The Secret World

A Secret World Fan Site




Anyone Alive?

12:32 pm, January 18, 2018 Hi. I was just wondering if there are anyone who is still interested of having some funtime in Fusang, or in any other PvP minigames? It seems that SWL PvP is no-go, or it will be horrible and I kin [..] View

Hi and bye, I guess

1:32 pm, July 31, 2017 It was a real pleasure fighting at your side and against you, during all these years. All of you. Including those who think I hated them, just because we argued or trolled each other. Come on, you sho [..] View

Why Can't Aegis Be Used to Give New Life to PVP?

12:32 am, May 29, 2017 Anyone here anything solid on Aegis? Just watched an old video from earlier this month. They said there will be Aegis, but reworked. Others said no Aegis. It does seem weird to have it at all. The who [..] View

Thanks everyone for all the fun

1:32 pm, March 29, 2017 Thanks all for the years of fun and community. No idea if I'll stay in old TSW or go to new TSW or just quit completely as Funcom managed to do the one thing we all didn't want them to do and not allo [..] View

How to gear from 10.0.0 to 10.9.5

11:32 pm, March 10, 2017 The goal of this thread is to provide a short guide on how to gear for PVE in the beginning of endgame, before getting to aegis content, without using too many Mark of the Pantheon, Black Bullions and [..] View

Box’s 1-size-fits-all tank build

12:32 pm, March 6, 2017 BOX’S 1-SIZE-FITS-ALL TANK BUILD Hey Guys it’s Box again! Ever wanted to learn the role of the most sought after role but [..] View

Mid game Fist/AR survival build please

12:32 pm, February 12, 2017 I've been searching around for build advice and have noticed that there is plenty of Beginning builds and Endgame builds out there, but precious little advice on what to do mid game. Which seems odd b [..] View

Mid game Fist/AR survival build advice please

12:32 pm, February 12, 2017 I've been searching around for build advice and have noticed that there is plenty of Beginning builds and Endgame builds out there, but precious little advice on what to do mid game. Which seems odd b [..] View

Need pointers for Shambala healing

11:32 pm, January 23, 2017 I don't PvP a lot, I'll admit. But I have a lot of fun when I do PvP, and I tend to go heals unless my group is top-heavy with healers. I spend more time in Fusang than anywhere else, and in there I [..] View

Scenario Glyph selection with/without woodcutter:

12:32 pm, December 30, 2016 Recently, I have learned hit is not as essential in scenarios (idiot me). That made me doubt all my stats selection. I wonder if you could give me some advice. I use this chaos/blood build (and vari [..] View

12/11/2016 PVP Tournament! Hosted on TL!!

12:32 pm, December 2, 2016 So I will start out by saying I am fully aware that hosting a PVP tournament on Test-Live limits who can participate. However, I believe it will be the best way to handle balancing. Now on to the deta [..] View

Newbie shotgun/blood build

12:32 pm, November 28, 2016 Hello good folks, newb to the game here been playing a couple of days. So far got a build like this: with the exception that i'm still working tow [..] View

Server Downtime November 23, 2016

11:32 pm, November 22, 2016 The servers will come down for Maintenance on November 23, at 15:00 GMT/ 10:00 AM EST/ 7:00 AM PST. (check this link to see when this is in your timezone). The downtime is estimated to take 2 hours. [..] View

Better to use Blues or Purples (questions for auxilery weapon)

12:32 pm, November 22, 2016 So im not a huge fan of the equal footing, but such is the game so not going to argue it. my concern is, i just got my green auxilery weapon, and also have a blue upgrade kit, but if i start using my [..] View

Recruiting new players

11:32 pm, November 18, 2016 Hello all, For those who weren't online last american night, we had a... discussion about getting new players into PvP. Now I won't get into the argument of premades or not, because I want to address [..] View

The Current DPS meta for PvE Stats and Glyping???

11:32 pm, November 10, 2016 Hello so I am a somewhat new player to the game and for the most part unclear as to what the current meta is for DPS in terms of stats. I believe the old meta is 900+ pen 650+ hit 500+ Crit Power a cr [..] View

Impair Immunity Sometimes Not Working

12:32 pm, November 6, 2016 Impair Immunity is a big thing for me and my build, with very high Immunity uptime, but sometimes just isn't working. I'm trying to narrow down the specifics of when it doesn't work - the only genera [..] View

How much Pen is enough/too much?

