12:32 am, April 16, 2017
So I am finding that when I am mobbed, using my chain builder is more than enough to take out large groups, I don't need Electrical Storm. What I *could* use would be another heavy hitting solo attack [..]
12:32 pm, February 12, 2017
I've been searching around for build advice and have noticed that there is plenty of Beginning builds and Endgame builds out there, but precious little advice on what to do mid game. Which seems odd b [..]
12:32 pm, February 12, 2017
I've been searching around for build advice and have noticed that there is plenty of Beginning builds and Endgame builds out there, but precious little advice on what to do mid game. Which seems odd b [..]
12:32 pm, January 4, 2017
Hi , first post on the forums.
I'm a fairly new player in the secret world, I'm almost past the Transylvanian ark of the game and would like to ask some help with some end game builds. I've looked ov [..]
11:32 pm, December 7, 2016
This is for my solo deck, I use Blood/Blade. I'm about to make myself a long term goal, and in the long term, expenses are not a problem.
In another, old dead thread, it is explained that Abuse is bes [..]
11:32 pm, November 4, 2016
Hello, how's it going? I just got the Secret World last week, and I've been thoroughly enjoying the game thus far. The missions themselves are well done (especially investigation missions) and the set [..]
12:32 am, October 28, 2016
I'd like to pick your collective brain on my first deck.
Basically I'd like to have a decent solo build which is not a burden in the halloween event dungeons/bosses (cat god, jack etc...)
As th [..]
12:32 am, October 22, 2016
So I've looked around for different builds to follow, but most of them are either 2-3 years old or don't go into enough detail. I know some abilities were recently nerfed as well, so I'm wondering if [..]
1:32 pm, September 8, 2016
I chose Assault Rifle/Pistols...Maybe that was a mistake?
Both weapons are QL 6
Talismans: All QL 6 except one QL 5
Actives: Safety off, fire at will, turn the tides, red mist, above the law, shoo [..]
12:32 am, May 7, 2016
I've only been playing for a short time (currently in Savage Coast), and I'm trying to refine a Blood build (with one resource consumer from Pistols). It works great against groups of foes, but strug [..]
12:32 am, April 27, 2016
I've followed some TSWDB beginner builds to get through Valley of the Sun God. And now the sheer complexity of the outer rings of the skill wheel are overwhelming. Any advice?
So far I have been Pi [..]
12:32 am, April 21, 2016
One of my kids got on to my computer and "accidentally" erased my end game character a while back, so I quit for a while, got bored, and started playing again. I had decks for pretty much ev [..]
12:32 am, March 30, 2016
Returning player here wondering what to do with all the AP my toons are earning this week.
My main is elemental/hammer. I play him with my friend who is elemental/blade. We're in Blue Mountain and h [..]
11:32 pm, February 23, 2016
So, I am thinking of trying my hand at tanking in TSW.
At least to start with it will be in the Normal dungeons and/or the easier Elites. (It will be a while before I am ready for any Nightmare dun [..]
11:32 pm, February 18, 2016
Hello guys!
First post here.
I gonna start with a little introduction. I have played the game ALOT. Its my most played game on steam so far. When I first started playing the game a long time ago, I [..]
11:32 pm, February 16, 2016
New Player - Build Improvement Advice
Hi Everyone,
I just started playing this game last Friday. As of now I've finished all of the quests on Solomon Island and it's been a blast. Currently I have b [..]
11:32 pm, February 5, 2016
Hey, just started playing 5 days ago and followed this build exactly:http://www.tswdb.com/builds/beginner...modern-samurai
I have everything now and even just got Bloodsport in place of Dark Potency. [..]
12:32 pm, January 18, 2016
Just started the game a few days ago. Looking for a viable leveling build for Blood/Ele mix. I have the following right now and I feel it's underwhelming. Wondering what I can do to 1) Make it more vi [..]
11:32 pm, January 15, 2016
This is a completely generic guide with universal advice for any new player who wants a solid soloing build. It is applicable to ALL weapon combinations. It is NOT the only viable soloing build but it [..]
11:32 pm, January 11, 2016
As I earn more and more Ability Points, it gets more and more difficult to pick abilities. Because I only can equip 7+7 abilities, I should feel it was important to learn new abilities as fast as poss [..]
11:32 pm, October 27, 2015
I want some help with testing. I can't tell if there's something wrong with Advantage Me or if it's a perceptual bias on my part. Here's what's going on:
I have an alt I've been experimenting on rece [..]
1:32 pm, October 2, 2015
I'm running a Blade/Ar build. I think I have about 175 points spent.
Stunning swirl
Three Round Burst
Martial Discipline
Anima Burst
Balanced Blade
Bamboo cutter
Forking Path
1:32 pm, September 25, 2015
- Open Vein
- Bloodshot
- Guts and Gory
- Wild at Heart
- Cardiac Arrest*
- Cauterize
- Surgical Steel
- Iron Maiden
- Dark Potency
- Chain Reaction
- Elemental Force
- G [..]
1:32 pm, September 12, 2015
Hi all,
After building Maverick>Paladin I decided to explore Penetration and Afflicted, so I made this build. There's probably a lot of stuff wrong with it, so if you've got some pointers to sh [..]
