The Secret World

A Secret World Fan Site




Against Signet of Insurance

1:32 pm, October 14, 2016 To me, this particular signet works in a very weird way. The game has no "counter" to debuffs: if I corrupt you, there's no ability that reflects that corrupt back on to me. If I afflict you [..] View

You **** at PvP (Basic guide)

12:32 am, August 16, 2016 You do, you're awful. Thankfully, this can be rectified. In fact, there are a couple of really easy steps that will put you right on track to gitting gud and none of them have anything to do with your [..] View

Fusang Decision Making for Noobs

1:32 pm, August 12, 2016 Tossed this flowchart together to keep it as simple as possible, please give any feedback or additional tips you'd like new players to see in this thread. I made this [..] View

El Dorado is the worst designed PvP map in any MMORPG ever.

12:32 am, July 6, 2016 Now the title might sound like hyperbole, but I honestly think that in 18 years of playing various MMOs I've never come across anything worse than this. Let me explain: The whole idea of creating a co [..] View

Albyrs Nightmare-Dungeon DPS Decks

12:32 am, July 2, 2016 Hi there Traveler, this is my first TSW-Guide, however its not my first Build-Guide. I'm a passionated MMO-Nerd but not a "hardcore Theorycrafter". This guide is not for those of us who a [..] View

Update 1.15 announcement

12:32 am, June 16, 2016 Since I know many of our PvP'ers only peruse this forurm, I wanted to point out the Game Update 1.15.5 announcement. Of particular note: The Elite ability revamp - including an interesting "Vulne [..] View

The curves of TSW

1:32 pm, June 15, 2016 Since I’ve posted a few curve fittings to some of the known rating to chance formulae in the game, I figured it might not be a bad idea to put them all in one thread. It will also be easier [..] View

The Fourth of Fusang

12:32 am, June 13, 2016 On the Fourth of July Weekend, from Friday, July 1st until Monday, July Fourth we will be celebrating the upcoming Fusang revamp by capturing and holding facilities in the Fusang Projects. Project Co [..] View

Signet of *****'s Note

12:32 am, April 22, 2016 Just putting these out here as I was trying it: Signet of *****'s Note When you hit a target apply a detrimental effect for 5 seconds which causes them to take an additional 150/300/450 physical dama [..] View

Lotiz's Legendary Guide to Being a PvP Legend

1:32 pm, April 16, 2016 Before reading this post, take a moment of silence to appreciate how amazing Lotiz (me) is at pvp. Once you have reflected on this, you may continue to read what I presume will make you the second bes [..] View

List of All New Signets in 1.13.2

12:32 pm, February 3, 2016 I think this is all of them. Let me know if anything is incorrect or missing.Weapon/Head Signets Signet of Blessed Steps Effect: Whenever you apply a barrier effect to an ally, that ally gains a be [..] View

Let the ARs reign of terror continue

11:32 pm, January 13, 2016 Oh, NO! Todays patch ****** Anima Shot? I guess people will stop using AR now, or will they? Have fun nerfing Funcom :D Here some ideas for replacement builds. I'm reconstructing those builds from [..] View

Woodcutter Builds

11:32 pm, October 29, 2015 Hey people just thought the new Woodcutter's Talismans were a pretty cool addition to the game and I love additional effects that add to build diversity. I haven't seen this really talked about yet so [..] View

Extra Life 2015- Play games, Heal kids!

12:32 am, October 22, 2015 This year, we asked you- the community- to share with us your teams for Extra Life, which happens on November 7th this year. Some teams are streaming 24 hours, some only when they can. No matter whe [..] View

Why does everyone think they are too important to pick up their faction relic in ED?

12:32 am, October 13, 2015 Rant on Seriously, a full raid with 4 tank suits and one healer, and everyone runs Center without saying anything, leaving, forcing your only healer to go pick the faction relic? That is not a wisedec [..] View

Yet another dumb suggestion from yours truly.

1:32 pm, October 4, 2015 So we all agree Fusang is actual garbage right? If anyone likes the current version of Fusang i will be very surprised and should speak out now. I'm not going to outline the points of why the current [..] View

Blood/Rifle deck for NMs/Raids

1:32 pm, September 29, 2015 Hey there guys! I've been trying for a while to get a blood deck working to it's full potential, while still being viable for NY. I think now that I've found a reasonably simple deck and rotation whi [..] View

A short guide to defensive targeting in PvP

12:32 am, September 29, 2015 Having a defensive target selected will Highlight that player and makes it easier for you to track their movements and actions, and it comes with pretty much no downside. Forgoing this additional Info [..] View

[Fuse-tank] Guide about high efficiency tanking

12:32 am, September 15, 2015 The fuse-tank Mysteries about high efficiency – unveiled! Hey guys, ever wondered why there are tanks with an elemental focus in their off-hand? Ever wondered why there are groups able to ** [..] View

Leechtanking NM Scenarios

1:32 pm, September 13, 2015 Sorry, the topic is kinda "misleading" - of course it's for Group Nightmare Scenarios! So: Here comes another deck. I actually developed this deck before I made the Stunner Build to farm Gro [..] View

"If tanking was eaiser, more people would do it."