11:32 pm, November 4, 2016 Quick question: For those who solo, or those who do NM dungeons (as dps) how much Pen is considered "enough" before you should then start to fill up on crit? I've seen anywhere between 700 [..] View

Old Noob - Help with Glyph Slotting and Gear Swap-Out Please

11:32 pm, November 3, 2016 So - every time I come back to the game after a few months break I think "i have some black bullion from the seasonal events, I really must sort myself out some custom gear". And then I spe [..] View

Attack Rating Curve Now: Diminishing Returns etc

1:32 pm, October 29, 2016 I've Googled and Searched, but the info seems to have dead links and whatnot. I'm at the upgrading point where large amounts of Attack Rating (AR) added or removed make zero appreciable difference to [..] View

What's a late game AR/Pistol build suppose to look like?

1:32 pm, October 28, 2016 I just started playing recently and went AR/Pistol. I know with so many choices it must vary but I couldn't find anything on tswdb and I'm just trying to get an idea of where to put points early to ge [..] View

New player looking for advice on Blood/Blade build

12:32 am, October 22, 2016 So I've looked around for different builds to follow, but most of them are either 2-3 years old or don't go into enough detail. I know some abilities were recently nerfed as well, so I'm wondering if [..] View

The math behind the wheel

12:32 am, October 21, 2016 The idea of this thread is to gather some information about the math behind the signet, items, actives and passives of the game. The goal is never to tell if signet a is better than signet b, but just [..] View

Against Signet of Insurance

1:32 pm, October 14, 2016 To me, this particular signet works in a very weird way. The game has no "counter" to debuffs: if I corrupt you, there's no ability that reflects that corrupt back on to me. If I afflict you [..] View

Returnee seeking pistol/blade advice for South Tokyo

1:32 pm, October 14, 2016 Heya, I'm hoping an expert here can help me resurrect my character and finally finish the story after I abandoned it in June. When last I played, I was reasonably comfortable running around northern [..] View

How does Fusang work?

12:32 am, October 8, 2016 Sometimes there is a supply drop, where do they drop? Could it be anywhere or is it on the main road only? Then there is the mission you get by a custodian when your faction is low populated vs the o [..] View

Deck assessment?

1:32 pm, September 24, 2016 Hey all- It's been about 3 years since I last played, but I'm eager to return to my adventures. However, I have no idea what to do for a deck anymore. I know what I had, and I'm hoping that you guy [..] View

Fusang quests when the population is so heavily unbalanced. Just me ranting.

12:32 am, September 21, 2016 After enjoying lots of fun Pvp in Fusang due to everyone trying to get the doomboard I'm sad to see things are going back to normal. While the doomboard challenge was active and players were trying t [..] View

Where to spend my AP

1:32 pm, August 31, 2016 I'm in the Savage Coast (Blade/AR, only touched the outer wheel yet), have a nice bit of AP saved up as I was not sure what direction to spend it. I see two choices. a.) Make this Modern Samurai buil [..] View

Gear stats for Transylvania

12:32 am, August 22, 2016 Would it be enough for Transylvania? QL10 all blue 1 major heal and 1 minor health talisman. Hit rating: 342 Penetration rating: 739 (weapons included) Using Blade/ AR combination. Or should I put cri [..] View

Returning player... please help.

1:32 pm, August 17, 2016 My younger brother and I played this game back when it first came out. I instantly fell in love with the story elements and character creation/clothing choices etc. Back then I didn't have a clear dir [..] View

Fusang Decision Making for Noobs

1:32 pm, August 12, 2016 Tossed this flowchart together to keep it as simple as possible, please give any feedback or additional tips you'd like new players to see in this thread. I made this [..] View

Is this the place to ask about improving?

12:32 am, August 9, 2016 I have a deck I put together that seems to work very well, it's affliction/impair based. I'm able to proc multiple hits in one attack (I've literally scrutinized every detail in the combat tab), anywh [..] View

Clearing the Path - What Am I Missing?

