11:32 pm, December 19, 2016
NM Raid Talismans PVP Analysis Especially In Regard to ED
El Dorado in it's current state is not working at all as intended. Literally if a team has 2 semi decent tanks and manages to get 2 relics while others have 1 each or non so that they get a point lead. There is no changing that outcome 99 times out of 100. Tanks that stack 100% mitigation gear and have shiny signets and such become unkillable with heals. And if you manage to really really focus one of them and get them down. Their other tank is still up with 100% health and the other guy will be back in 10-15 seconds. When Mags said they were adding a periodic purge to relics I thought great that will actually probably work! Because I thought what he meant was it would be like a Hard Reset purge without the continuing purge aspect. Meaning it would knock every buff of the players within the vicinity of the relics maybe once every 10 seconds or so.
Which would ideally make it much harder for them to keep all their mitigation up consistently. But instead how it was implemented was it purges 1 buff every 3-4 seconds depending on how many relics you own there. But 1 buff out of the 20+ buffs a decent tank has running on them at a time is literally nothing. Especially considering if it so happens to purge an insurance signet's preliminary buff it actually procs it and you get the evade and glance buff making you more tanky not less. I am a huge fan of the Insurance signet unlike many on the forums but a mechanic that is meant to make them reasonably killable not less killable shouldn't proc that signet.
Now with the addition of the some of the NM raid talismans and more people getting them who PVP it has both made this issue worse in terms of unkillable tanks but other talismans have made dps and healers die stupidly quickly again if you get lucky procs. The Eidolon NM heal head "Blood of the Deep One King" adds your Critical Rating/2.5 to all 3 main defensive stats with no real downtime. That means someone who specs to optimize it which anyone who has it will if they're doing NM raids. Is adding at the very very least 1500 combined stat points but up to like 2700 stat points. Which more than doubles what you can get from even ql11 glyphs alone. Now in terms of the DPS head from Eidolon NM "Dust of the Black Pharaoh" Whenever you critically hit there is a 20% chance you deal an additional hit for 100% of the damage dealt. This is both ridiculous in PVP and PVE. You hit a molten steel for maybe 6k damage in PVP but then suddenly it did 12k? Oh damn that sucks your dps just got 1 shot.
In PVE it turns a 50k hit of Powerline into a 100k hit? Welp there went the bosses HP. While I am all for these items to be extremely sought after and powerful for 1 they shouldn't trivialize the PVE content that drops them. For two they shouldn't break PVP. For instance the heal head Deep One King is used by NM raid groups so that Flappy NM can be done with 1 tank instead of the supposedly required 2 tanks. Because you literally evade and glance so many of the hits when it's the opposite color of your shield that you can be healed through it.
So my suggestions: Dust of the Black Pharaoh should have a 20% chance to do an additional hit for 50% of the damage dealt. Deep One King should have dimensioning returns the more critical rating you have meaning the higher your crit it doesn't still just divide it by 2.5 it starts giving less returns. And lastly in ED make the relic purge like a Hard Reset purge and maybe even have it keep them purged for 3 seconds like HR but 3 instead of 8 like an actual HR. I understand PVEers may not like what I have proposed but the hardest content in the game is being trivialized by this gear. So there has to be some give and take in terms of a compromise solution. Hopefully the Development Team sees this and acts quickly instead of postponing any potential change to just be part of the "large 2017 update" as that is way to far off. Let us know you hear us and figure out a solution soonTM!
Which would ideally make it much harder for them to keep all their mitigation up consistently. But instead how it was implemented was it purges 1 buff every 3-4 seconds depending on how many relics you own there. But 1 buff out of the 20+ buffs a decent tank has running on them at a time is literally nothing. Especially considering if it so happens to purge an insurance signet's preliminary buff it actually procs it and you get the evade and glance buff making you more tanky not less. I am a huge fan of the Insurance signet unlike many on the forums but a mechanic that is meant to make them reasonably killable not less killable shouldn't proc that signet.
Now with the addition of the some of the NM raid talismans and more people getting them who PVP it has both made this issue worse in terms of unkillable tanks but other talismans have made dps and healers die stupidly quickly again if you get lucky procs. The Eidolon NM heal head "Blood of the Deep One King" adds your Critical Rating/2.5 to all 3 main defensive stats with no real downtime. That means someone who specs to optimize it which anyone who has it will if they're doing NM raids. Is adding at the very very least 1500 combined stat points but up to like 2700 stat points. Which more than doubles what you can get from even ql11 glyphs alone. Now in terms of the DPS head from Eidolon NM "Dust of the Black Pharaoh" Whenever you critically hit there is a 20% chance you deal an additional hit for 100% of the damage dealt. This is both ridiculous in PVP and PVE. You hit a molten steel for maybe 6k damage in PVP but then suddenly it did 12k? Oh damn that sucks your dps just got 1 shot.
In PVE it turns a 50k hit of Powerline into a 100k hit? Welp there went the bosses HP. While I am all for these items to be extremely sought after and powerful for 1 they shouldn't trivialize the PVE content that drops them. For two they shouldn't break PVP. For instance the heal head Deep One King is used by NM raid groups so that Flappy NM can be done with 1 tank instead of the supposedly required 2 tanks. Because you literally evade and glance so many of the hits when it's the opposite color of your shield that you can be healed through it.
So my suggestions: Dust of the Black Pharaoh should have a 20% chance to do an additional hit for 50% of the damage dealt. Deep One King should have dimensioning returns the more critical rating you have meaning the higher your crit it doesn't still just divide it by 2.5 it starts giving less returns. And lastly in ED make the relic purge like a Hard Reset purge and maybe even have it keep them purged for 3 seconds like HR but 3 instead of 8 like an actual HR. I understand PVEers may not like what I have proposed but the hardest content in the game is being trivialized by this gear. So there has to be some give and take in terms of a compromise solution. Hopefully the Development Team sees this and acts quickly instead of postponing any potential change to just be part of the "large 2017 update" as that is way to far off. Let us know you hear us and figure out a solution soonTM!