12:32 am, September 11, 2015
Hey, I'm working on a build I can use for early game soloing ('m starting to die a lot and would like to stop that) so I've adapted a build I found online to be more low skillpoint friendly. I've come [..]
12:32 am, June 4, 2015
Hi everyone, I Googled and Searched but couldn't find this mentioned anywhere.
Yesterday, I tried slotting Mad Skills alongside Dark Potency but both Passives cancel the other; you only end up with o [..]
1:32 pm, June 3, 2015
Let me just start by saying that I know this has been discussed many times before, but the latest discussion I found was back when DP stacked to 150 and IM gave 10%, so the thinking might be different [..]
12:32 am, May 30, 2015
Hi all,
I’d welcome some advice. I’m most of the way through Scorched Desert and have been running a blood/blade solo build.
It consists of:
1. Stunning swirl
2. Blade Torrent
12:32 am, April 23, 2015
Hi folks, I've been reading a lot of threads and I think I have a good plan for how to approach my gear upgrades, but I wanted to run it by you all. Here is the scenario:
- I've recently started doin [..]
12:32 am, April 4, 2015
So i have just picked this up a couple weeks ago and have been having allot of fun with it i enjoy the AR/SG line and have tried a few of the different decks including the commando starter deck. I'm a [..]
12:32 pm, March 22, 2015
I really like the idea of blood/blade thematically. So I am not super worried with being the ultimate top end parsing super build, but there are a lot of abilities in this game, and I am an on and off [..]
11:32 pm, March 12, 2015
Hello, I'm here to look for suggestions on how to change my main solo build. I started the game as Blade/AR build focusing on DPS and using leech abilities to cure myself on soloing PVE. With the curr [..]
11:32 pm, March 12, 2015
So I'm trying to build a decent Ele/Blood solo deck to shoot for with my new character.
Looking for any kind of comments/thoughts/etc on what I have so far.http://www.tsw-builder.com/#64v64064...4564 [..]
12:32 pm, February 20, 2015
I am leveling up. In the second zone.
I've unlocked Elemental, blood and shotgun.
This is not meant to be a raid/dungeon build or a uber/best type thing.
This is a specialty build for this charact [..]
11:32 pm, February 18, 2015
Looking at putting together my first real tank outside of KM, this is what I'm looking at:ACTIVE: Grand Slam – Single Target RP builder, aggro enhancer
Blade Torrent – Multi Targe [..]
12:32 pm, February 11, 2015
Thus far I haven't found a build I like, and many of the suggested builds are like 2 years old. So now I'm trying my hand at it.
My goal is to afflict, penetrate, and debilitate enemies whil [..]
12:32 pm, January 21, 2015
I was thinking about an afflict pen build with passives from blood and fist like iron maiden, dark potency and blood sport, which would work out better? Every hit would proc SitW but a good glyph setu [..]
11:32 pm, January 13, 2015
Hi all,
Pretty new on TSW and working toward this build :
WEAPONS: blade/fist (733 AP)
1. Delicate Strike (Blade->Method, 1 AP)
2. Destiny (Blade->Wind through Grass, 27 [..]
11:32 pm, January 8, 2015
Hey! I was wondering if anyone could help me out. I am interested in either a Blade/Pistol DPS build or a Blade/AR DPS build and just wanted to know which had the best synergy and most potential for D [..]
12:32 pm, December 17, 2014
So I run Blades/Blood PBAE/penetration. Seems to be working pretty well, but my self healing ability is a bit sketchy at times. I'm in a group with three others with similar build, so I have some bl [..]
12:32 pm, December 13, 2014
So I play Blades and Blood for the most part. PBAE Penetration build with Clearing the Path, Bloodsport, Stunning Swirl/Guts and Glory, Iron Maiden, Dark Potency.
Its pretty decent damage.
I've [..]
12:32 pm, October 31, 2014
So, I'm starting this game back up again after nearly a year (just in time for Samhain). I started out as Blade/Fist and switched to Blade/AR to get some range/pull. I also got a Quantum Brace (beca [..]
12:32 am, September 24, 2014
Yobo’s Efficient Guide to NM DPS Gearing
We’ve had a share of questions on this forum asking for advice on gearing up. So I figured it could be useful to have a guide to refer peo [..]
1:32 pm, September 18, 2014
Hey everyone! I just finished up the main storyline and I'm trying to make my way into Tokyo, but I feel that the build I've been running with, while serving me fantastically, is starting to lag behin [..]
12:32 am, September 10, 2014
WEAPONS: elemental/blood (747 AP)
1. Arc Flash (Elemental->Mortality Curve, 9 AP)
2. Flashpoint (Elemental->Altered States, 34 AP)
3. Blaze (Elemental->Zero Crossin [..]
1:32 pm, September 2, 2014
Hello, I am now starting to run NM dungeons and I find myself neither penetrating nor hitting as much as I was before (obviously)
Since I'm now starting I've benched my melee build and mainly use eit [..]
1:32 pm, August 30, 2014
I recently play around with the Deck Builder and try to do something new and ofc with some sense :) Well i am still new to TSW, so i still learn. Right now i tried to create a build which has good dmg [..]
2:33 am, August 26, 2014
i just recently came back to TSW and decided to start over. My new Toon is now almost done with Blue Mountains. So far i have not real trouble with my build, beside that it is boring as hell.
Th [..]