1:32 pm, July 28, 2016 I've seen it come up here and there, forever, about Clearing the Path (CtP) being awesome. I now have four chars who currently use a Blade, and I'd love them all to have unique and characterful fight [..] View

El Dorado is the worst designed PvP map in any MMORPG ever.

12:32 am, July 6, 2016 Now the title might sound like hyperbole, but I honestly think that in 18 years of playing various MMOs I've never come across anything worse than this. Let me explain: The whole idea of creating a co [..] View

Need help with my deck and glyphs, AR/Shotty DPS

12:32 am, July 1, 2016 Hi all, so, I need help! A word of forewarning: I will not know the acronyms of abilities, or their effects, off by heart. I'm using AR/Shotgun combo, and usually play through content with only my par [..] View

Dodge not really usable, what am I doing wrong?

12:32 am, June 28, 2016 Sometimes I can do a forward or backward roll, never sideways. I think I need to double click faster than my fingers can click. Where can I reset the double click timer? I've looked and not seen ho [..] View

Expectations By Role?

1:32 pm, June 27, 2016 A couple of recent comments in the forum have got me wondering exactly what players expect other players to bring to the table, according to the suit that they're wearing, in order to be a 'proper' Ta [..] View

Blood/Shotgun AoE Build

1:32 pm, June 27, 2016 So, I started out with a Blood/Pistol build that worked reasonably well, but after the Elite revamp I've moved to Blood/Shotgun. Despite the lack of Impairs (other than when I take down an AEGIS shie [..] View

The Present State of Stonehenge PvP

12:32 am, June 20, 2016 The dozen or so matches I’ve played in Stonehenge in the past several days since the 1.15.1 patch was launched have demonstrated the precarious balance inherent in PvP. It was tempting in th [..] View

The curves of TSW

1:32 pm, June 15, 2016 Since I’ve posted a few curve fittings to some of the known rating to chance formulae in the game, I figured it might not be a bad idea to put them all in one thread. It will also be easier [..] View

Fourth of Fusang Rule Discussion

12:32 am, June 14, 2016 I'd like to use the stickied Fourth of Fusang post primarily for sign-ups as coordinators so I don't have to sort through dozens of pages to update the coordinator sheet. This (more aptly named) post [..] View

Returning Player Seeking Current Advice

12:32 am, May 25, 2016 Hi all! I haven't played The Secret World in a long time. In fact, the last issue I was around for was Issue 3 and the last issue I'd even heard about was Issue 5. I really do like this game howeve [..] View

Loot Imbalance

12:32 am, May 20, 2016 I think one of the things that is causing such low participation is the relatively low payout compared to other activities and even among the maps an imbalance in rewards. For example, a NM Polaris c [..] View

Update Notes Issue #15: The Sleuth's Gallery - Game Update 1.15

12:32 am, May 12, 2016 NEWIssue #15; The Sleuth's Gallery features the most missions ever seen in a single Issue, including all missions from Sidestories: Further Analysis, Love & Loathing, and The Last Pagan, plus [..] View

Having a nightmare building - need help!

12:32 am, May 5, 2016 hey guys. So I started off with fists/elemental and then switched to pistol/elemental. I'm still finding it frustrating at Kingsmouth when I get swarmed by mobs. I have no real clue where to go with [..] View

SH farming - is the queue system broken again?

12:32 am, May 3, 2016 Another SH day and the farmers are back yet again. Seems they're consistently locking the queue out to Temps though for hours upon hours - have we gone back to the 'groups have priority' setting with [..] View

Raztec's Video Guides

12:32 am, April 27, 2016 Raztec’s Video Guides Hi all, So my name is Raztec, and I have wanted to post this for a while now, but I was unsure of where to do so because it covers many things, so I decided to place it [..] View

Elemental/Fist Build Advice?

12:32 am, April 23, 2016 So, I'm currently working my alt through City of the Sun God and figured I'd drop my current build here for any advice. It's Elemental/Fist, which I know isn't considered ideal, but I've been seeing [..] View

Leveling build - blade/blood

12:32 am, April 21, 2016 One of my kids got on to my computer and "accidentally" erased my end game character a while back, so I quit for a while, got bored, and started playing again. I had decks for pretty much ev [..] View

Apologies and Warning

1:32 pm, April 14, 2016 Just a heads up, didnt get a chance to catch anyone in the game I was in where I didn't participate in shambalah - I've got that auto-accept plugin and I forgot to unqueue after running to salvage my [..] View

decent DPS without elemental force? possible?

