thoughts on creating a crit-centric build around the woodcutter's talisman? I mean, we already run with 400 crit power on builder weapon attacks, so if we can tune penetration to an amount where [..] View

One gear to tank them all

1:32 pm, October 19, 2015 I'm wondering since a few days: is there a way to make a tanking gear that works in ALL dungeons without requiering an amazing team nor doing any taliman switch? The basic stat split of 650 block, 650 [..] View

Getting the most ouf of Equal Footing - Gearing for PvP

12:32 am, September 29, 2015 What the hell is equal footing and why should you care about it? The equal footing buff (EFB in short) is a buff that is applied to you whenever joining a PvP minigame. Its purpose is to raise your s [..] View

[Scenarii] "The Lost Tank" (beginnner scenarii build for tanks)

12:32 am, September 29, 2015 I was speaking with a fellow beginner a few days ago, that explained me that he had hard time to deal with daily scenarii because he was still investing to complete his dungeon tanking gear, and thus, [..] View

Blood/Fist Easy Solo Build

1:32 pm, September 25, 2015 Actives - Open Vein - Bloodshot - Guts and Gory - Wild at Heart - Cardiac Arrest* - Cauterize - Surgical Steel Passives - Iron Maiden - Dark Potency - Chain Reaction - Elemental Force - G [..] View

[Fuse-tank] Guide about high efficiency tanking

12:32 am, September 15, 2015 The fuse-tank Mysteries about high efficiency – unveiled! Hey guys, ever wondered why there are tanks with an elemental focus in their off-hand? Ever wondered why there are groups able to ** [..] View

First Build: Blade/Shotgun, Penetration>Afflicted

1:32 pm, September 12, 2015 Hi all, After building Maverick>Paladin I decided to explore Penetration and Afflicted, so I made this build. There's probably a lot of stuff wrong with it, so if you've got some pointers to sh [..] View

The Stunner [Scenario Deck]

1:32 pm, September 11, 2015 So Kemo brought me to the idea to release my favorite scenario deck. Been a while since I shared stuff - but today I want to share the deck which escorted me to my 100% augment wheel. This deck is for [..] View

Early level build help please!

12:32 am, September 11, 2015 Hey, I'm working on a build I can use for early game soloing ('m starting to die a lot and would like to stop that) so I've adapted a build I found online to be more low skillpoint friendly. I've come [..] View

Seeking opinion: Blade/Blood self-healing tank

12:32 am, September 10, 2015 This is the concept I've started working towards for my first build. Since I'm new to the game, I'd like opinions from people who have more familiarity with the mechanics of the game. Actives: Blade [..] View

Auto-penetration & dual-defense tank (take 2)

1:32 pm, September 8, 2015 This is not the first time I talk about this idea of a tank build which doesn't use penetration rating on its gear. At that time, I had few experience, and also, the talk on the topic soon have been [..] View

Defensives stats in NM scenarios?

1:32 pm, September 4, 2015 I was speaking with some people yesterday evening about NM scenarios, and a particular build that used blade, art of war, martial discipline and clearing the path... and I was suprised that the build [..] View

Bldyknuckle's CritHammer Basic Tanking build

12:32 am, August 24, 2015 Check out my Destiny Fulfilled DPS build here: Build Now!!! This is designed to be [..] View

Auto-penetration tank?

1:32 pm, June 18, 2015 I was wondering if it was possible to make a tank build for NM dongeons, that would rely on auto-penetration procs instead of increase of penetration chances. Penetration rating on a tank is used for [..] View

Blood/Ele Bloodshot Spam Proc Build

1:32 pm, May 13, 2015 I started out with Blood/Ele years ago back before it was popular. Back then, procs really sucked. Since coming back, I've found out they've been buffed to be able to crit and penetrate, leading to th [..] View

Looking For Advice on Glyphing For Tokyo

1:32 pm, May 9, 2015 So, Issue #11 has brought me two new glorious purples! (The one from the issue itself, and I finally spent that bullion they gave existing post-Transylvania characters on a brand new Assault Rifle.) I [..] View

Advice needed on my build(s)

12:32 am, May 7, 2015 Hello everyone! I'm kinda new to this game, but I'm getting more and more into it every day. After the first week, I'm confident to have figured out how things work and I started thinking about buil [..] View

Best Dps Stats for end game gear ?

1:32 pm, April 22, 2015 Hey everyone, I was playing at release and I'm back after a 2 years break , so I'm a bit lost about Dps stats for NM/Raid so I'm asking for community help :) Could anyone tell me about the current op [..] View

New player looking for advice on Blood/Blade Penetration build.

