The Secret World

A Secret World Fan Site




Open buildings in Fusang

11:32 pm, January 18, 2017 Most of the time, PvP takes place in large open spaces, giving a competitive advantage for range weapons. I would like to reverse this situation and bring at the same time a new tactical dimension to [..] View

Remove Global XP from Pvp

1:32 pm, August 18, 2016 now before any one jumps on me and says I'm whining, consider this, when we had the two sangs ( prior newsangsang ) patch global xp was sort of spread out fairly even, this new set up seems to award t [..] View

Is Fusang broken for anyone else?

12:32 am, July 2, 2016 Since the golem event started, every time I've tried to leave Fusang I've had a 5+ minute loading screen culminating in the game crashing. Hadn't entered the place for months before the event so I am [..] View

PVP The Real Problemo

1:32 pm, March 30, 2016 I know as you read this title and see the person writing it, you might think HolloPoint is off on his high horse, trying the be the winter king or some sort of egotistical nonsense, but I cannot go to [..] View

An elegant solution:- A call to increase some PvP zones weekly challenge quotas.

11:32 pm, February 15, 2016 Topic for discussion. Would increasing the weekly SH ED wins (only) to 5 increase engagement and competition in those zones? That shambala, as long as it offers rewards not obtainable through the larg [..] View

QL10 and above

12:32 pm, February 8, 2016 How does the QL scale work from QL10? QL11 doesn't exist as far as I know, but there are many levels in between 10 and 11. Above QL10, the scale is difficult to follow and it makes me wonder why they [..] View

What should I be looking for...

12:32 pm, January 4, 2016 Newbie here, I've set up my own AR and Blood build. It's crude, but it does the job. Got me through Kingsmouth with ease. When I got to Savage Coast, it was more of the same until the bugs came along. [..] View

PVP in general

12:32 pm, December 12, 2015 i have been sat on my lonesome self, while a friend has qued up in a premade group for both ED/SH. He has entered the match three times now, and i have 0. The fact that the system picks group qued pl [..] View

LiveStream Feedback - Nov 20th

11:32 pm, November 22, 2015 Didn't see a thread on this, after finally™ watching the Stream today, and hearing some of the new™ details on Issue #13 . . . I'm just going to leave this feedback here . . . 1.) [..] View

A build for no seasons

12:32 am, October 12, 2015 I've been playing with blade and elemental lately and I'm kind of addicted to it. I'm pretty sure the specific implementation I have is useless in a group setting, but it's been a lot more useful than [..] View

PvP "participation" that isn't

12:32 am, September 8, 2015 I will start this off by saying I have not been a regular PvP player in TSW. I've dabbled with it here or there since the game launched, but nothing extensive or routine. Now with the Challenges, I' [..] View

[Suggestion | Petition | Plea | Bribe] Allow the Change of Suits Within PvP Zones

12:32 am, September 3, 2015 I posted this in the official suggestion box thread on the general forums and thought I'd post it here lest it be lost in the sea of suggestions for pets and vanities. [PvP] Allow the change of suits [..] View

***** to the Franken Chopper

1:32 pm, June 19, 2015 Haven't purchased it myself, yet. My understanding is that the bike also provides sprints V and VI. Why would someone use Sprint V if they are also provided Sprint VI simultaneously? Also, is the [..] View

The Case against the Battlegroup Merge

12:32 am, June 11, 2015 I'm starting a new thread since mattman1995 asked that the pro-merge petition thread not include anti-merge sentiment. The ostensible goal for the pro-merge forces is that a merged Fusang will have a [..] View

PvP Rewards (ED vs SH)

11:32 pm, March 14, 2015 So I wanted to discuss a bit about PvP rewards because I think there is a very clear imbalance in rewards that is causing problems in queue (Specifically for SH) To do this, I am going to make some ed [..] View

TSW PvP: What it Could Be

11:32 pm, January 12, 2015 WARNING: Wall of Text. Very opinionated. You may agree. You may disagree. Voice your opinions, but do so politely. This is not a suggestion so much as a topic of discussion. Thanks. I'm not here to t [..] View

Time to learn this properly

11:32 pm, November 5, 2014 Hi I love the complexity and depth of TSW (In addition to the moods, storyline, sounds(which is very important to me)) etc. (Look at me, rambling already :-p )https://chronicle.thesecretworld.c [..] View

Request to change PvP uniforms in SH matches

12:32 am, October 9, 2014 This has been something that has been requested previously, though it annoys me by far the most in SH, where the recent event only highlighted this annoyance even more for me. :rolleyes: A premade h [..] View

As Seven Days comes close to an end

1:32 pm, October 4, 2014 *warning: it's me (i.e. loooooong) *The light is subdued on the stage, the band; bleery eyed and exhausted raise their instruments and begin to play as the man makes his way to the microphone. Blue [..] View

for all PVPers in BG-B/ EL-D

12:32 am, September 26, 2014 This morning one of my cabal members ( gromgat ) passed away, His son killer fx is also in my cabal , so for the sake of decency and respect I ask any pvpers who use those 2 zones where killer fx goe [..] View

What the hell is Stonehenge!?!? (FAQ's about Stone)

12:32 am, September 21, 2014 ***Under construction, please be patient as we build this out**** Greetings and Salutations Secret Worlders!!! With the upcoming Seven Days of Stonehenge event ( [..] View


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