11:32 pm, November 7, 2016
Next deck - chaos/blade tank or something else
Hi guys,
I'm very satisfied with my current build for solo (except the quantum brace, but tbh it's the only Aux I have right now so it'll do).
Now, I started a chaos/blade tank deck because I randomly stumbled upon a guide for this. What I didn't pay attention to is the fact that the guide is 4 years old, so not sure how great Chaos/Blade is right now for tanking.
I already invested a considerable amount of points into that, so I need to know if it's good or I just wasted the AP and, more importantly the SP (as I invested up to 9 in Chaos survivability and 8 in Blade surv, having the damage full in Blade already) xD.
I have all the abilities in my inner circle; tank-related, I have up to Fuel to the Fire in Turbulence, Inevitability in Building Blocks (Chaos 2), Perseverance in The Cutting Artist (Blades 2).
I also spent points in Blood 2 (more than I should have, but whatever).
Here's a screenshot of my ring right now - http://prntscr.com/d4c36q
Do you think I would be better off going for a blood healing build or continuing to finish my tank build?
I'm very satisfied with my current build for solo (except the quantum brace, but tbh it's the only Aux I have right now so it'll do).
Now, I started a chaos/blade tank deck because I randomly stumbled upon a guide for this. What I didn't pay attention to is the fact that the guide is 4 years old, so not sure how great Chaos/Blade is right now for tanking.
I already invested a considerable amount of points into that, so I need to know if it's good or I just wasted the AP and, more importantly the SP (as I invested up to 9 in Chaos survivability and 8 in Blade surv, having the damage full in Blade already) xD.
I have all the abilities in my inner circle; tank-related, I have up to Fuel to the Fire in Turbulence, Inevitability in Building Blocks (Chaos 2), Perseverance in The Cutting Artist (Blades 2).
I also spent points in Blood 2 (more than I should have, but whatever).
Here's a screenshot of my ring right now - http://prntscr.com/d4c36q
Do you think I would be better off going for a blood healing build or continuing to finish my tank build?