12:32 pm, March 22, 2015 I really like the idea of blood/blade thematically. So I am not super worried with being the ultimate top end parsing super build, but there are a lot of abilities in this game, and I am an on and off [..] View

Suggestions on changes on my Blade/AR solo build

11:32 pm, March 12, 2015 Hello, I'm here to look for suggestions on how to change my main solo build. I started the game as Blade/AR build focusing on DPS and using leech abilities to cure myself on soloing PVE. With the curr [..] View

First build - ELM/Blade

11:32 pm, March 4, 2015 Greetings! I'm new to the game (Feb2015) and would like some feedback on my skill set. My objective here was to define a good DPS build with solo PVE survivability. The concept was to use ST ranged [..] View

[Hammer/Blade] Tank Build critique

11:32 pm, February 18, 2015 Looking at putting together my first real tank outside of KM, this is what I'm looking at:ACTIVE: Grand Slam – Single Target RP builder, aggro enhancer Blade Torrent – Multi Targe [..] View

[Blade/Chaos] Tank prototype, I **** at building

12:32 pm, February 11, 2015 Hello, Thus far I haven't found a build I like, and many of the suggested builds are like 2 years old. So now I'm trying my hand at it. My goal is to afflict, penetrate, and debilitate enemies whil [..] View

Boiling Blood + Destiny Fulfilled bugged?

11:32 pm, January 18, 2015 I've decided to try a build that focuses on penetration while using the BB and Destiny passives. The combo theory is this: BB's passive creates Afflicted DoT, Destiny then turns that into its special [..] View

Elemental/Blood solo build help

12:32 pm, January 1, 2015 Hi, pretty new to this game and I could use some help. I have browsed the forums quite a bit before making my own post and from what I've gathered this is what I have been using so far:https://chronic [..] View

Blade/Blood suggestions on abilities and signets

12:32 pm, December 17, 2014 So I run Blades/Blood PBAE/penetration. Seems to be working pretty well, but my self healing ability is a bit sketchy at times. I'm in a group with three others with similar build, so I have some bl [..] View

best passive healing, Clotting/Donor?

12:32 pm, December 13, 2014 So I play Blades and Blood for the most part. PBAE Penetration build with Clearing the Path, Bloodsport, Stunning Swirl/Guts and Glory, Iron Maiden, Dark Potency. Its pretty decent damage. I've [..] View

The Stunner [TOKYO Build]

11:32 pm, December 11, 2014 Hey there, after Issue 10 went live and with the new great patches to some underused skills, I would like to share my Tokyo-build (yea, Tokyo finally has my attention thanks to this item ) which is [..] View

Perjury is great for HR

11:32 pm, December 8, 2014 Even with the 3s cool down, I think this has a lot of benefit. Sharing my experiences so people can be aware if they hadn't already tried. And of course hoping it cause the new standard. As tank, I [..] View

Combat Mechanics, an updated explanation please.

12:32 pm, December 8, 2014 I tried to figure out the combat's mechanics up to today but I just found the Yokai's Guide ( which is outdated. Can you help me to understand the g [..] View

Yet Another Scenario Build

11:32 pm, November 15, 2014 I recently overhauled my solo-group-elite scenario build after finally getting a breaching for my blade - had a few people test this last night and really enjoy it, so I thought I'd share.Background [..] View

A little help to start Elite Dungeons

12:32 pm, November 11, 2014 Hello! I recently started playing TSW (2-3 weeks ago) as a Tank primarily with 3-4 friends. To learn the game I'm pretty much relying on trial and error as well as what I can read on the interwebs :P [..] View

Time to Get Serious!

11:32 pm, November 7, 2014 Ok, after having spent nearly an hour getting my *** kicked by a mission that I should've been able to breeze(well maybe not breeze) through, I have come to the conclusion that I need a more complete [..] View

Hitting the Wall

1:32 pm, October 15, 2014 I've been playing TSW very slowly since its release. So slowly that I only hit Transylvania for the first time this last weekend. It's felt like hitting a wall, where almost every mob is a struggle an [..] View

Hammer/Blade tank build...just want to make sure I understand what I want from it

12:32 am, October 7, 2014 I am trying to build a good Hammer/Blade build and just wanted to make sure I understand the synergies right. With Blade do I want to focus on afflicted in order to increase penetration rate which th [..] View


New player looking for advice on Blood/Blade Penetration build.

Mar 22, 2015, 9:08 pm I really like the idea of blood/blade thematically. So I am not super worried with being the ultimate top end parsing super build, but there are a lot of abilities in this game, and I am an on and off[..] View

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