12:32 am, September 11, 2015 A quote I heard from a player in a failing NY Raid Now as far as I am concerned, Tanking is both fun & easy, IF you put the effort into it, and this is not an unknown issue in the game, peopl [..] View

Guide for Non-Healers in Fusang

1:32 pm, July 2, 2015 Finally! It is done! I managed to build my first QL10.4 talisman set. To celebrate this event I give you myGuide for Non-Healers in Fusang If you ever wanted to know how to play with a healer in Fusa [..] View

PvP Fusang in TSW what is the point?

1:32 pm, June 4, 2015 Not too long ago I would not have asked this question, but my eyes have been recently opened. Play in Fusang for any length of time and the illusions of PvP peel away, one stinking onion layer at a t [..] View

Update Notes Enhanced Player Experience: Game Update 1.11

11:32 pm, March 11, 2015 GENERAL * Fast travel has been added to the map UI. * Using /reset now automatically resurrects you at the closest anima well.Tilty says... In order to make travelling through the bigger playfields ea [..] View

PvP Tips and Tricks (For New PvPers)

12:32 pm, February 7, 2015 Here are some random tips and tricks I thought would help new players in the PvP world of TSW. As someone who was once new to PvP, I found these methods helpful in coping with the challenges of being [..] View

How I Beat the Gatekeeper (DPS) w/Elemental Blade

11:32 pm, February 4, 2015 I just beat the Golden Boy!!!! Here is my build Actives Magnetic Wipe Double Dash Ignite Blaze Bamboo Cutter Clearing the Path Anima Charge Whip It Good Passives Sharp Blades Elemental Pr [..] View

DPS|Disty's Ultimate Burst Guide [Work in Progress]

12:32 pm, February 1, 2015 Hey guys, I've been thinking about writing this guide for a year or so that I have comfortably perfected the art of bursting, I'd like to share my insight. Stage One: &q [..] View

A Reference Manual for Healing

11:32 pm, January 26, 2015 The many forms healing manifests in the Secret World, as in damage and in mitigation, appear simple until you begin asking questions. Curiosity has led me to many wonders over the years, marked more b [..] View

Survivor healing build

12:32 pm, November 15, 2014 They will survive! Weapons: fist - Cost: 583 AP (Link to Deck)Actives 1. Shelter 2. Blast of Light 3. Nurture 4. Creature Comfort 5. Cauterise 6. Surgical Steel 7. ClawPassives 1. Nurturing [..] View

Extra-Life 2014!

12:32 am, October 17, 2014 Hi everyone! Once again, it's time for the Extra Life event! Funcom is back and ready to play this year, and I hope you are too! Just like last year, we are excited to welcome returning and new p [..] View

Research It Yourself

12:32 am, October 11, 2014 Hello, Builds & Decks A couple of years back I hobbycoded a parser to fit my data extracting needs for TSW combat logs. It's that time of the year again, I went back to it, rejoiced at evades [..] View

Yobo’s Efficient Guide to NM DPS Gearing

12:32 am, September 24, 2014 Yobo’s Efficient Guide to NM DPS Gearing We’ve had a share of questions on this forum asking for advice on gearing up. So I figured it could be useful to have a guide to refer peo [..] View

The Cleaner v2 [Scenario Deck Tank + Solo]

1:32 pm, August 31, 2014 Hey guys, after playing around with some new decks, I decided to share my deck which I use at the moment for soloing group elite scenarios and for tanking group nightmare scenarios 2-manning. The de [..] View

Top Scenario Ranged DPS Builds

12:32 am, August 30, 2014 I get asked sometimes about scenario builds, so here are the ones I'm using. They are the most up to date ones so supersede any of my previous guides/posts. I call them "top" scenario DPS bu [..] View

Procrastination Time!

2:33 am, August 26, 2014 I decided to take a break from packing, because moving sucks, because packing sucks... so bear the loins of my fruity boredom! (wait...what?) This [..] View


Research It Yourself

Dec 27, 2014, 7:41 pm Hello, Builds & Decks A couple of years back I hobbycoded a parser to fit my data extracting needs for TSW combat logs. It's that time of the year again, I went back to it, rejoiced at evades add[..] View

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