1:32 pm, April 14, 2016 I hate elemental force. I admit it is good (and i am currently using it in dungeons), but oh how i hate it. I spend all my time watching my buffs instead of the fight, just so i don't miss the right [..] View

Little help for newbies by vet for vet.

1:32 pm, April 10, 2016 Hey, I did with some veteran Consensio Maria Elal and some others, a script in order to explain to noobs where they are and what they will have to do etc [..] View

B & H tank build advice.

12:32 am, April 9, 2016 Good morning. Since I received excellent advice for my build, and how to **** Beaumont, I wish to help out my sister. She tanks for our family group. Which is her, her husband, and myself. She star [..] View

Update Notes Issue #14: Call of the Nameless - Game Update 1.14

12:32 am, April 1, 2016 NEWIssue #14: Call of the Nameless is now out! Six all-new main missions and assorted side missions await in the sands of Egypt. This issue is available from the item store and may be purchased with [..] View

PVP The Real Problemo

1:32 pm, March 30, 2016 I know as you read this title and see the person writing it, you might think HolloPoint is off on his high horse, trying the be the winter king or some sort of egotistical nonsense, but I cannot go to [..] View

Boycott issue 14 until fusang is fixed

12:32 am, March 29, 2016 Thread title says it all. But, some of you may ask, why should the TSW PVP community boycott Issue #14? The answers are as simple as they are plentiful.1. NO PVP ISSUE AS OF YET You've heard it said [..] View

Returning player after 1 or years looking for a new or imporved deck build

12:32 pm, March 12, 2016 hey I decide to return to TSW after about 1 or 2 years and I forgotten where I left off with my blades/pistols deck build and I'm looking to ether change to Blades/Chaos or shotguns or change it to a [..] View

Ranged soloing builds

11:32 pm, March 11, 2016 Hi again! Shifting focus for this thread. I'd like to make a ranged deck (where "ranged" means the gun weapons- pistols, shotgun, assault rifle) for soloing, and I'd like it to be able to s [..] View

Tanking Build Questions?

11:32 pm, March 1, 2016 Hi guys. I played a little secret world a while ago closer to when it first released but quickly got involved in another game at the time and now I just reinstalled because I wanted to try this again. [..] View

god damn tokyo

11:32 pm, February 23, 2016 Hi, I am running a dps shotgun/chaos on a pale horse build but its not getting me anywhere except dead. now it could be that im **** and cant figure out ageis but I am looking for a build that is a [..] View

NEW!! Membership Update FAQ

11:32 pm, February 17, 2016 Hi, all! Membership has been greatly updated. This FAQ already exists on the main site under the Membership page: But, for the sake of convenience and makin [..] View

Signets only affecting defensive focus target

12:32 pm, February 15, 2016 In the past you could do Shelter and see lots of yellow "6/12/20" come off of people as the Thirst buff was applied (Equilibrium did not show a number, but was also applied). Now signets on [..] View

Recommended Stat Values

12:32 pm, February 15, 2016 I recently started branching out from my pistol/shotgun penetration build to create a blade/assault rifle penetration build, and now I'm wondering what stat values I should be looking for in terms of [..] View

Reduced Match Time

11:32 pm, February 10, 2016 I've been very active recently in my advocacy for shortened times in ED/SH. I know that a lot of people think that ED/SH should remain where it is... which I find crazy because no one plays them. Sh [..] View

Returning player needing tank advice

12:32 pm, February 9, 2016 Hey guys, as the subject says I am a returning player. Just to give a brief background... I played at launch and reached Transylvania as a ranged DPS with a focus on AR/Ele/pistols. Since then, I ha [..] View

Shambala Signet List

11:32 pm, February 8, 2016 Anyone made a list of the Shambala signets yet? My google-fu doesnt seem good enough to find any such list, but surely somebody somewhere is listing the new signets? If anyone knows of such a list i [..] View

QL10 and above

12:32 pm, February 8, 2016 How does the QL scale work from QL10? QL11 doesn't exist as far as I know, but there are many levels in between 10 and 11. Above QL10, the scale is difficult to follow and it makes me wonder why they [..] View

Hidden bias in Shambala?

