11:32 pm, February 20, 2018
Hi everyone,
Sunday, 25 February, 20h to midnight Paris (utc+1) a mini PvP event will take place in Fusang + Stonehenge. Only one restriction will be applied: no nightmare raid item allowed.
Every p [..]
1:32 pm, March 30, 2017
LoneMonkey - Templar
Bom-bay - Illuminati
The choice is a difficult one, only one out of these two will cross the rainbow bridge into the New New NSFTSW game, i care for both toons and their respec [..]
11:32 pm, March 10, 2017
The goal of this thread is to provide a short guide on how to gear for PVE in the beginning of endgame, before getting to aegis content, without using too many Mark of the Pantheon, Black Bullions and [..]
11:32 pm, December 29, 2016
I'm a returning player after about 1,5 years break from the game. Back then I just manage to get to the Savage Coast, now I am far more advanced. I got a pretty solid grip on stuff by now, thanks to g [..]
12:32 pm, December 6, 2016
i just raised my talisam skills to 11 because i had the extra points. i had assumed the "understanding equal footing" thread was oudated, having the cap of resists before other stats were [..]
11:32 pm, December 4, 2016
So this is the build that I'm working on for dungeon running and this is what I've come up with so far in TSW Calc. I dunno if I had to pick and choose between certain stats or if it was possible for [..]
12:32 pm, November 2, 2016
I'm a new player to TSW and I absolutely love it. However I feel like I'm being held back by the lack of information about builds and decks that are available these days.
To be honest TSW is a fanta [..]
12:32 am, August 17, 2016
I choose Blade/AR combination for soloing, using this build "Modern Samurai" http://www.tswdb.com/builds/beginner...modern-samurai. My question is, how can I improve it? I've already [..]
12:32 am, July 1, 2016
Hi all, so, I need help! A word of forewarning: I will not know the acronyms of abilities, or their effects, off by heart.
I'm using AR/Shotgun combo, and usually play through content with only my par [..]
11:32 pm, February 4, 2016
I never know what best suits my play style in any game, so I typically try out a bunch of weapons, pick what I like the look/feel of the best, and choose a bunch of skills that help me **** monsters t [..]
11:32 pm, January 29, 2016
With TSWDB about to close down, I figured I could repost the deck I am most happy with having created. It's a dual-builder, AEGIS-blasting, survival deck for Kaidan. There is not one thing that [..]
12:32 pm, January 24, 2016
Hi, I'm fairly new to this exciting game… love it so far and I am eager to go on. I have 'sortof' finished Kingsmouth and have begun Savage Coast. I am a mostly QL3 Blade/AR abilities build [..]
12:32 am, September 15, 2015
The fuse-tank
Mysteries about high efficiency – unveiled!
Hey guys,
ever wondered why there are tanks with an elemental focus in their off-hand?
Ever wondered why there are groups able to ** [..]
12:32 am, September 14, 2015
The places you choose to put the relics are ****. The anima form invulnerability buff you gain when respawning means enemies can just waltz onto your relic and start spamming CC. Please put your relic [..]
1:32 pm, September 12, 2015
While not an expert by any means, I have been thinking for quite a while about how to level a character fast, or at least easier. Some of these suggestions will need a friend to work with, maybe two [..]
12:32 am, September 3, 2015
I posted this in the official suggestion box thread on the general forums and thought I'd post it here lest it be lost in the sea of suggestions for pets and vanities.
[PvP] Allow the change of suits [..]
12:32 am, June 11, 2015
I'm starting a new thread since mattman1995 asked that the pro-merge petition thread not include anti-merge sentiment.
The ostensible goal for the pro-merge forces is that a merged Fusang will have a [..]
1:32 pm, April 17, 2015
(Skip to next set of parenthesis if the intro is TL;DR for you)
Lights flash from the stage and violins begin to play; a deep, smooth voice speaks into the concert hall:
"This announcement, rig [..]
12:32 am, April 1, 2015
hello we are 3 new euro players planning on doing only pvp on that game.
could you recommend the best faction/server to have the less queue wait time?
is it still posible to pvp at any time of the da [..]
11:32 pm, March 11, 2015
* Fast travel has been added to the map UI.
* Using /reset now automatically resurrects you at the closest anima well.Tilty says...
In order to make travelling through the bigger playfields ea [..]
12:32 pm, February 1, 2015
Hey guys,
I've been thinking about writing this guide for a year or so now....now that I have comfortably perfected the art of bursting, I'd like to share my insight.
Stage One: &q [..]
12:32 pm, January 20, 2015
I am a returning player that can't decide on what to choose to go with pistols (I started with pistols and I am really enjoying them). Atm I am trying to decide between whether to use assault rifle or [..]
12:32 pm, January 12, 2015
This is what I want to see in a TSW PvP arena system so I can link this thread into the suggestion box.Why Arenas?
There are many good reasons to consider arenas in TSW. In bullet form:The deep skill [..]
11:32 pm, December 28, 2014
The Templar heal suit is an angry bird.
The raid window is for more than just seeing who is in your raid.
Healers play a mini-game of hide and seek as depleting green bars in your raid window do not m [..]
11:32 pm, December 10, 2014
Ok so ED is flawed in so many ways, it was a valiant effort but 2 years down the line I think its time to call it.
I propose the following:
Let Dragons (the guardians of balance whom work in mysteri [..]
12:32 pm, October 31, 2014
So, I'm starting this game back up again after nearly a year (just in time for Samhain). I started out as Blade/Fist and switched to Blade/AR to get some range/pull. I also got a Quantum Brace (beca [..]
1:32 pm, October 4, 2014
*warning: it's me (i.e. loooooong)
*The light is subdued on the stage, the band; bleery eyed and exhausted raise their instruments and begin to play as the man makes his way to the microphone. Blue [..]
2:33 am, August 26, 2014
So ive got about 10.4 days played. In that time i have been beat up, set on fire, had bombs explode on me, undead try to drain my life away, spoken with watchers, been to hell, all through it all i [..]
2:33 am, August 26, 2014
everyone probably remembers the old town on the 2nd transsylvania map. iazumwhatever...
the one with the green forcefield door.
i been running thru it lately a lot, if the collapsed houses would off [..]