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Latest Comments
Guest 4:16 am, May 4, 2017 0
interesting idea but sadly they probably wouldn't see it on here
Guest 7:57 am, May 3, 2017 2
would be nice if they added a dueling system for PvP players like where people in open world could watch like in agartha or even eventually add a open world PvP system with scaling and having safe zones or just simply make it so you can toggle open world PvP off and on or they could create a whole entire map that is completely for open world PvP with PvP missions/story driven PvP quests for your faction example like how Tokyo is completely for PvE idk how some people would like that but it's just a cool idea in my opinion I find there isn't enough competitiveness for factions currently almost so that PvP can seem irrelevant because everything PvP related is just contained inside almost in a separate thing from the important parts of the game in places like Shambala or in other que maps hope someone important for the game takes this into consideration or at least looks at it
Guest 5:44 pm, August 18, 2015 0
Hmm. Not used to seeing it be concentrated in quite the way you post here, but I do get lag spikes in this game pretty regularly. It is the one game I play where I will literally watch my frame rate go from 60 to 90 to 12 in the space of maybe five or 10 seconds. And on rarer occasions, it may just lock up or crash. I think it is just endemic to the game's performance. I don't think there is a lot you can do about it, though if you look for the forum posts that gave advice on reducing lag during the Golem events, some of those suggestions might just help with lag in general.
Guest 10:43 am, August 18, 2015 0
Pen rating is better than crit because 1) pen counteract enemy block on top of adding damage, crit counters nothing. 2) crit is divided in two stats and would require a greater amount of secondary stats to be as good as pen than we have available 3) It actually make more sense: FF makes your pen rating irrelevant on your strongest attack, and since you have a lot of pen rating, EF is better to use. All that being said, your build is interesting. I think the selection of passive is pretty much perfect (closer might be a contender with 5 consumer for 4 builder per rotation but I think that you're right by picking sudden return over it especially with the multihit builder)