11:32 pm, February 5, 2016 I wanted to make this a poll but couldn't figure out how to do it. Basically I've found that 75% of my wins in Shambala are coming from the moon side and I was curious to see if others noticed a bias [..] View

What am I?

11:32 pm, February 4, 2016 I never know what best suits my play style in any game, so I typically try out a bunch of weapons, pick what I like the look/feel of the best, and choose a bunch of skills that help me **** monsters t [..] View

List of All New Signets in 1.13.2

12:32 pm, February 3, 2016 I think this is all of them. Let me know if anything is incorrect or missing.Weapon/Head Signets Signet of Blessed Steps Effect: Whenever you apply a barrier effect to an ally, that ally gains a be [..] View

Signet of Houdini's Guile

11:32 pm, January 31, 2016 Signet of Houdini's Guile Whenever you are hindered or impaired cool downs on all crowd control breaking abilities are reduced by x seconds depending on the rarity level of the signet. It only goe [..] View


12:32 pm, January 29, 2016 Quote: Daily PvP challenges for El Dorado and Stonehenge now require reaching a score of 125,000 on the final scoreboard. This change should not affect challenge completion for anyon [..] View

Help needed - inner AP circle full for my Blade/AR - now what?

12:32 pm, January 24, 2016 Hi, I'm fairly new to this exciting game… love it so far and I am eager to go on. I have 'sortof' finished Kingsmouth and have begun Savage Coast. I am a mostly QL3 Blade/AR abilities build [..] View

Dear Funcom: Why "nerfs" aren't a solution, and why you need to stop doing them

12:32 pm, January 16, 2016 Dear Funcom & Co, Some of you reading this might have picked up it's in another thread, but I can't help but feel I need to get this message across. I like having options in your game, as m [..] View

n00b Shotgun/blood build

12:32 pm, January 15, 2016 Hi guys. The second I looked at the 9 weapons in the Crucible, I knew exactly what I wanted. Seeing as this game can name Doom as one of it's inspirations, I decided to focus on the Shotgun, and of c [..] View

Dearest Funcom

11:32 pm, January 14, 2016 Dear Funcom & Co, Some of you reading this might have picked up it's in another thread, but I can't help but feel I need to get this message across. I like having options in your game, as man [..] View

What should I prioritize?

11:32 pm, January 14, 2016 For starters, let me just say that my current limiting factor is BB. I'm still trying to convert my builds to purples. My tank builds are fully purple. My dps builds are mostly blue. My heal build [..] View

Not knowing where to go on Ability Wheel

11:32 pm, January 11, 2016 As I earn more and more Ability Points, it gets more and more difficult to pick abilities. Because I only can equip 7+7 abilities, I should feel it was important to learn new abilities as fast as poss [..] View

Which skills should I put in which talisman?

12:32 pm, January 7, 2016 I'm a fresh novice who would appreciate some advice on Talismans. I don't know anyone so I'm playing solo. I'm neither Tank, DSP, or Healer. Or you could say that I'm all of those in one character. [..] View

Returning Player - Survival Build Feedback

12:32 pm, December 25, 2015 Hi All, I started playing the TSW when Issue 5 was released but haven't played for a LONG time. I'm currently blue mountains and was using a Clearing the Path + Empowerment survival build (sword/fist [..] View

Please remember to report players who break Funcom Rules of Conduct

11:32 pm, December 23, 2015 Hello PVP players, Please always remember that the rules of conduct apply to PVP. I am not saying this with the intention of stopping anyone from breaking them (because those who do, tend to not r [..] View

PvP in 1.13

11:32 pm, December 18, 2015 i thought i would take a moment to give some feedback after playing some pvp with the issue 13 changes. first and foremost i really love the ability to change uniforms in every battlefield whenever y [..] View

Update Notes Issue #13: Trail of Shadows - Game Update 1.13

11:32 pm, December 17, 2015 NEW! The Orochi tower may have been conquered, but Kaidan’s survivors still need your aid. In Issue #13: Trail of Shadows, new missions await from your favorite characters, including Harumi [..] View

Issue 13 excitement :)

11:32 pm, December 17, 2015 I did not expect the next release anywhere near so soon. This is a nice surprise. I am sure not everything will suit us all, but there is certainly going to be a lot to do this evening. :) I am lo [..] View

PVP in general

12:32 pm, December 12, 2015 i have been sat on my lonesome self, while a friend has qued up in a premade group for both ED/SH. He has entered the match three times now, and i have 0. The fact that the system picks group qued pl [..] View

Subway Token redundancy calculation

12:32 pm, December 7, 2015 At which level will it be reasonable to replace Subway Tokens (non-custom QL 10.4) with an upgraded custom luck talisman? It's not an easy calculation, since one is comparing apples and oranges. Subwa [..] View

The PVP challenge seems to be Fusang side missions every day

11:32 pm, November 30, 2015 Hello people, I am a bit unsure where to post this one as it is related to PVP, but also affects people who don't play a lot of PVP. Did I miss an update explaining that the PVP challenge will onl [..] View

Need help with two builds

11:32 pm, November 30, 2015 I am going through Trans with two of my characters and have actually finished the main story to get into Kaidan for the Halloween event on both. I know a little bit about what to expect in Tokyo from [..] View

My deck, need some advice pls

12:32 pm, November 30, 2015 here is my deck atm, been following an "modern day samurai build" i found in the TSW database, any sugestions as to where I should pos [..] View

Equal Footing needs some adjustments

11:32 pm, November 28, 2015 Having high-quality gear should provide either no advantage or a small advantage over less-geared players. There's a fair amount of discussion on these forums about what the magnitude of this advanta [..] View

Corrupt: is it working?

12:32 pm, November 21, 2015 I've noticed that putting full corrupt stacks on healers does nothing noticeable in downing the healer. I had one match in El Dorado where I spammed corrupt on two healers, and the match stats showed [..] View

Most populated Dimension for pvp?

12:32 pm, November 16, 2015 There is a huge population imbalance on Cerberus where the Templars have twice the players as the other 2 factions. So I'm looking for more even fights for pvp, is there a dimension with a good amount [..] View

How To: Woodcutter DPS Glyphs

11:32 pm, November 13, 2015 Looks like the DPS Woodcutter is not going to be fixed, so in fairness everyone should know how to make this pop. Because the glyph gives you penetration without having to have ANY PEN on your gear y [..] View

Signet of Ablation

12:32 pm, November 10, 2015 Hi there is no item section and I can't login to test, also could not find patch notes. As I remember from somewhere Signet of Ablation got nerfed right? I mean it now ticks down on all effects, not [..] View

Gear Questions

12:32 pm, November 7, 2015 I apologize in advance for asking about this. I'm sure there are a TON of similar questions and responses about this topic, but most of the stuff I've found is years old and I have no idea how outdat [..] View

What benefit of our Skills going to 11?

11:32 pm, November 6, 2015 I took a brief break from TSW (I know, I had a lapse in judgment!). When I came back, I saw all of our skills go up to 11 now. Aside from setting us up for some choice Spinal Tap references, what is t [..] View

Healing Gear Crit/Crit Power ratio for dungeon set help

11:32 pm, October 28, 2015 For one of my characters I am trying to make a healing gear set (Fist/Blood, may become Fist/Pistol purple Q10 currently un-upgraded) but I am not sure where the Crit/Crit Power should go on the talis [..] View

Help me make some Elementalism builds

12:32 pm, October 28, 2015 So some months ago, I realized I barely ever used elementalism in my builds. Previously I'd had the same realization about hammer and it ended up becoming my favourite weapon for a while (hammer heali [..] View


1:32 pm, October 23, 2015 "Whenever an enemy attack glances you, you gain [x]% of the damage it dealt back as healing." Is there any point at all whatsoever in building up the second blade skill line? Ciritty has a [..] View


Returning Player - Where to Start?

Mar 13, 2015, 12:00 am I'm looking for some advice on where to get started. I stopped playing quite a while back when I just didn't have time (probably around 1.4?) and now I'm looking to get back into things on a somewhat[..] View

Where do I put this Laceration?

Mar 6, 2015, 7:00 pm So on my DABS build (which uses shotgun for a builder) I can't decide if I'm better off putting the Laceration on my pistol (which I only use for shootout) or on my shotgun which i use all the time.<b[..] View

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